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Amine, independent researcher (Montréal). 


The preface 

This book «Mathematical interpretation of the holy Quran Volume 3» is the continuation of the 
volume 1 and volume 2 released in 2020. Anyone who is serious about learning the scientific 
aspects of the amazing book «Quran», has to read all my three books because they form together 
a whole series and this series is actually a link in a larger chain of Quran interpretation books 
written by thousands of islamic scholars. I would like to name my books «The Trio-logy of 
mathematical interpretation of the holy Quran». 

The book in your hands now either on your cell phone or on your tablet is a good company for 
any personality that believes religion is a science and not an oxymoron. This book will prove to 
you that religion, deeply studied, is never a true myth but is a true science. It's true that 
oxymorons speeches are used for a variety of purposes, sometimes they're used to create a little 
bit of drama for the reader; sometimes they're used to make a person stop and think, whether 
that's to laugh or to wonder; but my purpose of the book is to make you stop and think by 
uncovering the truth that religion is a science and could be the source of all branches of science. 

Surah Al-Alaq in verses 1-5 recall us that religion is the mother of science: 

DAE مِنْ‎ Gat GEGE الذي‎ a eo افر‎ 
(Oi d الإنسان ما‎ ele (A ell dle. sali e SS a5 Io 
1-"Recite in the name of your Lord who created, 
2-"Created man from a clinging substance, 
3-"Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous, 
4-"Who taught by the pen, 
5-"Taught man that which he knew not." 

The notion that science and religion are inherently at war with one another is an idea that 
emerged because of the religious unseen «cll». 

When historians of science and religion write about the "conflict thesis," what are they talking 
about? Historians usually trace the origins of the conflict thesis- the notion that science and 
religion are fundamentally and irrevocably at *war'— to the late nineteenth century, specifically 
among Anglo-American writers. For instance, many scholars point to the scientific naturalists, a 
Victorian coterie made up of biologist Thomas H. Huxley (1828-1895), physicist John Tyndall 
(1820-1893), and evolutionary philosopher Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), among others, who 
supposedly employed conflict thesis in their attempt to professionalize and secularize the 
sciences. More specifically, historians look to John William Draper (1811-1882) History of the 
Conflict between Religion and Science (1874) and Andrew Dickson White's (1832-1918) A 


History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896) as central historical 
narratives promulgating the belief that science and religion have been and always will be at odds. 

There is a great deal of truth in these accusations. Indeed, Huxley once declared that 
"extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science as the strangled snakes beside that 
of Hercules." He believed that history demonstrated that “whenever science and orthodoxy have 
been fairly opposed, the latter has been forced to retire from the lists, bleeding and crushed if not 
annihilated; scotched, if not slain." The historical record proved, he asserted, that as natural 
knowledge increased, belief in the supernatural decreased. According to Huxley, no one should 
“imagine he is, or can be, both a true son of the Church and a loyal soldier of science." 

But the story is a bit more complicated, and we are only now beginning to recognize that many 
of the accused did not, in fact, envision a conflict between science and religion. The reasons why 
scholars have incorrectly located the origins of the conflict thesis is itself a complicated story, but 
here it is enough to make a few observations. First, we must appreciate the wider religious 
context in which such historical narratives appeared. Advances in the natural and historical 
sciences, whether intentional or not, seemed to many a direct assault on orthodox Christian 
belief. Debates about the character of religion raged both inside and outside the church during 
the nineteenth century, and out of these debates emerged new ways of thinking about God, the 
nature of Christianity, and the historical Jesus peace upon him. In short, the nineteenth century 
witnessed an evolution of Christian expression born out of this process. 

Secondly, while this new expression of Christianity was deeply contested, many men and women 
in the nineteenth century believed that the reconciliation of science and religion depended on it. 
Significantly, those who promoted a more diffusive version Christianity at the end of the century 
turned the term "theology" into a pejorative. By contrasting the idea of a free, progressive 
scientific inquiry against the authoritative, reactionary methods of theology, many intellectuals 
imagined dogma as the obstacle of modern thought, not faith. Thus “conflict” occurred, they 
believed, not between scientific truth and religious truth, but between contesting theological 

The scientific naturalists Huxley, Tyndall, Spencer, and even Draper and White, all made just 
such a distinction between theology and religion. What enabled them to make such distinctions 
were the changes in religious thought that occurred during the century. Draper, for example, 
argued in his History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, which was published in 1863, 
that Christianity had been “paganized” under Emperor Constantine. Interestingly, he believed 
that early Christianity was a gift of God whereas ecclesiastical organizations were the product of 
human invention. By the fourteenth century, he complained, *God had altogether disappeared." 


With the paganization of Christianity, Draper argued, came what he called the “tyranny of 
theology over thought.” He declared that those “who had known what religion was in the 
apostolic days, might look with boundless surprise on what was now ingrafted upon it, and was 
passing under its name." Even his notorious History of the Conflict, under closer inspection, 
continues to make such distinctions, as when he argued that he would only consider the 
“orthodox” or “extremist” position, and not the moderate ones. 

White shared much of the same sentiments. By separating religion from theology, White could 
denounce that the “most mistaken of all mistaken ideas” was the “conviction that religion and 
science are enemies." While science has conquered “dogmatic theology,” he argued, it will “go 
hand in hand with Religion." For White, science was an aid to religion, encouraging its “steady 
evolution" into more purified forms. 

White also believed that Jesus peace upon him had preached a pure and undefiled religion, and 
that the present conflict “was the fault of that short-sighted linking of theological dogmas to 
scriptural text which, in utter defiance of the words and works of the Blessed Founder of 
Christianity, narrow-minded, loud-voiced men are prone to substitute for religion.” In his 
Autobiography, White concluded that history had demonstrated that “while the simple religion of 
the Blessed Founder of Christianity has gone on through the ages producing the noblest growths 
of faith, hope, and charity, many of the beliefs insisted upon within the church as necessary to 
salvation were survivals of primeval superstition, or evolved in obedience to pagan environment 
or Jewish habits of through or Greek metaphysics or medieval interpolations in our sacred 

In short, Draper, White, and the scientific naturalists did not see the conflict as one between 
science and religion but between “dogmatic theology and science.” More precisely still, the 
conflict was between contending theological traditions. They believed that theology was not only 
in conflict with science but also with religion. 

Many Muslims agree that doing science is an act of religious merit, even a collective duty of the 
Muslim community. According to M. Shamsher Ali, there are around 750 verses in the Quran 
dealing with natural phenomena. According to the Encyclopedia of the Quran, many verses of 
the Quran ask mankind to study nature, and this has been interpreted to mean an encouragement 
for scientific inquiry, and the investigation of the truth. Some include, “Travel throughout the 
earth and see how He brings life into being” (verse 20 of surah Al-Ankabut), “Behold in the 
creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs 
for men of understanding ..." (verse 190 of surah Ali-Imraan). 


Historical Islamic scientists like Al-Biruni and Al-Battani derived their inspiration from verses of 
the Quran. Mohammad Hashim Kamali has stated that "scientific observation, experimental 
knowledge and rationality" are the primary tools with which humanity can achieve the goals laid 
out for it in the Quran. Ziauddin Sardar argues that Muslims developed the foundations of 
modern science, by "highlighting the repeated calls of the Quran to observe and reflect upon 
natural phenomena". 

The physicist Abdus Salam believed there is no contradiction between Islam and the discoveries 
that science allows humanity to make about nature and the universe; and that the Quran and the 
Islamic spirit of study and rational reflection was the source of extraordinary civilizational 
development. Salam highlights, in particular, the work of Ibn al-Haytham and Al-Biruni as the 
pioneers of empiricism who introduced the experimental approach, breaking away from 
Aristotle's influence, and thus giving birth to modern science. Salam differentiated between 
metaphysics and physics, and advised against empirically probing certain matters on which 
"physics is silent and will remain so," such as the doctrine of "creation from nothing" which in 
Salam's view is outside the limits of science and thus "gives way" to religious considerations. 

Islam has its own world view system including beliefs about "ultimate reality, epistemology, 
ontology, ethics, purpose, etc." according to Mehdi Golshani. 

Toshihiko Izutsu writes that in Islam, nature is not seen as something separate but as an integral 
part of a holistic outlook on God, humanity, the world and the cosmos. These links imply a 
sacred aspect to Muslims' pursuit of scientific knowledge, as nature itself is viewed in the Quran 
as a compilation of signs pointing to the Divine. It was with this understanding that the pursuit of 
science, especially prior to the colonization of the Muslim world, was respected in Islamic 

In my view what could cause a difficulty between science and religion is the concept of 
"Al-Ghaib". The Al-Ghaib is an Arabic expression used to convey that something is concealed 
(unseen). It is an important concept in Islam, encompassing not only the realm of the divine, 
including angels, paradise, and hell, but also future events, which only God know. In the Quran it 
has 6 forms and 3 meanings. But it can also be used in a general sense to refer to something that 
is known to some but concealed from others. 

In the Islamic context, al-Ghaib refers to transcendental or divine secrets. It is mentioned in sixty 
different places in the Quran, in six different forms. It has three primary meanings: 

1. Absent — “That is so al-'Azeez will know that I did not betray him in [his] absence and 
that Allah does not guide the plan of betrayers.” (surah yusuf verse 52); 

(52) الْخَائنينَ‎ SS لا يَهْدِي‎ ail Gly caso A I ang ذلك‎ 

2. The Unknown or Hidden - “[Allah is] Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the 
Grand, the Exalted." (surah Ar-ra'd verse 9); 
(9) Juli الْكَبِيرُ‎ sigi الْعَيْب‎ alle 

3. The Future — “Say, "I hold not for myself [the power of] benefit or harm, except what 
Allah has willed. And if I knew the unseen, I could have acquired much wealth, and no 
harm would have touched me. I am not except a warner and a bringer of good tidings to a 
people who believe." ” (surah Al-A'raaf verse 188) . 


(188) وَبَشِيرٌ لَقَوْم يُؤْمُِونَ‎ 
There are two types of Ghaib: 

1. Al-Ghaib al-Mutlaq (الغيب المطلق)‎ - Absolute Ghaib refers to all knowledge that is unseen or 

concealed and is only known to Allah. As stated in the Quran: *And with Him are the keys of the 

Ghayb (all that is hidden), none knows them but He..." (surah Al-An'am verse 59). 

Y5 oaii في ظلْمَات‎ is Y 5 Kali Y] 3355 من‎ lan 5" Sally Sal) مَا في‎ i35" oh V] الْعَيْبِ لا يَعْلَمْهَا‎ caia وَعِندَهُ‎ 
(59) case s يبس إلا في‎ Ys thy 

Examples of this form of Ghaib are illustrated in the narrations of the prophet Muhammad peace 

upon him : It is narrated that Abdullah bin ‘Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said: «The 

Keys of the Ghaib (unseen knowledge) are five, nobody knows them but Allah. Nobody knows 

what will happen tomorrow except Allah; nobody knows what is in the womb except Allah; 

nobody knows when it will rain except Allah; no soul knows at what place he will die except 
Allah; and nobody knows when the Final Hour will begin except Allah.» 

«مفاتيحٌ الغيب حَمْسٌ لا يعلَّمُها إلا الله : لا Zia‏ ما تغيضُ الأرحام SR‏ إلا الله ولا ما في a8‏ إلا الله ولا dius‏ متى يأتي dal‏ إلا 

الل ولا تدري نفس بأيّ أرض تموثٹ ولا ales‏ متى تقوم Asi AE LI‏ إلا الل 

الراوي : عبدالله بن عمر | المحدث : ابن حبان | المصدر : صحيح ابن حبان 

الصفحة أو الرقم: 71 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : أخرجه في صحيحه 

2. Al-Ghaib al-Nisbi (الغيب النسبي)‎ - Relative Ghaib is proportionate to an individual and their 
situation; hence it is apparent to some while hidden from others. An example to illustrate this 
notion is that of a class in which the students can see the lecturer, hear the content of the lecture, 
and the conversations that take place in the classroom, while those outside are unaware of the 
occurrences in the classroom. 


For a long time scholars who invested in Quran interpretation have classified the verses that 
belong to the realm of the Al-Ghaib. The "Mugatta‘at" are some of them and are the most 
amazing one that have been too uncomprehended for 14 centuries. 

I consider these "Mugatta at" as a relative-Ghaib. With this book I tried by myself with all the 
modest knowledge that I have to uncover their meanings. You will see through this book that my 
mathematical and physical examination is very logical and can be the real truth that God wanted 
us to know after all these centuries of ignorance about these letters combinations. 

I wrote this book for God's sake, not looking for financial reward or notoriety, and publish it free 
of charge and the writer's rights reserved. This is my philosophy about science that has to be free 
for humans as many old islamic scholars were donating their knowledge free of charge in the 
medieval time. 

God's Messenger muhammad peace upon him said, allowed muslims to have financial reward by 
teaching science when he said "You are most entitled to take wages for doing a Ruqya with 
Allah's Book." 

«ail GUS Ia) عَلَيْهِ‎ SAS) Le Gal óp 

But I wanted my research to be free to make it accessible to the most possible of readers. I offer 
my effort as a gift to muslims in the month of Ramadan 2021 for the night of Qadr celebration 
hoping for acceptance from God. 

The introduction 

"Mugqatta at" is arabic word to designate the mysterious letters (muqatta' at, Arabic: auhi خُرُوف‎ 
hurüf muqatta'at, "disjoined letters" or "disconnected letters") are combinations of between one 
and five Arabic letters figuring at the beginning of 29 out of the 114 chapters (surahs) of the 
Quran just after the Bismillah Islamic phrase. The letters are also known as fawatih (zil 2) or 
"openers" as they form the opening verse of their respective surahs. 

Four surahs are named for their muqatta' at: Ta-Ha, Ya-Sin, Sad and Qaf . 

The original significance of the letters is unknown. Tafsir (exegesis) has interpreted them as 
abbreviations for either names or qualities of God or for the names or content of the respective 


Muqatta'at are in Surahs 23, 7, 10-15, 19-20, 26-32, 36, 38, 40-46, 50 and 68. The letters are 
written together like a word, but each letter is pronounced separately. The inventory is : 

Muqatta at inventory 

Order Surah Muqatta at 
3 Al-Baqarah Alif Lam Mim الى‎ 
2 Al-imreen Alif Lam Mim >” 
3 Al-Araar Alt Lam Mir Sad s=) 
4 Yunus Alt Lam Ra Ji 
5 Hud Alif Lam Ra jy 
6 Yusuf Alif Lam ضع‎ jı 
7 Ar-raad Alif Lam Mim RĀ s» 
8 Ibrahim Alf Lam Ra jl 
2 Al-Hijr Aif Lam RA J! 
10 Maryam Kar Ha Ya Ain Sad كييعس‎ 
11 Taha Ta Ha a 
12 asn-Snu ara Ta Sin Mim سلسم‎ 
13 An-Nami! Ta Sin سنس‎ 
14 Al-Qasas T8 Sin Mim —— 
15 ALAnkKabut Alif Lam Mim >’ 
16 Ar-Rum At Lam Mim الم‎ 
17 Luqman Alif Lam Mim الم‎ 
18 As-Sajdah Alif Lam Mim p" 
19 Ya Sin Ys Sin يس‎ 
20 Sod Şôd 
21 Ghafir Ha Mim حم‎ 
22 Fussilat Ha Mim حم‎ 
23 Ash-Shura Hā Mim; Ain Sin Qàf J—= حم‎ 
24 Az-Zukhuf Ha Mim حم‎ 
25 Al-Dukhan Ha Mim — 
26 Al-Jathiyea Ha Mim حم‎ 
27 AlL-Ahgqaf Ha Mim > 
28 Qar ear J 
29 Al-Qaiam Non ت‎ 

Some surahs have the same openers, so if we don't count the repetition we will have the 
following 14 combinations in this table classified with their equations/functions and meaning 
that we will be exploring together in this book. 

Letters combination Equation or function 

'Alif-Lam-MiQm (1,223,224) | 1) A = A e P994 (3x) -22 Exponential function for: 
224-1223 100 1) Usury growth 
2) A = A e 99B89 — (3x) 2 2) Population decay 
100 For Geedon development 

" Alif-Lam-Mim-Sód Exponential function for zakat 
(1,23,24,14) A= Age 299. (3xx) 22. growth for Geedon 
22+1-10=13 development 

' Alif Lam Rā (1,23,10) A = Ae 299 + (3x) 2 Exponential function for 
24-13-59 provision growth 
For Geedon development 

"Alif-Lam-Mim-Rà Exponential function for 
(1,23,24,10) A= Aef? + (3xx) —22. donation growth for Geedon 
22+1-14=9 development 

Kaf Ha Ya ‘Ain Sod 2x?+1x + (-10) =0 GOLDEN RATIO © of 
+4+2-10-4+8=0 ax? +bx + (c) = 0 human Geedon creation 

Ta Ha (16,26) PD Inequation of human being 
+10 life length on earth for 
Geedon: End of world 

Ta’ Sin (16,12) : Geedon-photon interaction 
-4 wave amplitude of moses's 
stick = snake 

Ta Sin Mim Geedon-photon interaction 
(16,12,24) i= wave amplitude of moses's 
-4+12=8 stick = sea splitting 

Ya Sin ( 28,12) Geedon-photon interaction 
-16 wave amplitude of all human 



Sód (14) Log;;(14) =? Geedon-photon interaction 
+14 wave amplitude of precise 
population destruction 

Ha Mim (6,24) Tones = Toe *x X Exponential function for hell 
+18 system temperature growth 
as spacetime for Geedon 

Ha Mim; ‘Ain Sin Qaf Exponential function for hell 

(6,24/18,12,21) Toug Toe etx system temperature growth 
+18 / -6 +9 - +18 / 3 as spacetime for Geedon 

Qaf (21) Log, (21) =? Geedon-photon interaction 
42} wave amplitude of 

Nin (25) Log,;(25) =? Geedon-Geedon interaction 
+25 wave amplitude of the evil eye 

Each letters' combination can be converted to a numerical combination. The numerical 
combination I derived from the ordinal numbers of each letter in arabic alphabets. We know that 
arabic alphabets are 28 letters as in the following figure: 

ج ٿث ت ب ا‎ € C 
lif ba ta tha djim ha rró 
س 5 ر ل د‎ È ص‎ 
dâl dhal ra zái sin shin sód 
vw b bh ع‎ È ق قف‎ 
dód  tó dá  áin gháin fà qof 
d J ن م‎ è و‎ 6 

kâ lâm mim nun قط‎ uau ia 

To form the equation, I will decrypt the arithmetic operations within these numerical 
combination , for example: 

The letter combination «’ Alif-Lam-Mim» : 
1. 'Alif = Ordinal number 1 in arabic alphabets; 
2. Lam = Ordinal number 23 in arabic alphabets; 
3. Mim = Ordinal number 24 in arabic alphabets. 


So the letter combination « Alif-Lam-Mim» can be written as a numerical combination 
«1-23-24». An arithmetic operation will express the move between these numbers on the number 
line as this example in the figure: 

Addition Using Number Line 
3 NW = = 

- To move from | to 23, the arithmetic operation is | + 22 = 23. 
- To move from 23 to 24, the arithmetic operation is 23 + 1 = 24. 

We obtain the total moves 22 + 1 = 23 

This is actually a quadratic equation : 4* + 3x + 1 = 23. I will solve it later and graph it. Then 
find out the interpretation of it in the correspondent surah. 

You may say that the conversion of the letters combination to numerical combination is 
completely nonsense because it looks like numerology that has no basic validation and science is 
sceptical about it. I can assure you that I am far from numerology because that concept of 
numerology is any belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or 
more coinciding events. It is also the study of the numerical value of the letters in words, names, 
and ideas. It is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory 

Skeptics argue that numbers have no occult significance and cannot by themselves influence a 
person's life. Skeptics, therefore, regard numerology as a superstition and a pseudoscience that 
uses numbers to give the subject a veneer of scientific authority. 

At least two studies have investigated numerological claims, both producing negative results: 
one in the UK in 1993, and one in 2012 in Israel. The UK experiment involved 96 people and 
found no correlation between the number seven and a self-reported psychic ability. The 
experiment in Israel involved a professional numerologist and 200 participants, and was 
designed to examine the validity of a numerological diagnosis of learning disabilities, like 
dyslexia and ADHD, and autism. The experiment was repeated twice and still produced negative 

There are various numerology systems which assign numerical value to the letters of an alphabet. 
Examples include the Abjad numerals in Arabic, the Hebrew numerals, Armenian numerals, and 
Greek numerals. The practice within Jewish tradition of assigning mystical meaning to words 


based on their numerical values, and on connections between words of equal value, is known as 

A well-known example of Hebrew gematria is the word ^n chai (lit. "alive"), which is composed 
of two letters that (using the assignments in the Mispar gadol add up to 18. This has made 18 a 
"lucky number" among the Jewish people. Donations of money in multiples of 18 are very 

It's true that I am going to convert each letter to its ordinal number in arabic alphabet but I am 
not going to give any mystical value to any number on the contrary I am going to convert these 
numbers to equations and functions and examine if those equations or functions have a 
mathematical or physical logical link with the verses. If there is a link it'S going to be worth it to 
deepen that knowledge and develop the idea and if you think there is no link at all then you have 
the right to reject it. All I am going to ask you is just to continue reading the book until the end 
and you will be amazed like I was. 

A brief introduction to equations may help the reader understand the concept before I use it and 
clarify for those who have modest mathematical knowledge the meaning of the equation before 
we plunge together in interpreting the verses. 

Have you ever wondered how Algebra may be applied to solve real-life problems? 

We regularly see people using Algebra in many parts of everyday life; for instance, it is utilized 
in our morning schedule each day to measure the time you will spend in the shower, making 
breakfast, or driving to work. 

The absence of "X" or "Y" doesn't imply that algebra is not around us; algebra's actual 
occurrences are uncountable. This exact and compact numerical language works wonderfully 
with practically all different subjects and everyday life. 

Many calculus books grasp instances in real life where applications of algebra are needed and 
examples of applications of algebra in real life. 

The universe is constantly in motion, stars, planets, and galaxies are constantly changing. 
Elements, particles and subatomic matter bodily matter are not static either. Before the invention 
of calculus, Mathematics was static. Calculus is a branch of math that calculates how matter, 
particles and heavenly bodies actually move. Calculus is used to calculate the rate of change in 


It seems that for many people, "Calculus" is synonymous with "difficult." However, any teacher 

of Calculus will tell you that the reason that students are not successful in Calculus is not 
because of Calculus, it's because their algebra and trigonometry skills are weak. You see, 
Calculus is really just one additional step beyond algebra and trig. Calculus is algebra and 
trigonometry with limits and limits aren't really that hard once you figure them out. There is 
often only one step in the problem that actually involves calculus, the rest is simplifying using 
algebra and trigonometry. That's why it is crucial that you have a good background in those 
subjects to be successful in calculus and understand this book. 

In mathematics, an equation is a statement that asserts the equality of two expressions, which are 
connected by the equals sign "=". The word equation and its cognates in other languages may 
have subtly different meanings; for example, in French an équation is defined as containing one 
or more variables, while in English, any equality is an equation. 

Solving an equation containing variables consists of determining which values of the variables 
make the equality true. Variables are also called unknowns, and the values of the unknowns that 
satisfy the equality are called solutions of the equation. There are two kinds of equations: 
identities and conditional equations. An identity is true for all values of the variable. A 
conditional equation is only true for particular values of the variables. 

An equation is written as two expressions, connected by an equals sign ("="). The expressions on 
the two sides of the equals sign are called the "left-hand side" and "right-hand side" of the 

The most common type of equation is an algebraic equation, in which the two sides are algebraic 
expressions. Each side of an algebraic equation will contain one or more terms. For example, the 

Ax + Bx + C بر ع‎ 

has left-hand side Ax + Bx + C, which has three terms, and right-hand side y, consisting of just 
one term. The unknowns are x and y, and the parameters are A, B, and C. 

An equation is analogous to a scale into which weights are placed. When equal weights of 
something (e.g., grain) are placed into the two pans, the two weights cause the scale to be in 
balance and are said to be equal. If a quantity of grain is removed from one pan of the balance, 
an equal amount of grain must be removed from the other pan to keep the scale in balance. More 
generally, an equation remains in balance if the same operation is performed on its both sides. 


In geometry, equations are used to describe geometric figures. As the equations that are 
considered, such as implicit equations or parametric equations, have infinitely many solutions, 
the objective is now different: instead of giving the solutions explicitly or counting them, which 
is impossible, one uses equations for studying properties of figures. This is the starting idea of 
algebraic geometry, an important area of mathematics. 

Algebra studies two main families of equations: polynomial equations and, among them, the 
special case of linear equations. When there is only one variable, polynomial equations have the 
form P(x) = 0, where P is a polynomial, and linear equations have the form ax + b = 0, where a 
and b are parameters. To solve equations from either family, one uses algorithmic or geometric 
techniques that originate from linear algebra or mathematical analysis. Algebra also studies 
Diophantine equations where the coefficients and solutions are integers. The techniques used are 
different and come from number theory. These equations are difficult in general; one often 
searches just to find the existence or absence of a solution, and, if they exist, to count the number 
of solutions. 

Differential equations are equations that involve one or more functions and their derivatives. 
They are solved by finding an expression for the function that does not involve derivatives. 
Differential equations are used to model processes that involve the rates of change of the 
variable, and are used in areas such as physics, chemistry, biology, and economics. 

The "=" symbol, which appears in every equation, was invented in 1557 by Robert Recorde, who 
considered that nothing could be more equal than parallel straight lines with the same length. 

Ke dE 



Illustration of a simple equation; x, y, z are real numbers, 
analogous to weights. An equation is analogous to a weighing scale, balance, or seesaw. 

Each side of the equation corresponds to one side of the balance. Different quantities can be 
placed on each side: if the weights on the two sides are equal, the scale balances, and in analogy, 
the equality that represents the balance is also balanced (if not, then the lack of balance 
corresponds to an inequality represented by an inequation). 

In the illustration, x, y and z are all different quantities (in this case real numbers) represented as 
circular weights, and each of x, y, and z has a different weight. Addition corresponds to adding 
weight, while subtraction corresponds to removing weight from what is already there. When 
equality holds, the total weight on each side is the same. 


There are five main types of algebraic equations, distinguished by the position of variables, the 
types of operators and functions used, and the behavior of their graphs. Each type of equation has 
a different expected input and produces an output with a different interpretation. The differences 
and similarities between the five types of algebraic equations and their uses demonstrate the 
variety and power of algebraic operations. 

1. Monomial/Polynomial Equations 

Monomials and polynomials are equations consisting of variable terms with whole number 
exponents. Polynomials are classified by the number of terms in the expression: Monomials have 
one term, binomials have two terms, trinomials have three terms. Any expression with more than 
one term is called a polynomial. Polynomials are also classified by degree, which is the number 
of the highest exponent in the expression. Polynomials with degrees one, two and three are called 
linear, quadratic and cubic polynomials, respectively. The equation x? - x - 3 1s called a quadratic 
trinomial. Quadratic equations are commonly encountered in algebra I and II; their graph, known 
as a parabola, describes the arc traced by a projectile fired into the air. 

Monomial Equations: The polynomial equation which has only one term is called a monomial 
equation. e.g. 

12x - 0 
-2xy =0 

Binomial Equations: The polynomial equation which has two terms is called a binomial 
equation. e.g. 

12x? + dy? = 0 
27x? -19-0 

Trinomial Equations: The polynomial equation which has three terms is called a trinomial 
equation. e.g. 

10xy + 23y - 2x =0 

3x —3y + 2xy =0 


In linear equations, each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and a single 
variable. If there are two variables, the graph of the linear equation is a straight line. 


General form of the linear equation with two variables is given below: 
y-mx-oc,mZ 90. 

Equation with one Variable: An equation who have only one variable, e.g. 
12x- 10-0 

12x = 10 

Equation with two Variables: An equation who have two variables, e.g. 
12x +10y - 10-0 

12x 123y —20 

Equation with three Variables: An equation who have three variables, e.g. 
12x +10y -3z- 10-0 

12x +23y - 12z - 20 

Quadratic Equation: 

It is the second degree equation in which one variable contains the variable with an exponent of 
2. Its general form is 

ax? +bx+c=0,a40 
Examples of Quadratic Equations: 

x?— 7x + 12 =0 
2x?— 5x -12 = 0 

Radical equations 

These are equations whose maximum exponent on the variable is ⁄2 and have more than one 
term. Here the variable is lying inside a radical symbol usually in a square root. Vx+10=26 is a 
radical equation. 

cubic equation for degree three 

quartic equation for degree four 

quintic equation for degree five 

sextic equation for degree six 

septic equation for degree seven 

octic equation for degree eight 


2. Exponential Equations 

Exponential equations are distinguished from polynomials in that they have variable terms in the 
exponents. An example of an exponential equation is y = 3%% + 6. Exponential functions are 
classified as exponential growth if the independent variable has a positive coefficient and 
exponential decay if it has a negative coefficient. Exponential growth equations are used to 
describe the spread of populations and diseases as well as financial concepts such as compound 
interest (the formula for compound interest is Pe™®, where P is the principal, r is the interest rate 
and t is the amount of time). Exponential decay equations describe phenomena such as 
radioactive decay. 

It is an equation that has variables in the place of exponents. This can be solved using the 
property: ax=ay=> x = y. 

Examples of exponential equation 


x = 0 Here “x” is base and “a” is exponent. 
10* 20 

8° = 64 
3. Logarithmic Equations 

Logarithmic functions are the inverse of exponential functions. For the equation y = 2^, the 
inverse function is y = log,(x). The log base b of a number x is equal to the exponent that you 
have to raise b to to get the number x. For example, the log; of 16 is 4 because 2 to the 4" power 
(2^) is 16. The transcendental number "e" is most commonly used as the logarithmic base; the 
logarithm base e is frequently called the natural logarithm. Logarithmic equations are used in 
many types of intensity scales, such as the Richter scale for earthquakes and the decibel scale for 
sound intensity. The decibel scale uses a log base 10, meaning an increase of one decibel 
corresponds to a tenfold increase in sound intensity. 

4. Rational Equations 

Rational equations are algebraic equations of the form p(x) / q(x), where p(x) and q(x) are both 
polynomials. An example of a rational equation is (x - 4) / (x? - 5x + 4). Rational equations are 
notable for having asymptotes, which are values of y and x that the graph of the equation 
approaches but never reaches. A vertical asymptote of a rational equation is an x-value that the 
graph never reaches -- the y-value either goes to positive or negative infinity as the value of x 


approaches the asymptote. A horizontal asymptote is a y-value that the graph approaches as x 
goes to positive or negative infinity. 

5. Trigonometric Equations 

Trigonometric equations contain the trigonometric functions sin, cos, tan, sec, csc and cot. 
Trigonometric functions describe the ratio between two sides of a right triangle, taking the angle 
measure as the input or independent variable and the ratio as the output or dependent variable. 
For example, y — sin x describes the ratio of a right triangle's opposite side to its hypotenuse for 
an angle of measure x. Trigonometric functions are distinct in that they are periodic, meaning the 
graph repeats after a certain amount of time. The graph of a standard sine wave has a period of 
360 degrees. 

Now that you have an idea about my methodology you can start to read the first chapter. For 
those who want to deepen their knowledge about calculus and algebra can read the books 
mentioned in the bibliography of this book, it's not going to be difficult for a non mathematic 
student to understand and learn it. 


. COM 


The preface 

The introduction 

Chapter I 
"Kaf, Ha, Ya, 'Ayn, Sad" / "كهيعص"‎ 
The Golden ratio human creation 

I- Arithmetic analysis 
1- Arabic alphabets 
2- Quadratic equation 
2,-The equation 
2, -The equation graph 
2c -The parabola 
II- Geometric analysis 
1-The pentagon 
2-The Golden ratio 
3 -Fibonacci Numbers 
4-The geometric graph 

Chapter II 
` Alif-Làm-Mim ألم‎ 

Interest growth — Populations' decay 

I- The equation 
1- An exponential equation 
2- An exponential function 
II- The verses 
1- The Usury/Riba 
2- The population decay 


Chapter III 
' Alif-Lam-Mim-Sód ألمص‎ 
AlIms-tax/85 3 
« Alif-Lam-Mim-Rà» المر‎ 

I- The equation « Alif-Lam-Mim-Sód» vali 

II- The equation « Alif-Lam-MîIm-Ra» المر‎ 

Chapter IV 
Alif Lam Ra الر‎ 
(Provision/(3 ) 4!) 

I- The equation 

II- The interpretation 

1- The provision's growth factors 

2- The money growth time factor 
2, - In case of 100 years time unit 
2g - In case of 1000 years time unit 

3- The usury growth and population decay time factor 
3, - In case of 100 years time unit 
3, - In case of 1000 years time unit 

Chapter V 
Ha Mim; ‘Ain Sin 031 ( عسق‎ as) 

I- The verses and the equation 
II- The hell system 
1 - The characteristics 
2 - The temperature 
2,-The distance from the sun 

25-Greenhouse Effect 
2c-Atmosphere Structure 


Chapter VI 
Ta Ha (44) 
Ta’ Sin (طس)‎ 
Ta Sin Mim )طم(‎ 

Part I 
Ta Hà (+4) 

I- The equation 

II- The end of the world: The human life length on earth 
Stage 1: Fresh - 0 to 3 days after death 
Stage 2: Putrefaction - 4 to 10 days after death 
2,- Bloating 
2, — Active Decay 
Stage 3: Black putrefaction - 10 to 20 days after death 
Stage 4: Butyric fermentation - 20 to 50 days after death 
Stage 5: Dry decay - 50-365 days after death 

Part II 
Ta’ Sin (طس)‎ 

I- The equation 

II- The quantum Geedon-photon wave 
1- What is the amplitude of a quantum wave 
2- Change in time of a classical system 
3- Change in time of a quantum wave 
4- A wave of fixed wavelength 
5- Evolution in time of a wave of constant wavelength 


Part III: 
«Ta -Sin -Mim» (e) 

I- The equation 
II- The moses sea splitting 

Chapter VII 
Ya Sin (o) 

I- The equation 
II- From electromagnetic to sound wave 

Chapter VIII 
Sód ص‎ 
Qaf J 
Nun à 

Part I 
Sod 031)/ص‎ 3 

I- The equations 
II- The electromagnetic energy 

Part II 

I- The equation 
II- The evil eye wave energy 

The postface 


Chapter I 
"Kaf, Ha, lya, Ayn, Sod" / "كهيعص"‎ 
The Golden ratio human creation 

l- Arithmetic analysis 

1- Arabic alphabets 

The arabic alphabets that open the surah Maryam are 5. 
Surah Maryam verses | to 11: 

1- «Kaf, Ha, Iyá, Ayn, Sód. 

2- [This is] a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zechariah. 

3- When he called to his Lord a private supplication. 

4- He said, "My Lord, indeed my bones have weakened, and my head has filled with white, and never 
have I been in my supplication to You, my Lord, unhappy. 

5- And indeed, I fear the successors after me, and my wife has been barren, so give me from Yourself an 

6-Who will inherit me and inherit from the family of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, pleasing [to You]." 
7- [He was told], "O Zechariah, indeed We give you good tidings of a boy whose name will be John. We 
have not assigned before to any [this] name." 

8- He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when my wife has been barren and I have reached extreme 
old age?" 

9- [An angel] said, "Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, 'It is easy for Me, for I created you before, while 
you were nothing.' " 

10- [Zechariah] said, "My Lord, make for me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that you will not speak to the 
people for three nights, [being] sound." 

11- So he came out to his people from the prayer chamber and signaled to them to exalt [ Allah |] in the 
morning and afternoon.» 

oS ds es 5 O59 مئي وَاشتعل‎ ghai قال © إِنّي وَهَنَ‎ (3) Gib eis 5 i35 Y (2) زكريًا‎ SE رَحْمت رَبك‎ S (1) كهيعص‎ 
sea culi ال‎ auis ulus )5( Gs dil لي من‎ RE من وَرَائِي كانت ارأتي‎ lial خفث‎ uis (GEC Se 

cd‏ من Ue sl‏ (8) فال aiii By Oh que a, Od al‏ من قبل Ay‏ تك UE‏ (9) قال Cy‏ اجعل أي آي“ قال ai‏ ألا كلم 
oan‏ ثلاث Gaa Qul‏ )10( فَخَرَجَ a ule‏ مِنَ ill s sl IGS‏ أن سبوا Wade 5 ič‏ )11( 

This strange opening of surah maryam that forms the verse number 1 intrigued many scholars to 
interpret the meaning of these 5 arabic letters but no one until now has given the final conclusive 


interpretation. All trials were acceptable but the mystery around these letters is still unsolved. I 
wanted to take part in the effort and give a possible mathematical interpretation that may help to 
solve the enigma. It is very important for the reader to notice that the central theme of this Surah 
is the human creation (creation of John and Jesus) and that God has no son in the trinity. 

The total number of arabic alphabets is 28. 

2 - Quadratic equation 
2,-The equation 
The 5 alphabets that form the first verse of surah maryam are: 

Kaf = Ordinal number 22; 
Ha = Ordinal number 26; 
Iya = Ordinal number 28; 
Ayn= Ordinal number 18 ; 
Sod = Ordinal number 14. 

Wee NS 

Let's replace these letters by their respective ordinal numbers 22/26/28/18/14. Let's compute the 
moves from number to number: 

e 22+4=26 
e 26-42-28 
e 28-10-18 
e 18-4=14 

e 14+8=22 

The result of the addition of all these moves totalise 0: +4 +2 -10 4 + 8 = 0 

We can transform this equation to a quadratic equation. The name Quadratic comes from "quad" 
meaning square, because the variable gets squared (like x’). The quadratic equation formula is : 
ax? +bx + c = 0, Or we can write it : y = ax? +bx + c. 

My equation simplified by removing (-4) and (+4) because their sum is 0 becomes : ضع‎ +2 -10 
¢4 +8 = 0. I can rewrite it like this: 8 + 2 — 10 = 0 and then can be transformed to the quadratic 
form: ax? bx + c = 0 with variables, 




x =2 or -2 (in my equation it is 2) 

We get: 2x?+1x +(-10) =0 

2, -The equation graph 

So we get x (roots) — 2 or -2.5 according to the quadratic equation solver in the figure below, so 
the relation between "y" and "x" is when "y" = 0, x =2 or -2.5. 


Root plot 

Alternate forms 
2x? + x = 10 
(x - 2( )2 ع«‎ + 5( = 0 

2(x+ 47 — E = © 

Number line 


We can know that the 5 letters «Kaf, Ha, Ya, 'Ayn, Sad» (vertices) are located on this parabola. 

2. -Ihe parabola 

A more general equation for a parabol a quadratic function: 

y = ax? + bx + 

E —— 

quadratic equations 
oints where th 


When you kick a soccer ball (or shoot an arrow, fire a missile or throw a stone) it arcs up into the 
air and comes down again ...following the path of a parabola! 

The definition of a parabola is a curve where any point is at an equal distance from: 

e a fixed point (the focus ), and 
e afixed straight line (the directrix ) 

Get a piece of paper, draw a straight line on it, then make a big dot for the focus (not on the 

Now play around with some measurements until you have another dot that is exactly the same 
distance from the focus and the straight line. 

Keep going until you have lots of little dots, then join the little dots and you will have a parabola! 


Here are the important names: 

the directrix and focus (explained above) 
the axis of symmetry (goes through the focus, at right angles to the directrix) 

the vertex (where the parabola makes its sharpest turn) is halfway between the focus and 

_ directrix 


ll- Geometric analysis 
1- The pentagon 

The 5 letters can be interpreted as a 5 sided shape. In geometry, a pentagon (from the Greek 
névie pente and yovía gonia, meaning five and angle ) is any five-sided polygon or 5-gon. The 
sum of the internal angles in a simple pentagon is 540°. 

A pentagon may be simple (convex) or self-intersecting. A self-intersecting regular pentagon (or 
star pentagon) is called a pentagram. 

Simple: Regular pentagon self intersecting : 
convex Regular pentagram 

So which pentagon is meant by the 5 letters ? We know from the letter order that there is a move 
from the letter Kaf (vertex) to the letter Ha (vertex) then to the letter Iya (vertex) then to the 
letter Ayn (vertex) then to the letter 500 (vertex). In both pentagone or pentagram the move is 
realisable. All interior angles are called salient angles because each one is < 180°. 

1. regular pentagon and irregular pentagon: When all angles are equal and all sides are equal 
it is regular, otherwise it is irregular 


Irregular Pentagons 

The sides of a pentagon can be interpreted as the different children and as children are different 
and their relationship child-child are with different inclination so we expect our pentagon to be 
more likely with different size in sides and angles. 


Irregular pentagon = Irregular family 

2. Concave or Convex: A convex pentagon has no angles pointing inwards. More precisely, 
no internal angles can be more than 180°. When any internal angle is greater than 180° it 
is concave. (Think: concave has a "cave" in it), A polygon is called concave (bend 
inwards), when at least one of its angles has more than 180°. 

Angle is the jointure between the children or the jointure between the parents (father and 
mother); which has to be salient < 180° because the members of the family are lines of 
angles and the inclination of one line to another has to be less than 180° . Flat angle is = 
180° which is a flat relationship and no inclination between members of the family. An 
interior angle of a polygon that is greater than 180° is called: re-entrant angle which 
means repulsive relationship between children. 

Convex Concave 
Pentagon Pentagon 

So our pentagon that may god have expressed in the 5 letters would be the convex pentagon = 
convex family. 

The irregular convex pentagon is the family standard that has a perimeter limiting its interior 
relationship between diagonal (parent) and side (child) expressed by the verse 1 surah maryam 

by the 5 letters Kaf, Ha, Iya, Ayn, Sód. 

But this pentagon is not still defined by equation and graphing, is it the regular one or irregular ? 
Is it the convex or the concave ? 

With the quadratic equation that describes the move from vertex to another we can try to find out 
the right pentagon. 

2x’+1(x) + (-10) 2 y 


We have our equation parabola that the 5 vertices (kaf, Ha, Ya Ain, (كهيعص/520‎ are located on and 
we know that the shape has to be pentagon. So let's try to draw our pentagon 5 vertices on the 
parabola. I don't have mathematical tools applications to make the graph precisely but I will hand 
draw it with a compass. I will be linking 5 dots located on the parabola of the equation 2x*+1(x) 
+ (-10) = y. Then measure the sides, angles to find out their ratio. 

2 -The Golden ratio 

In everyday life, we use the word "proportion" either for the comparative relation between parts 
of things with respect to size or quantity or when we want to describe a harmonious relationship 
between different parts. In mathematics, the term "proportion" is used to describe an equality of 
the type: nine is to three as six is to two. As we shall see, the Golden Ratio provides us with an 
intriguing mingling of the two definitions in that, while defined mathematically, it is claimed to 
have pleasingly harmonious qualities. 

The first clear definition of what has later become known as the Golden Ratio was given around 
300 B.C. by the founder of geometry as a formalized deductive system, Euclid of Alexandria. We 
shall return to Euclid and his fantastic accomplishments in other books, but at the moment let me 
note that Euclid defined a proportion derived from a simple division of a line into what he called 
its "extreme and mean ratio." In Euclid's words: A straight line is said to have been cut in 
extreme and mean ratio when, as the whole line is to the greater segment, so is the greater to the 

As with any new concept, we must first begin by defining the key elements. To define the golden 
ratio, we first must understand that the ratio of two numbers, or magnitudes, is merely the 
relationship obtained by dividing these two quantities. When we have a ratio of 1:3, or 4 , we 
can conclude that one number is one third the other. Ratios are frequently used to make 
comparisons of quantities. One ratio stands out among the rest, and that is the ratio of the lengths 
of the two parts of a line segment which allows us to make the following equality of two ratios 
(the equality of two ratios is called a proportion): the whole line is to the greater segment, so is 
the greater to the lesser. 


If we look at this figure, line (a+b) is certainly longer than the segment (a) ; at the same time, the 
segment (a) 1s longer than (b). 

[larger segment a + shorter segment b] is = to [whole line (a+b) + larger segment a]. 

The Golden Ratio is a number that is neither a whole number (like the familiar 1, 2, 3, . . .) nor 
even a ratio of two whole numbers (like the fractions 4, ?5, %,. ; known collectively as rational 
numbers). The precise value of the Golden Ratio [the ratio of (a) to (b)] is the never-ending, 
never-repeating number 1.6180339887 . . . , and such never-ending numbers are called irrational 
numbers. But more than that, it is as far as we can get from being near any fraction. 

Just being irrational is not enough because the number Pi (3,141592654...), which is also 
irrational, unfortunately it has a decimal very close to 1/7 (= 0,142857...), so it ends up with 7 
arms. And the number e (2,71828...) also irrational, does not work either because its decimal is 
close to 5/7 (0,714285...), so it also ends up with 7 arms. 

One of the special properties of the Golden Ratio is that it can be defined in terms of itself, like 
this: e-1*1/ [In numbers: 1,61803... = 1 + (1+1,61803...)]. 

We saw above that the Golden Ratio has this property: 

b a 

We can split the right-hand fraction like this 

2 = which gets 

° is the Golden Ratio tp, a =1 and —= 

b Q' 

The fact that the Golden Ratio cannot be expressed as a fraction (as a rational number) means 
simply that the ratio of the two lengths (a) and (b) cannot be expressed as a fraction. In other 
words, no matter how hard we search, we cannot find some common measure that is contained, 
let's say, 31 times in (a) and 19 times in (b) . Two such lengths that have no common measure 
are called incommensurable. The discovery that the Golden Ratio is an irrational number was 
therefore, at the same time, a discovery of incommensurability. 

In professional mathematical literature, the common symbol for the Golden Ratio is the Greek 
letter tau (t; from the Greek top.ii, to-mi', which means "the cut" or "the section"). However, at 


the beginning of the twentieth century, the American mathematician Mark Barr gave the ratio the 
name of phi, the first Greek letter in the name of Phidias, the great Greek sculptor who lived 
around 490 to 430 B.C. Phidias' greatest achievements were the "Athena Parthenos" in Athens 
and the "Zeus" in the temple of Olympia. 

we will now take a brief exploratory tour through the very dawn of mathematics. 

The magnitude of the discovery of incommensurability and irrational numbers cannot be 
overemphasized. Before this discovery, mathematicians had assumed that if you have any two 
line segments, one of which is longer than the other, then you can always find some smaller unit 
of measure so that the lengths of both segments will be exact whole-number multiples of this 
smaller unit. For example, if one segment is precisely 21.37 inches long and the other is 11.475 
inches long, then we can measure both of them in units of one thousandth of an inch, and the first 
one will be 21,370 such units and the second 11,475 units. Early scholars therefore believed that 
finding such a common smaller measure was merely a matter of patient search. The discovery of 
incommensurability means that for the two segments of a line cut in a Golden Ratio [such as (a) 
and (b) in the figure], or for the diagonal and the side of a square, or for the diagonal and side of 
the pentagon, a common measure is never to be found. 

How is this related to the pentagon? 

For example, in a triangle n — 3, and the sum of all the angles is equal to 180 degrees. In a 
pentagon n — 5, and the sum of all the angles is equal to 540 degrees. Every angle of the 
pentagon is therefore equal to 540/5 — 108 degrees. Imagine now that we draw two adjacent 
diagonals in the pentagon, as in Figure a, thus forming three isosceles (with two equal sides) 
triangles. Since the two angles near the base of an isosceles triangle are equal, the base angles in 
the two triangles on the sides are 36 degrees each [half of (180? — 108?)). We therefore obtain for 
the angles of the middle triangle the values 36-72-72 (as marked in Figure a). If we bisect one of 
the two 72-degree base angles (as in Figure b), we obtain a smaller triangle DBC with the same 
angles (36-72-72) as the large one ADB. Using very elementary geometry, we can show that 
according to Euclid's definition, point C divides the line AB precisely in a Golden Ratio. 
Furthermore, the ratio of AD to DB is also equal to the Golden Ratio. In other words, in a regular 
pentagon, the ratio of the diagonal to the side is equal to D. We've said earlier that the side 
represents the child and diagonal to the parent. Does the relation between parent and children 
have to be in Golden ratio ! 



(a) (b) 

The following table shows ways of representing © that were not possible in Euclid’s time. 

* To compute its square, add unity. 02 = O + 1 

us x. Je 
* To compute Its inverse, subtract unity. o = -1 

٠ Subtract it from its square and get unity. 02- © = 1 

٠ Don’t forget that O is also ... b =-0.618... 

But at this point you should notice a very unusual relationship. The value of Ọ and 1/4 differ by 

1. That is, - (1/0) = 1. From the normal relationship of reciprocals, the product of Ọ and 

(1/0) = 1. Therefore, we have two numbers, © and (1/05), whose difference and product is 1. 

the value Ọ satisfies the equation x? - x — 1 = 0 

3- Fibonacci Numbers 

There is a special relationship between the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 

8, 13, 21, ... etc, each number is the sum of the two numbers before it). 

When we take any two successive (one after the other) Fibonacci Numbers, their ratio is very 

close to the Golden Ratio: 

A B B/A 
2 3 1,5 
3 5 1,666666666... 
5 8 1,6 
8 13 1,625 
13 21 1,615384615... 

144 233 1,618055556... 
233 377 1,618025751... 

Then, the bigger value of Fibonacci Numbers we divide, the closer we get to the golden ratio. 
So, just like we naturally get seven arms when we use 0,142857 (1/7), we tend to get Fibonacci 
Numbers when we use the Golden Ratio. 

These Fibonacci Numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3 exist in the verses of prophet Zakariya's story cited above. 
Before I start to analyse the Fibonacci Numbers from 0 to 3 in the verses, it is primordial that I 
explain the term "= 55" that all scholars with no exception traduced to "his wife". This meaning 
led to a lot of debate like why did god mention first that he gave the wife the birth of prophet 
Yahya then after he mentioned that he corrected the wife ? If the correction is to transform her 
from a barren wife to able to give birth then God had to mention the correction of the wife before 
the birth of the son because inorder for the son to be born the mother had to be corrected 
(become able to give birth) first. Other scholars to avoid this order problem they interpreted 
45 5 4l Ll, (amended for his his wife) that the amendment is not about the physical ability to 
give birth but about her conduct so for them she gave birth to prophet Yahya first then God 
corrected her conduct to become better wife. And the debate and confusion is still going on. 

I have an original mathematical interpretation that can resolve the problem with respect to order 
in the verse and the whole meaning of it. The word "زوج"‎ in arabic means also "pair" so it could 
be the meaning is the "couple" not the wife. So for me the meaning is through 3 steps : 

1. The couple was suffering from a lack of children because the wife was barren and 
husband (zakaria prophet) was old. 

(verse 8 surah maryam : He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when my wife has been barren and I 
have reached extreme old age?"/Ge. Sl Go Guth عَاقِرًا وَقَدْ‎ yal وَكَانَتِ‎ AE ul 54S LAI G5 Od). 

2. God gave them a child. 

[ We give you good tidings of a boy whose name will be John/ (443 444! DK: dl I (verse 7, 

surah Maryam). Allah gives you good tidings of Johns 432% a) أنَّ‎ (verse 39, surah 


3. The couple's negative situation was corrected by the child's tiding and was transformed from 
childless couple to possibly fruitful couple. 

[amended for him his pair/As 55 4! út; (verse 90, surah Al-Anbiya)]. 

Now let's tackle the Fibonacci Numbers. The numbers that exist in these verses are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3. 
These are 5 numbers that may be pointed out by the 5 arabic letters. The golden ratio is in the 
human's creation. These are the verses that will help us getting more information about the 
prophet's Zakariya's family states and members: 

Surah Maryam verses 1 to 11: 

1- «Kaf, Ha, Iya, Ayn, Sód. 

2- [This is] a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zechariah. 

3- When he called to his Lord a private supplication. 

4- He said, "My Lord, indeed my bones have weakened, and my head has filled with white, and never 
have I been in my supplication to You, my Lord, unhappy. 

5- And indeed, I fear the successors after me, and my wife has been barren, so give me from Yourself an 

6-Who will inherit me and inherit from the family of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, pleasing [to You ]." 
7- [He was told], "O Zechariah, indeed We give you good tidings of a boy whose name will be John. We 
have not assigned before to any [this] name." 

8- He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when my wife has been barren and I have reached extreme 
old age?" 

9- [An angel] said, "Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, 'It is easy for Me, for I created you before, while 
you were nothing. " 

10- [Zechariah] said, "My Lord, make for me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that you will not speak to the 
people for three nights, [being] sound." 

11- So he came out to his people from the prayer chamber and signaled to them to exalt [ Allah [ in the 
morning and afternoon.» 

oS ds es à Cal مني واشتَعَل‎ ghali Qu قال رَبَ‎ (3) WHS 215 A35 تاڌئ‎ 3 (2) A5 E كهيعص )1( 5&3 رَحْمَتِ رَبك‎ 
aka مِنْ آل يَعْقُوبَ‎ Oy ul e (5) Gs db من‎ cgi عَاقِرَا‎ ESA الْمَوَالِيَ من وَرَائِي وَگائت‎ Gas شقيًا )4( وَإِنّي‎ G5 alie 
35 عَاقِرَا‎ Sl yal وَكَانَتِ‎ E يَكُونُ لي‎ ST قال رَبّ‎ (7) ac يَحْيَى لَمْ تَجعَل لَه من قل‎ ARI DUE, شرك‎ YY GES يا‎ (6) ea, C5 
تكلم‎ i alg اجعل أي َيه * قال‎ G5 قال‎ (9) Uis تلك‎ aly من قبل‎ dla وَقذ‎ Ya Ge A ai, قال‎ aS قال‎ )8( Gie ii óa ca 

(11) Gide 5 8585 إِلَيْهِمْ أن سَبّحُوا‎ LS 6 قَوْمِهِ مِنَ الْمِخْرَاب‎ ule e 5S8 )10( Gaa Qul 555 الاس‎ 
Surah Ali-Imran in verses 37 to 41 

37- «So her Lord accepted her with good acceptance and caused her to grow in a good manner and put her 
in the care of Zechariah. Every time Zechariah entered upon her in the prayer chamber, he found her with 


provision. He said, "O Mary, from where is this [coming] to you?" She said, "It is from Allah . Indeed, 
Allah provides for whom He wills without account." 

38- At that, Zechariah called upon his Lord, saying, "My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. 
Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication." 

39- So the angels called him while he was standing in prayer in the chamber, "Indeed, Allah gives you 
good tidings of John, confirming a word from Allah and [who will be] honorable, abstaining [from 
women], and a prophet from among the righteous." 

40- He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when I have reached old age and my wife is barren?" The 
angel said, "Such is Allah ; He does what He wills." 

41- He said, "My Lord, make for me a sign." He Said, "Your sign is that you will not [be able to] speak to 
the people for three days except by gesture. And remember your Lord much and exalt [Him with praise] 
in the evening and the morning."» 

UST 5 GS Uus Gs ls gas Jsi Gio Gala‏ دَحَلَ GIA) 5 Ge‏ وَجَدَ Lae‏ رفا قال يَا مَرْيَمْ dl‏ هذا قات 
al VM RE‏ يَرْرْقُ مَن US‏ بِعَيْرٍ all (37) ie‏ دَعَا 5 ANAS‏ رَبّ هَبْ لِي من لذنك 4455 al "As‏ سَمِيعْ ele Al‏ 
)38( فتادثة e hy Mental‏ يُصَلَّي في الْمِخْرَاب S]‏ اله hig ail GA Aa Bica Lad as‏ وَحَصُورًا 55 óa‏ الصَّالِحِينَ )39( 
قال c5‏ أن يَكُونُ ِي Re ial ^ud ut i OE‏ قال كذلك اله Deis‏ ما يَشَاءُ )40( قال 5 as)‏ لي a AG)‏ ألا dei‏ الام 

(41) SSNS بِالْعَشِيّ‎ eias كَثِيرَا‎ an 535^ 1525 v) i ئة‎ 

Surah Al-Anbiya verses 89-90 

89- « And [mention] Zechariah, when he called to his Lord, "My Lord, do not leave me alone [with no 
heir], while you are the best of inheritors." 

90- So We responded to him, and We gave to him John, and amended for him his wife. Indeed, they used 

to hasten to good deeds and supplicate Us in hope and fea and they were so humbly obedient of Us». 

وَرَكَرِيًا 3 ناد رَبَّهُ رَبّ In GY‏ ونت خَيْرُ REDE‏ )89( فَاسْتَجَبْنَا AT‏ وَوَهَيْنَا Al ULL 5 (585 Al‏ رَوْجَة إِنّهمْ كَانُوا يُسَارِعُونَ في 
cal sil‏ وَيَدْعُونَنَا 5 LE‏ وَرَهَبَاُوَكَانُوا gritá Ul‏ )90( 

e State 0 [no member : Kaf| = while you were nothing/&5 45 15 (verse 9, surah Maryam). 
e State | [one member : Ha (Zechariah)] = I created you before/U# من‎ Gui Sy (verse 9, 
surah Maryam). 

0 +1 = I (first Fibonacci sum operation : ratio is 171-1) 

[ +1 member : Bl (wife) ] = my wife has been barren/ |) 53.53! و گات‎ (verse 8, surah Maryam). 
My wife is barren/“sle (53153! 5 (verse 40, surah Ali-Imran). 

1 + 1 =2 (Second Fibonacci sum operation: ratio is 2+1=1) 


e State 2 [two members: (husband + wife)] = amended for him his pair/^s 55 41 Atel, 
(verse 90, surah Al-Anbiya). physical amendment that both became able to give birth to a 

+1 [(one member : child Yahya) = We gave to him John/(.3% 4! 4 55 (verse 90, surah Al-Anbiya) 

2 +1 =3 (third Fibonacci sum operation: ratio is 3+ 2 = 1.5) 

e State 3 [three members: Sód (husband + wife + child) — «they»/«éeiln(verse 90, surah 

The five numbers of human creation are then 0,1,1,2,3. These numbers apply also in the first 
human creation on earth. Remember the notorious story of Adam & Eve, the first humans on 

1. There was no human on earth (0= ED: 
2. Adam is created as first human from noone (1 = Hà); 
3. Eve is created as second from noone (1 = BD): 
4. Adam & Eve coupling forming pair (? — Ayn); 
5. Adam & Eve have a first human child forming all of them three members (3 = Soa). 

This is the human creation law, but the creation of Jesus was an exception to this law that was 
mentioned with the story of Prophet Zakariya in the same surah. 

The fourth Fibonacci sum operation must be 3+2 = 5 with ratio 5 + 3 = 1,6666666666. So we are 
getting closer to the golden ratio 1,61803. 

Now you must ask where is the number 5 mentioned in the verses about the prophet story 
zakariya! to move their state from state 3 to state 5 ? Actually we need to add the number 2. The 
story tells us that after they became 3 members they started all of them to «used to hasten to 
good deeds and supplicate Us in hope and fear and they were so humbly obedient of us»./ كَانُوا‎ 
خَاشِعِينَ‎ Ul وَيَدْعُونَنَا رَعَبَا وَرَهَبَامْوَكَانُوا‎ cul I عُونَ في‎ JU» (verse 90, surah Al-Anbiya). 

The number 2 is also the amendment of the couple of state 2 but this time it is a moral 
amendment and not physical. could be these 2 actions mentioned in verse 90 surah Al-Anbiya: 

1. hasten to good deeds and supplicate Us in hope. 
«UG 5 5 e s «يُسَارِعُونَ في الخَيْرَاتِ‎ 


Good deeds comes with hope 

2. supplicate Us in fear and they were so humbly obedient of us. 
خَاشْعِينَ»‎ Ul ......رَهَبَاوَكَانُوا‎ S ey 

Humble obedience comes with fear 

The state 2 (moral amendment : 2 prayers) + state 3 ( three members : husband + wife + child) 
the family of prophet zakariya reached the number 5 of Fibonacci sequence numbers with ratio 5 
+ 3 = 1,6666666666. Then the more they pray 8, 13...the more they get closer to the golden ratio. 
The number five has the particularity of being the first number in Fibonacci numbers that gives 

us the decimals 6 in the ratios: 1,6666666666. So it aligns the decimals of the ratios to 6 which is 
the same decimal in the golden ratio 1,61803. 

4- The geometric graph 
My quadratic equation is : 

ax? + bx + cx = y 


2x?+1(x) + (-10)x? = y 
Now I have to find the: 
1. The vertex: The lowest points 
x —-b-2a 
x = -1+2(2) 

= - or EE 

y = 2(-0.25)? +(- 0.25) -10 
y = 

2. The range : All possible values of y which are the inputs. 

y> -10.125 


. COM 


3. The domain: All values of the x which are the output. 
x = {All real numbers}, x € R 

4. The roots : The x points when y = 0 

_ -b+ Vb? - 4ac 
x= 3 : 

x Os Yay - 4@)(-10) 
T7 4 

= 2 = 
X or x 2 


— 2 08 
x22 or x 2 

These two roots 2 and - 2.5 are graphed as follow : 


Root plot 

Alternate forms 

2×2 + × = 0 

(x - 2( )2 × + 5( = 0 
12 81 

2(x + =) —— —0 
4 8 

Number line 



Now I will be choosing a set of points x and find their y then plot them on the x coordinate and y 
coordinate to draw the parabola manually then I will locate the 5 vertices: "كهيعص"‎ / "Kaf, Ha, 
Iyá, Ayn, Sód". 

The كبيعص‎ quadratic equation 
ax? +bx+c=y 
2x? +1(x) + )-10( = y 
x | Y | | 
1 | -7 | | 
-1 | -9 | | 
15 -4 | 
1,25 -5,625 | 
-1,25 -8,125 
0,5 -9 
-0,5 10 
25 5 
2 | 0 
-2,5 | 0 | The roots : The x points when y =0 
— 3 11 
-3 5 
35 11 

In my graph I graphed the parabola of the quadratic equation of the letters "كهيعص"‎ / "Kaf, Ha, 
Iya, A'in, Sod". Then I plugged the letters on the parabola, every letter represents one of 



Fibonacci numbers 0,1,1,2,3 that were mentioned in the prophet Zakariya's story of human 
creation. The 5 letters form an irregular pentagon formed with a quadrilateral "Káf, Ha, Ya, 'Ayn" 
and isosceles triangle "Ya, 'Ayn, Sad". 

The pentagon has these properties : 

The vertex «Kaf/d», coordinates (1.7;-2.9), 0 Fibonacci's number; 

The vertex «Ha/e», coordinates (-2.16;-2.9), 1 Fibonacci's number; 

The vertex «Iyá/c», coordinates (1;-6.75), | Fibonacci number; 

The vertex «Ayn/& », coordinates (-1.4721359550; -6.75), 2 Fibonacci's number; 

The vertex «Sód/u-», coordinates (-0.25;-10.125) which is the lowest point of the 
parabola, 3 Fibonacci's number. 

en ose oN em 

This is my quadrilateral «Kaf, Ha, Iya, Ayn,/e3«$» properties: 

Side a: 24721359550 | C 
Sideb: 4 C 
Side © 386 C 
Side d: |4 
Angle a: 99,987 
Angle 8: 100 C 
Angle y: 0 C 
Angle ô: 180,019 
Diagonal e: |5 954 
Diagonal f: 5053 
Perimeter (p): TES 
Area (A): 12472 


This is my triangle «Iyá, Ayn, Sód/o22» properties: 


Acute Isosceles Triangle 

Side a=3.5 
Side b = 3.5 
Side c = 2.47214 

Angle zA = 69.319* = 69°19'9" = 1.20985 rad 
Angle 2B = 69.319° = 69°19'9" = 1.20985 rad 
Angle ZC = 41.362° = 41°21'42" = 0.7219 rad 

Area = 4.04746 
Perimeter p = 9.47214 
Semiperimeter s = 4.73607 

Notice that side 'a' (Iya, Ayn//z—s) in the quadrilateral "Kaf, Ha, Iya, Ayn" is shared as side 'c' of 
the triangle "Iyá, Ayn, Sód" has the length of 2.4721359550 cm and the sides 'b' (Kaf—Iya/s—4) 
and 'd' (Ha,Ayn/¢-») of the quadrilateral are the same measure 4 cm. If we divide 
4-2.4721359550 = 1.61803398874962 which is the GOLDEN RATIO ®. It is the human 
creation ratio that was found in nature for example in the snail animal in the figure below : 


We can then deduce that the golden ratio is the ratio of human creation discovered in these 
verses. And here is an example of the Golden ratio in human body: 

Golden Ratio 


Human Body 

(a+b) = 1.618 
The Border Of a Mind 

the ratio of a person's height to the height of his/her navel is roughly the golden ratio. 


Chapter II 
` Alif-Lam-Mrm eli 
Interest growth — Populations' decay 

I- The equation 

1- An exponential equation 

The letters combination «’ Alif-Lam-Mim» can be converted to numbers combination (1,23,24). 
Each letter corresponds to its ordinal number in the arabic alphabets. 

The letter combination «' Alif-Lam-Mim» : 

1. 'Alif = Ordinal number 1 in arabic alphabets; 
2. Làm - Ordinal number 23 in arabic alphabets; 
3. Mim = Ordinal number 24 in arabic alphabets. 

Then we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (1) of the 
combination to the second number (23) then from the second number to the third number (24). 

So ¢ Alif-Lam-Mim» can be written «1-23-24». The arithmetic operations are: 

e 1-22 =23. 
e 234+1=24. 

Then the equation would be 22 + 1 = 23. Why Did I choose these numbers to make my equation 
? Because you can figure all arabic alphabets as numbers on the number line. When you 
pronounce the letter "Alif/dAlÎ", you are in space point 1. If you pronounce afterwards the letter 
"Lam/2?" you have moved to position 23 making a spacetime move of 22 units. Then when you 
pronounce the letter "Mim/ex", you have moved to position 24 making a spacetime move of 1 
unit. In the end you have made 22 moves + 1 move = 23 moves. That is my equation that I can 
express in a form of an exponential equation : 4* + 3x + 1 = 23. This is an exponential equation 
that I solve and graph in the figure below. 


4 43x41-23 

4 + 3 × + 2 

So we have the variable ES. 

The x exponent can vary, the larger the value of x, the faster the growing of the exponential 
function. In other words, the exponential function grows very rapidly if x grows. Let's illustrate 
with an example: Suppose that your mathematics instructor, in an effort to improve classroom 
attendance, offers to pay you each day for attending class! Suppose you are to receive 2¢ on the 
first day you attend class, 4¢ the second day, 8¢ the third day. How much money will you receive 
for attending class on the 30" day? As you can see by looking at the Table, the amount y earned 
on day x is given by the rule, or exponential function y = 2*. Thus on the 30" day (when x 30) 
you will receive y = 2” cents. If you use a calculator, you will find this amount to be well over 
10 million dollars! The point here is simply this: Although we begin with a small amount, y — 
2€, repeated doubling quickly leads to a very large amount as the table shows: 


X (day number) | Y(amount earned that day 

We know that this exponential equation, if we simplify it, there would be a function in it : 4* + 3x 
+ ] = 23. We will subtract 23 from each side: 4* + 3x + 1 -23 — 23 -23 it becomes 4* + 3x + (1 - 

My function is: f(x) = 4* + 3x + (1- 23) or we can write it : y = 4* + 3x + (1 - 23) or to more 
simplify it : y = 3x + 4* - 22. In the end the function is 

a ( b,c and d are the constants and x is the variable). X can change from case to case but in the 
verses it is 2 which has a meaning will be explored later. Therefore 3, 4 and -22 are constants and 
x is changeable. 

This function has domain and range all real numbers 

1. Domain and range all real numbers 


Series expansion at x = 0 
l 5,2 
23 + x (3 + log(4)) + log'(4) + 

1 1 1 
= x Jog?(4) + — x^ log^(4) + — x^ log'(4) + (x9) 
6 24 120 


2. First derivative 


d , x x 
Pay + 3+ 22( = 4 log(4)+3 

Approximate form [¥ Step-by-step solution 

Indefinite integral 

T " 3) + 
| (22+ 4 +3x)dx = — + 22+ + 
8 2 log(4) 

[ Step-by-step solution 

Approximate form | 

Series representations: 

log" (4) 
2244 43x = » x x 
s 3 + log(4) 5 
x TA ` n! An 
2244 +3 = J, n jen 
n--w| | 29 
3. Second derivative 
a x x 2 
z(4 + 3x + 22( = 4 log (4) 
Approximate form [¥ Step-by-step solution | 
200000 | 
150000 | 
10 10 
Alternate form assuming x>0 
4**! log?(2) 

2- An exponential function 

Exponential and logarithmic functions are used to model a surprisingly wide variety of 
real-world phenomena: growth of populations of people, animals, and bacteria; decay of 
radioactive substances; epidemics; magnitudes of sounds and earthquakes. These and many other 




Many functions have exponents. But in every case, the exponent is a constant, and the base is 
often a variable. In our case, those roles will be reversed. In an exponential function, the variable 
appears in an exponent. As we'll see, this has a significant effect on the properties and graphs of 
these functions. 

The equation F(x) = b* with b > 0 and # 1 defines an exponential function for each different 
constant b, called the base. The independent variable x can assume any real value. 

The domain of F is the set of all real numbers, and it can be shown that the range of F is the set 
of all positive real numbers. We require the base b to be positive to avoid imaginary numbers 
such as (2)^. b = 0 and b = 1 are excluded. 

The exponential function is one of the most important functions in mathematics exactly as the 
linear function. To form an exponential function, we let the independent variable x be the 
exponent. A simple example is my function f(x) = 4^ + 3x + (-22) of the form of b^ * cx + d (x is 
2 in the verses) but can be different numbers in other life cases and the base b in my function is 

An exponential function is used in dynamical systems to describe growth or decay. In the 
exponential growth of f(x) , the function doubles every time you add one to its input . In the 
exponential decay of g(x) , the function shrinks in half every time you add one to its input . The 
presence of this doubling time or half-life is characteristic of exponential functions, indicating 
how fast they grow or decay. 

The base "b" of the exponentiation in my equation is 4. Increasing the base makes the curve 
steeper as shown in this graph 


Express an exponential model in base e. 

Any positive number can be used as the base b for an exponential function, but some bases are 
more useful than others. For instance, in computer science applications, the base 2 is convenient. 
The most important base though is the number denoted by the letter "e". The number "e" is 
irrational, so we cannot write its exact value; the approximate value to 20 decimal places 15: 

e x 2.71828182845904523536028747135. 

It may seem at first that a base such as 10 is easier to work with, but in certain applications, such 
as compound interest or population growth, the number "e" is the best possible base. 

No horizontal line can be drawn that intersects the graph of an exponential function at more than 
one point. This means that the exponential function is one-to-one and has an inverse. In 
mathematics, the logarithm is the inverse function to exponentiation. That means the logarithm 
of a given number x is the exponent to which another fixed number, the base b, must be raised, to 
produce that number x. In the simplest case, the logarithm counts the number of occurrences of 
the same factor in repeated multiplication; e.g., since 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 = 10°, the "logarithm 
base 10" of 1000 is 3, or log, (1000) = 3. The logarithm of x to base b is denoted as log,(x), or 
without parentheses, log, x, or even without the explicit base, log x. 

Location of Base and Exponent in Exponential and Logarithmic Forms 

Exponent Exponent 
Logarithmic Form: y= log,x Exponential Form: b’= x 

Exp: e” = 9 means y = log, 9. 
42 = 16 means 2 = log, 16 
log, 16 = Inj. + In, 

Exp with graph of the function f(x) = 2* and its inverse function g(x) = log;x 


Because of the inverse property b = e"^ 

we can rewrite any model in the form y = ab* in terms of 
base "e". We can use laws of exponents and laws of logarithms to change any base to base e. 

This means I can change my base 4 in my model 4° + 3x -22 to base e. 

y = ab” is equivalent to y = ae" "**, The ab" is in my equation is 1x4 

I can use the letter y or replace it by f(x) or A, it has the same meaning: the output of the 

My exponential equation is : 

A= 1x4* + 3x - 22 becomes equivalent to 

A= Axe 40" 2 + (3x2) - 22. 

A = the final quantity and A, is the starting quantity. 

Why do I need to convert my base 4 to base e ? "e" is the base rate of growth shared by all 
continually growing processes. "e" lets you take a simple growth rate (where all change happens 
at the end of the year) and find the impact of compound, continuous growth, where every 
nanosecond (or faster) you are growing just a little bit. 

"e" shows up whenever systems grow exponentially and continuously: population, radioactive 
decay, interest calculations, and more. Even jagged systems that don't grow smoothly can be 
approximated by e. 

Just like every number (exp 10) can be considered a scaled version of 1 (1 is the base unit of all 
numbers exp: 10 is 1 repeated ten times), every rate of growth can be considered a scaled 
version of "e" (unit growth, perfectly compounded). 

So "e" 15 not an obscure, seemingly random number. "e" represents the idea that all continually 
growing systems are scaled versions of a common rate. 

The exponential function arises whenever a quantity grows or decays at a rate proportional to its 
current value. One such situation is continuously compounded interest, and in fact it was this 
observation that led Jacob Bernoulli in 1683 to the number "e": 

. 11^" 
lim [| 1 + — 

n, —0o 

now known as "e". Later, in 1697, Johann Bernoulli studied the calculus of the exponential 
function. If a principal amount of 1 earns interest at an annual rate of x compounded monthly, 
then the interest earned each month is (x+12) times the current value, so each month the total 
value is multiplied by [1 + (x+12)] and the value at the end of the year is [1 + (x+12)]”. If 
instead interest is compounded daily, this becomes [1  (x-365)]'&. Letting the number of time 
intervals per year grow without bound leads to the limit definition of the exponential function, 


2 TL 
expz = lim (1+ =) 
n—- oo TL 

This table shows where did "e" come from: 

1000 2.716923932 
0,000 2.718145927 
100,000 2.718268237 
,000,000 2.718280469 
.000,000,000 2.718281827 

Asn— oe, (1 +1) -Sk 

Your teacher or textbook may go on at length about using other bases for growth and decay 
equations, but, in "real life" (such as physics), the natural base "e" is generally used. The 
equation for "continual" growth (or decay) is A = Aye", where "A", is the ending amount, "A," is 
the beginning amount (principal, in the case of money), "r" is the growth or decay rate 
(expressed as a decimal), and "t" is the time (in whatever unit was used on the growth/decay 

The continuous-growth formula is first given in the form «A = A,e™», using "r" for the growth 

rate, but can also probably be given as A = Ae", where "k" replaces "r", and stands for "growth 
(or decay) constant". Or different variables may be used, such as Q = Ne“, where "N" stands for 
the beginning amount and "Q" stands for the ending amount. The point is that, regardless of the 
letters used, the formula remains the same. And you should be familiar enough with the formula 
to recognize it, no matter what letters happen to be included within it. 

Exponential Growth and Decay Models 
The mathematical model for exponential growth or decay is given by 
f) = Ae" or A = Ag". 
* Ifk> 0, the function models the amount, or size, of a growing entity. A, is 

the original amount, or size, of the growing entity at time ¢ = 0, A is the 
amount at time z, and k is a constant representing the growth rate 

* Ifk< 0, the function models the amount, or size, of a decaying entity, A, is 
the original amount, or size, of the decaying entity at time ¢ = 0, A is the 
amount at time z, and k is a constant representing the decay rate. 

(a) Exponential growth (b) Exponential decay 



Example: certain bacteria, given favorable growth conditions, grow continuously at a rate of 
4.6% a day. Find the bacterial population after thirty-six hours, if the initial population was 250 

As soon as you read "continuously", you should be thinking "continuously-compounded growth 
formula". "Continuously" is the buzz-word that tells you to use «A = Aye». The beginning 
amount was A, = 250, the growth rate is r = 0.046, and the time t is 36/24 = 1.5 days. 

Why is "time" converted to days instead of to years? Because the growth rate 15 expressed in 
terms of a given percentage per day. The rates in the compound-interest formula for money are 
always annual rates, which is why it was always in years in that context. But this is not the case 
for the general continual-growth/decay formula; the growth/decay rates in other, non-monetary, 
contexts might be measured in minutes, hours, days, etc. 

I plug in the known values, and simplify for the answer: 
A = 2500 0-046x1.5) 

= 229 

— 267.859052287... 

There will be about 268 bacteria after thirty-six hours. 

In this Example , we replaced f(x) with A and x with t so that the model has the same letters as 
those in the exponential growth model A = A كام‎ 

In my equation the : 
A= Axe **? + (3x2) - 22. 
e A (ending quantity): 0 
e A, (the beginning quantity):1 
e Kis "? (growth rate = 1.38629436111989 and in percentage is 138.62943611198% 

e T (time) is 2 

Is the time unit in my equation 2 seconds or 2 minutes or what time unit ? So that a quantity 
equal to | becomes 0 after that time unit 2. 


The question is: What kind of dynamical system of growth is talked about in these verses opened 
by letters « Alif-Lam-Mim»/ ألم‎ ? 

Let's explore the surahs one by one: 
II- The verses 

This combination "Alif, Lam, Meem" came in verse 1 of: 
1. Surah Al-Bagqara; 
2. Surah Ali-Imran; 
3. Surah Al-Ankabut; 
4. Surah Ar-Rum; 
5. Surat As-Sajdah. 

All these surahs have talked about a dynamical system which is the interest and the population 
growth. My exponential function is a function that describes these systems. This is why I 
converted my base 4 to base "e" because the base "e" shows up whenever systems grow 
exponentially and continuously (every nanosecond or the smallest part of a second) : population, 
radioactive decay, interest calculations. 

You will notice by studying these verses that there is interest growing continuously and 
populations decaying continuously. Are both growing system related ? Does any society that uses 
interest's growing system causes its population's decay ? That's what I am going to try to 
discover next. 

1- The Usury/Riba 

'Riba' (Arabic: ربا ,الرباء الربوة‎ riba or al-riba, IPA: ['ribz:]) can be roughly translated as "usury", 
or unjust, exploitative gains made in trade or business under Islamic law. Riba is mentioned and 
condemned in several different verses in the Qur'an . It is also mentioned in many hadith 

While Muslims agree that riba is prohibited, not all agree on what precisely it is. It is often used 
as an Islamic term for interest charged on loans, and the belief this is based on — that there is a 
consensus among Muslims that all loan/bank interest is riba — forms the basis of a $2 trillion 
Islamic banking industry. However, not all scholars equated riba with all forms of interest, or 
agree whether its use is a major sin or simply discouraged (makruh), or whether it is in violation 
of sharia (Islamic law) to be punished by humans rather than by Allah. 


There are two principal forms of riba. Most prevalent is the interest or other increase on a loan of 
cash, which is known as riba an-nasiya. Most Islamic jurists hold there is another type of riba, 
which is the simultaneous exchange of unequal quantities or qualities of a given commodity. 
This is known riba al-fadl. 

Before I continue with my mathematical analysis about usury (interest), I would like to mention 
the debate within islamic scholars about the bank interest that returns to the bank client when 
they deposit their money in the bank and earn interest. 

The controversy about the permissibility or prohibition of bank interest started in the colonial 
times, in the 19-century onwards, when banking institutions came to the Islamic world. There is 
a controversy that first raged in Egypt. It is said that the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Muhammad 
Abduh, had permitted interest on postal savings though the fatwa issued by him. Today, many 
still ask if bank interest is prohibited in Islam. Most of the jurists maintain that it 15 not 
permissible, and Muslims should not accept interest on their bank deposits. 

In the latter part of the 20-century many Muslim intellectuals came out with the concept of 
Islamic banking based on mudaraba and profit-sharing. A number of Islamic banks were started 
in Muslim and non-Muslim countries with a large Muslim population. Still the question 
continues to be asked if banking interest is permissible, and there is no unanimity of opinion on 
this question. 

Yet, there are many Islamic scholars who feel that banking interest is not prohibited by Islam. 
Many modern commentators of the Quran also translate riba as usury and not as simple banking 
interest. From Pakistan Prof Fazlur Rehman, who had migrated to the US and taught at Chicago 
University for a number of years, wrote a very well-argued paper on the permissibility or 
otherwise of banking interest. He came to the conclusion that banking interest is not prohibited. 
Even those who do not agree with this view must read his article. It is very scholarly and based 
on original sources. 

My book is not about supporting bank interest or not. I am not a scholar to say if it is legitimate 
(Halal) or not (Haram). I will be using the word «usury» and drop down the word «interest» to 
avoid any confusion for the readers because I am going to discuss the usury and its growth in this 
chapter which is not legitimate. 


The verses are as follows: 

The verses 275-281 of surah Al-Baqarah : 

9,28. d € og 

Asi qa th” eec ad قار‎ se as" Ai ها كلت 12315 إلى‎ alk مز ذا يكن 4 فلكو‎ tale. ge uo 5585 
$a | yl الصّالِحَات‎ Hae s آمَنُوا‎ odi إِنَّ‎ (276) atl US OS Cand لا‎ dist وَيُرْبِي الصدَقَاتِ‎ 651 d يَمْحَقْ‎ (275) 
GIN Ge gio ما‎ 15555 al افوا‎ Sal CaS d يا‎ (277) G5 3 هُمْ‎ Ys agde GA s il Sie d لَه‎ OI US 
ó sls Y5 أمْوَالِكُم لا تَظَلِمُونَ‎ Oath ISl ARE وَرَسُوَلِه” وَإن‎ abl Go casis 1l تَفْعلُوا‎ al مّؤْمِنِينَ )278( إن‎ AS إن‎ 
FÁI ul تَعْلَمُونَ )280( انَفُوا يَوْمَا تُرْجَعُونَ فيه‎ es لَكُمْ إن‎ ES تَصَدَقُوا‎ oly ° مَيْسَرَة‎ Ll دو .2522 فَنَظرَةٌ‎ GIS وَإن‎ (279) 

(281) يُظْلَمُونَ"‎ Y وَهُمْ‎ HS ما‎ o OK ui ْم‎ 

275- "Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one 
stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That 15 because they say, "Trade is [just] like 
interest." But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest. So whoever has received an 
admonition from his Lord and desists may have what is past, and his affair rests with Allah . But 
whoever returns to [dealing in interest or usury] - those are the companions of the Fire; they will 
abide eternally therein." 

276- Allah destroys interest and gives increase for charities. And Allah does not like every 
sinning disbeliever. 

277-Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds and establish prayer and give zakah will 
have their reward with their Lord, and there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they 

278- O you who have believed, fear Allah and give up what remains [due to you] of interest, if 
you should be believers. 

279-And if you do not, then be informed of a war [against you] from Allah and His Messenger. 
But if you repent, you may have your principal - [thus] you do no wrong, nor are you wronged. 
280- And if someone is in hardship, then [let there be] postponement until [a time of] ease. But if 
you give [from your right as] charity, then it is better for you, if you only knew. 

281- And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah . Then every soul will be compensated 
for what it earned, and they will not be treated unjustly. 

The verses 130-132 surah Ali-Imran 

(131) é Ai Sel التي‎ Á is (130) o sls لعلَكُمْ‎ ail 1 lin الرّبَا أَضْعَافًا مُضَاعَفَة”‎ V SR آمَنُوا لا‎ Gall gi "يا‎ 
(132)" تُرْحَمُونَ‎ eS وَأَطِيعُوا اله وَالرَسُول‎ 

130- O you who have believed, do not consume usury, doubled and multiplied, but fear Allah 

that you may be successful. 

131-And fear the Fire, which has been prepared for the disbelievers. 

132-And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may obtain mercy. 

Here doubled and multiplied is illustrated with the exponential growth model A = Ave“. The 
interest growth in the quran. 

In the function that I derived from the quran : 

A (ending quantity) is 0. 

A, (the beginning quantity when t =0) is 1. 

K is (^9 = 1,38629436111989 and growth rate is 138.629436111989% 
T (time) is 2 

It means that every 2 units of time — The Quran did not precise if the time unit is a minute, a 
month, a year or a century— the 1 unit of money (any currency, dollar or dirham or dinar...) 
grows at a rate of 138.629436111989% — 22 to become 0. 

The formula for my exponential growth function is: 

A= Ave“ 
0 = le 38°) + [(3x2) - 22] under the general form of : A-A e ^*? + (3x - 22). 

- 1.38 is the growth rate by which "A," quantity changes when time "t" increases by 1 unit. 
"t" is x that can be any number from [-:0,+00] and can be 2 

- The growth rate is written as a decimal 1.38 and can be converted to percentage 138%. 

- -—22is the constant. 

- Ois the "A" ending quantity 

The Mekkan verse 39 in Surah Ar-Rum was the first to be revealed on the topic: 

PST Lag"‏ من رّبًا sil‏ في Sisal‏ الاس قا فلا يربو عند الله e las‏ من A ads Goh a5‏ قأولئك go‏ الْحُضْعِفُونَ"(39) 
39-"And whatever you give for interest to increase within the wealth of people will not increase‏ 
with Allah . But what you give in zakat, desiring the countenance of Allah - those are the‏ 

Hadith in musnad imam Ahmad said: 

Qu غسيل الْمَلائگة‎ ilis الله‎ xe «AS Í اد‎ «ca e ca JK ابْنَ‎ as (ASA as 
sE oe كن و عن ابن أبي‎ e) Oil حُسَيْنُ بْنُ جَرِيرٌ يَعْنِي‎ 
زَنْيَةٌ‎ GBD, Wa مِنْ‎ Sad ds S GAS ARG دِرْهَمٌ ربا‎ " sas ade قال رَسُولُ الله صَلَّى الله‎ 


From 'Abdallah ibn Hanzalah : The Prophet said: "A dirham of riba which a man receives 
knowingly is worse than committing adultery thirty six times". 

Then in verse 36 surah Al-Ankabut: 

The verse 36 talks about the people of Madyan. In this surah obviously there is no verse that 
talks clearly about usury but there is a trace of it that we can find in verses 85-86 surah Al-Araaf 
about people of Madyan who were mentioned as financially wrongdoers: 

وَإِلَى مَذيَنَ أَخَاهُمْ gi‏ قال يا قوم ail | Sie!‏ ما لَكُم all Go‏ عَيْرُهُ "8 As Aisle‏ من SI | E 1S‏ وَالْمِيرَانَ Y3‏ تَبْخَسُوا 
Ql‏ أَشيَاءَهُمْ وَلَا تُفُسِدُوا في الأزض بَعْدَ Kaia‏ “لِم Od‏ َم إن etd‏ مُؤْمنِينَ )85( Y3‏ فوا OS‏ صِرَاط تُوعِدُونَ 
Mai‏ عن Gal (ya alll Justa‏ به Lage Gi AS‏ 1,57 3 كُنتُمْ قليلا Sl S" 2S A68‏ | كَيْف كَانَ Ale‏ الْمُفْسِدِينَ )86( 

85-"And to [the people of] Madyan [We sent] their brother Shu'ayb. He said, "O my people, 
worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. There has come to you clear evidence from 
your Lord. So fulfill the measure and weight and do not deprive people of their due and cause 
not corruption upon the earth after its reformation. That is better for you, if you should be 

86-"And do not sit on every path, threatening and averting from the way of Allah those who 
believe in Him, seeking to make it [seem] deviant. And remember when you were few and He 
increased you. And see how the end of the corrupters was." 

They may have been using usury in their transactions then they sit on every path, threatening 
their debtors if they don't pay the amount of usury 

2- The populations' decay 

These 2 surahs are about populations 
Surah Al-Ankabut 

Ai Cla al agi وَهُمْ ظَالِمُون(14)‎ GG i إلا حَمْسِينَ عَامَا فأحدَهُمْ‎ Ai Call قبت فيه‎ i نُوحًا إل‎ Gu] is 
لَلْعَالَمِينَ(15)‎ 25) t Glas s 

14-"And We certainly sent Noah to his people, and he remained among them a thousand years 

minus fifty years, and the flood seized them while they were wrongdoers." 

15-"But We saved him and the companions of the ship, and We made it a sign for the worlds." 

Lud الكل‎ Ts قَانظرُوا كَيْف‎ n A سِيرُوا في‎ OE (19) “pa il ذلك عَلَى‎ fies بُ‎ & lali di (oa يَرَوا كيف‎ als 
(20) y» et OS ule ail à al bed 


19-"Have they not considered how Allah begins creation and then repeats it? Indeed that, for 
Allah, is easy." 

20-"Say, [O Muhammad], "Travel through the land and observe how He began creation. Then 
Allah will produce the final creation. Indeed Allah, over all things, 15 competent." 

(31) ظَالِمِينَ‎ | gs KAÍ Ég ii هذه‎ al Slee Ui) اوا‎ oiik iato G^ جَاءَٿ‎ Ul; 
31-"And when Our messengers came to Abraham with the good tidings, they said, "Indeed, we 
will destroy the people of that Lot's city. Indeed, its people have been wrongdoers." 

Ais ^I 4354 8 51568 (36) في الأزض مُفْسِدِينَ‎ AR Y وَارْجُوا الْيَوْمَ الآخرَ‎ ail 1 Sel قوم‎ G OU Coach أَحَاهُمْ‎ ogia Ul 
dal ge Aii أَعْمَالَهُمْ‎ CULE وَزَينَ لَهُمُ‎ neus لَكُم مّن‎ Gi فَأَصْبَحُوا في دارهم جَائِمِينَ )37( وَعَادَا 3,215 وقد‎ 
(39) فَامْتَكْبَرُوا في الأزض وما كَانُوا سَابِقِينَ‎ cuo uu á وَقَارُونَ وَفِرْعَوْنَ وَهَامَانَ” وَلَقَدْ جَاءَهُم‎ (38) Cu preted وَكَانُوا‎ 
Lag WEEN Ge به الأرْض وَمِنْهُم‎ ELA Go الصَيْحَةُ وَمِنْهُم‎ AES وَمِنْهُم مَنْ‎ Gals عَلَيْهِ‎ Glas] بدّنبه” فَمِنْهُم مَنْ‎ UI DIS 

فرع لله بشم els‏ 18 اشع gables‏ رو 

36-"And to Madyan [We sent] their brother Shu'ayb, and he said, "O my people, worship Allah 
and expect the Last Day and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption. 

37- But they denied him, so the earthquake seized them, and they became within their home 
[corpses] fallen prone. 

38- And [We destroyed] 'Aad and Thamud, and it has become clear to you from their [ruined] 
dwellings. And Satan had made pleasing to them their deeds and averted them from the path, and 
they were endowed with perception. 

39-And [We destroyed] Qarun and Pharaoh and Haman. And Moses had already come to them 
with clear evidence, and they were arrogant in the land, but they were not outrunners [of Our 

40-"So each We seized for his sin; and among them were those upon whom We sent a storm of 
stones, and among them were those who were seized by the blast [from the sky], and among 
them were those whom We caused the earth to swallow, and among them were those whom We 
drowned. And Allah would not have wronged them, but it was they who were wronging 

And sürat As-Sajda 

OS Cal gal”‏ شيْءٍ 574[ Quad Gl‏ مِن طِينٍ(7) XE EE‏ ِن ADU‏ من D (8) cap ol‏ سَوَاهُ Glia‏ فيه ِن 
ASI Os ss 5‏ السّمعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ SUIS SIS‏ ما 5,5835 )9( وَقَالُوا أدَا صللا في ua UE a‏ خَلْقٍ O^ ss.‏ هُم elio‏ 
egi‏ كَافِرُونَ )10( قل LS S‏ مَك المَؤت الذي B S S5‏ إلى رَبْكُمْ تُرْجَعُونَ )11( 

7-"Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay. 
8-Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained. 


9-Then He proportioned him and breathed into him from His [created] soul and made for you 
hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful. 

10-And they say, "When we are lost within the earth, will we indeed be [recreated] in a new 
creation?" Rather, they are, in [the matter of] the meeting with their Lord, disbelievers. 

11- Say, "The angel of death will take you who has been entrusted with you. Then to your Lord 
you will be returned." 

(26) فلا يَسْمَعُونَ‎ GN يَمْشُونَ فِي صَمَاكِنِهمْ"إِنَّ في ذلك‎ 05531 GA aeti مِن‎ USD! 28 ial us d 
26-"Has it not become clear to them how many generations We destroyed before them, [as] they 
walk among their dwellings? Indeed in that are signs; then do they not hear?" 

All these verses are talking about populations' complete destruction event. And the amazing 
surprising thing is that every time the surah starts by the letter Alif, Lam, Meem/al, it treats two 
subjects, the interest (usury) and the population destruction (decay) . Even though it does not link 
directly the destruction as a result of the use of usury in a society but the association between 
them is acceptable because nothing is said by God with no reason. The fact that both interest and 
population destruction are talked about in the same surah, it means there is a possible logical 
link that I will try to dimestify using the mathematical equation of the interest computation. For 
that, I would postulate that these populations did not disappear suddenly by the destruction event 
mentioned in the verses (earthquake, flood, blast...) but I would think that their numbers decayed 
progressively until they were hit by the final destruction event and that was because of their 
wrongdoings of applying usury (interest) in their financial transactions. 

This will allow me to associate the population exponential decay equation with the interest 
exponential growth equation. 

The formula for my exponential interest growth function is: 
A=A oe 

Equation is: 0 = 1e?» + (6-22). 

Function is: A= A ge ^*9 + (3x22). 

So what would the population exponential decay equation be ? 

According to the table below, when "k" or we can call it "r" for rate is « 0 there is an exponential 


Exponential Growth and Decay Models 
The mathematical model for exponential growth or decay is given by 
f(t) = Ag" or A = Aw". 

* Ifk> 0, the function models the amount, or size, of a growing entity. Ag is 
the original amount, or size, of the growing entity at time t = 0, A is the 
amount at time ¢, and K is a constant representing the growth rate. 

* Ifk< 0, the function models the amount, or size, of a decaying entity, Ay is 
the original amount, or size, of the decaying entity at time ¢ = 0, A is the 
amount at time f, and K is a constant representing the decay rate. 

(a) Exponential growth (b) Exponential decay 

As long as we said that the all surahs starting by letters Alif, Lam, Meem/;?! associate the two 
subjects of usury (interest) and population destruction, I can postulate that the exponential 
equation that I derived from these letters applies to the usury (interest) growth and population 
decay (destruction) in the same time. 

The larger "t" time gets (more the time runs), the bigger the usury (interest) becomes in a society 
and faster is the population's decay. 

Let's explain it algebraically, if the usury growth function is : 
A=A oc" 
A — Age 299 (3xx) -22 


Let's say that the population of apes are using usury growth in their financial transaction with the 


Y= Age 38 + (3xx) 2 

If at the year 2020 (time = tọ) the amount of money lended to you by the bank is A, (100$), after 
x units of time, the amount of money that you have to pay back grows and becomes A = 100$ x 
e399 £[(3 xx) -22]. 

e After 3 time units it becomes 100e?*'? + [(3x3) -22] = 6267$; 
e After 4 time units it becomes 100e?*'? + [(3x4) -22] = 24953.$; 
e After 5 time unit it becomes 100e7?*? + [(3x5) -22] = 99220$ 


Notice how the 100$ becomes 992208 after 5 time units. This huge increase in the lended money 

can give us a hint of the time unit to be more probably 100 or 1000 years (one century or ten 
centuries) . 

The usury growth function graph is 



+ 3x - 2 


Then the population (that uses usury growth in its society) decay exponential function would be: 
A=A oe" 

Or we can write A = REE 

This function graph is: 

Alternate form 


If the population of apes is about 1000 members: 

e After 1 time unit (100 or 1000 years) it becomes 1000e” — [(3x1)-22] = 
226.578553059757 apes 

e After 2 time units (200 or 2000 years) it becomes 1000e€'7*'? — [(3x2)-22] = 
35.2917683596407 apes; 

e After 3 time units (300 or 3000 years) it becomes 1000e'** — [(3x3)-22] = 
-15.0771484954883 apes; 

Notice the population number of apes decays in 3 times unit from 1000 apes to -15 apes, it 
means they disappeared -15«0. Was the time unit 100 years or 1000 years ? Did the apes 
disappear after 300 years or after 3000 years ? I will try to answer this question later. 

Here I would like to mention that some very developed countries are using usury in their 
financial transactions and their societies are suffering from population decay which caused the 
lack of workforce and their trial to import that workforce from other countries like europeans 
countries that encourage the immigration from the african continent. 

A population decline (sometimes underpopulation or depopulation) in humans is a reduction in a 
human population size caused by short term events such as pandemics, wars, famines or other 
catastrophes, or by long-term demographic trends, as in sub-replacement fertility rate, or 
persistent emigration. 

Even though short-term population shocks have caused terrible loss of life and human misery, 
sometimes lasting several centuries, over the long-term, stretching from prehistory to the present, 
this planet's human population has continued to grow. However, current events suggest that this 
long-term trend may be coming to an end. Up until the beginning of the industrial revolution, the 
global population grew very slowly. After about 1800 the growth rate accelerated to a peak of 
2.1% annually in 1962; but since then, due to the world-wide collapse of the total fertility rate, it 
has declined to 1.1% today (2020). Long-term projections predict that the growth rate of the 
human population of this planet will continue to decline, and that by the end of the 21* Century, 
will reach zero. 

Examples of this emerging trend are Japan, whose population is currently (2015-2020) declining 
at the rate of 0.2% per year, and China, whose population could start declining in 2027 or sooner. 
By 2050, Europe's population is projected to be declining at the rate of 0.396 per year. 

Possible consequences of long-term national population decline can be net positive or negative. 
If a country can increase its workforce productivity faster than its population is declining, the 


results, both in terms of its economy, the quality-of-life of its citizens, and the environment, can 
be net positive. If it cannot increase workforce productivity faster than its population's decline, 
the results can be mostly net negative. 

National efforts to confront population decline to-date have been focused on the possible 
negative economic consequences and have been centered around increasing the size of the 
nation's workforce and the productivity of its workers. 

A reduction over time in a region's population can be caused by sudden adverse events such as 
outbursts of infectious disease (Coronavirus 2019), famine (Yemen 2016-2021) , and war (siryan 
civil war 2011-2021) or by long-term trends, for example sub-replacement fertility, persistently 
low birth rates, high mortality rates, and continued emigration. It's valuable to notice that no one 
had the idea that using usury (interest) could cause population decline or decay but this effect I 
deducted from these verses and their equations. In these surahs God talked about population 
destruction by single event. I think the event happened as the last event in a long destruction 
process that started by population decay until it reached the minimum number possible then the 
last destruction event (earthquake, flood...) occurred. 


Chapter III 
: Alif-Lam-Mim-Sód ألمص‎ 
« Alif-Lam-Mim-Rà» المر‎ 
120220101 الصدقة/‎ 

I- The equation » Alif-Lam-Mim-Séd» | 

The letter combination « Alif-Lam-Mim-Sód» can be transformed to numbers combination 
(1,23,24,14). Each letter corresponds to its ordinal number in the arabic alphabets. 

The combination«’ Alif-Lam-Mim-Sód» : 
Alif = Ordinal number 1 in arabic alphabets; 

Lam = Ordinal number 23 in arabic alphabets; 
Mim = Ordinal number 24 in arabic alphabets. 

Bob a 

Sod = Ordinal number 14 in arabic alphabets. 
Then we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (1) of the 
combination to the second number (23) then from the second number to the third number (24) to 

the last number (14). 

So ¢ Alif-Lam-Mim-S6d» can be written «1/23/24/14». The arithmetic operations are: 

e 1-22 =23. 
e 23-41-24. 
e 24—10- 14 

The equation will be 22 + 1 — 10 = 13 
These letters were the opening of surah Al-Aaraf. 

«المص (1) كِتَابٌ أنزل ati‏ فلا ين في صَدْرِكَ حَرَج Sh Xa‏ به 5635 Gaia all‏ «)2( 
Alif-Lam-Mim-Sód‏ "-1 

2- "This is’ a Book sent down to you "O Prophet'—do not let anxiety into your heart regarding 
it—so with it you may warn ‘the disbelievers', and as a reminder to the believers." 


The equation 22 + | — 10 = 13 can be transformed to 4* + 3x - 9 = 13. Then to 4* + 3x 22 then 
to 4* + 3x - 22 = 0 ( with x = 2). 

The function here will be f(x) = 1x4 + 3x - 22 or we can replace f(x) by "y" to become 
y= 1x4 + 3x - 22. 

The 1x4" is like the form ab* and ab* is equivalent to ae "^ P) *, 

My exponential equation : 

f(x) = 1x4* + 3x - 22 would become equivalent to f(x) = 1xe ^) + (3x3) - 22. 
The function f(x) = E FEX J can be written as: A = REET 

Surprisingly this function remind us the same usury growth function [A-A,e?*? + (3xx) —22] 
in the previous chapter of the book about the letters » Alif-Lam-Mim» without the letter «Sód» 
which is under the form : A= A ee". 

The graph will be: 

If we calculate the function with time t = 2, it means the amount A after 2 units of time will be 
like this : 
A = A oe" 

If the beginning amount A, = 100$ 

e After 2 times units the amount A will be 100e°°% + [(3x2) — 22] = 1563$; 
e After 3 times units the amount A will be 100e7?*? + [(3x3) — 22] = 6267$; 

e After 4 times units the amount A will be 100e72?*?  [(3x4) — 22] = 249538. 

This money growth according to this function is exactly the same as usury growth because it is 
the same function. Can you know what kind of growth is meant by this function in this chapter ? 

In surah Al-A'raf the verse 156 says : 

156- "Ordain for us what is good in this life and the next. Indeed, we have turned to You 'in 

repentance'." Allah replied, “I will inflict My torment on whoever I will. But My mercy 

encompasses everything. I will ordain mercy for those who shun evil, pay alms-tax, and believe 

in Our revelations." 

GSC" روحمتي ويبعث كل شيم‎ UM أصيث يدهن‎ NE OQ ani) إن مدقا‎ sa رفي‎ Ais CSI لتا في .هذه‎ CE, 
(156) «sie il هُم‎ Gilly SS Bis os ont 

The zakat (alms-tax) is the dynamical system that grows continuously in exponential function 
and the exponential growth is mentioned in another surah. The verse 39 surah Ar-Rum says: 

(39)« الْمُضْعِفُونَ‎ zh ad f i as ن 385 ريون‎ AM Legal فلا يَرْبُو عند‎ aS في أَمْوَالٍ‎ ital OS من‎ I La 
39-"Whatever loans you give, —only— seeking interest at the expense of people's wealth will not 
increase with Allah. But whatever charity you give, —only— seeking the pleasure of Allah—it is 
they whose reward will be multiplied." 

The multiplication in the verse is the exponential growth of what you give as zakat in the wealth 
of society by increasing the poor people's purchase capacity and their investments. 

There are three financial benefits from zakat: 

1. Even distribution of wealth in society: Zakat spreads income in society in a balanced way 
and the flow of money in the society becomes stabilized. Without Zakat, the rich will be 
getting richer by accumulating more and more wealth while the poor keep getting poorer. 
With Zakat, the excess wealth of the rich is circulated amongst the poor. 

2. Eradication of poverty: Because Zakat is paid out to the poor and needy, it can help 
eradicate poverty in society. If people pay out Zakat like they are asked to by God, 
poverty will be eradicated by increasing the poor people's purchase capacity and their 

3. Prevent recession: Paying out Zakat is a sure way to stop a recession in an economy. 
Zakat is an interest free system and thus acts as a buffer for economic fluctuations which 
otherwise lead to a recession. 


We can deduce then that those who practise usury to earn a lot of money can actually practise 
zakat instead and they will make the same amount of money (the same growth function) without 
having to suffer from the damage of usury that I will explain later (population decay). 

II- The equation « Alif-Lam-Mim-Ra» المر‎ 

The letter combination « Alif-Lam-Mim-Ràa» can be transformed to numbers combination 
(1,23,24,10). Each letter corresponds to its ordinal number in the arabic alphabets. 

The letter combination «’ Alif-Lam-Mim-Rà» : 
"Alif = Ordinal number 1 in arabic alphabets; 

Lam = Ordinal number 23 in arabic alphabets; 
Mim = Ordinal number 24 in arabic alphabets. 

Bop eor 

Ra = Ordinal number 10 in arabic alphabets. 
Then we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (1) of the 
combination to the second number (23) then from the second number to the third number (24) to 

the last number (10). 

So ¢ Alif-Lam-Mim-Rà» can be written «1-23-24-10». The arithmetic operations are: 

e 14+22 =23. 
e 234+1=24. 
e 24-14=10 

The equation will be 22 + 1 - 14 =9 
These letters were the opening of surah Surah Ar-Ra'd. 

(1)« الاس لا يُؤْمنُونَ‎ 881 ies الْحَقُ‎ at^ من‎ at أنزل‎ coal csi «المر "تلك آياث‎ 
1-"Alif-Lam-Mim-Ra. These are the verses of the Book. What has been revealed to you "O 
Prophet’ from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe." 

The equation can be transformed to 4° + 3x - 13 = 9. Then to 4* + 3x = 22 then we can simplify it 
to 4 + 3x - 22 = 0 ( with x = 2). 

The function here will be f(x) = 1x4 + 3x - 22 or we can replace f(x) by "y" to become 
y-Ix4* + 3x - 22. 


The 1x4 is like the form ab* and ab* is equivalent to ae" P) *, 

My exponential equation : 

y = 1x4* 3x - 22 would become equivalent to f(x) = 1xe^ 5) * + (3xx) - 22. We can write it 
under general form: 

A= Ae? + (3xx) —22. 

Again astonishing result, this function remind us exactly the same previous zakat growth 
function: A = A, e!?*? + (3xx) —22 about the letters «’ Alif-Làm-Mim-Sód» which is under the 
form: A= Ae" (A = Age ?*9 (3x) — 22). 

In surah Ar-Ra'd the verse that talks about the dynamical system growth is verse number 22: 

22-"And -they are- those who endure patiently, seeking their Lord's pleasure, establish prayer, 

donate from what We have provided for them— secretly and openly—and respond to evil with 

good. It i is they who will have the ultimate abode" 

cob لله‎ at Ja aeta E a cA ا‎ Lf ia و اقرا‎ a sl ر‎ fpi 
(22) «JI 

Here the growth is about the optional donation "sadaqa" and it is in the Quran the same growth 
as the obligatory donation "zakat" growth. 

Sadaqa or Sadqa (Arabic: ,صدقة‎ Urdu: ^i, IPA: [s'adaeqe],"charity", "benevolence", plural 
sadaqat (صدقات‎ in the modern context has come to signify "voluntary charity". According to the 
Quran, the word means voluntary offering, whose amount is at the will of the "benefactor". 

'Sadaqa' literally means 'righteousness' and refers to the voluntary giving of alms or charity. In 
Islamic terminology, sadaqa has been defined as an act of "giving something... without seeking a 
substitute in return and with the intention of pleasing Allah." Meanwhile, according to 
Ar-Rageeb al-Asfahaani “Sadaqa is what the person gives from what he possesses, like Zakat, 
hoping to get closer to Allah." 

The term 'sadaqa' stems from the Arabic root word 'sidq' (s-d-q) ,ص د ق‎ which means sincerity 
and it is considered as a sign of sincere faith. The three-letter root of this word, S-D-Q, also 
means, "to speak the truth," "to be sincere," and "to fulfill one's promise." All of these aspects of 
honorable behavior indicate the links between generosity and a healthy society. Some modern 
researchers also try to etymologically link the word sadaqa to the Hebrew np7x sedaka 
(almsgiving). Some experts hence conclude that sadaqa is a loanword. 


Anyone can give sadaqa for any amount. Some of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon 
him) were incredibly generous in giving sadaqa, often giving away large portions of their wealth 
and keeping only enough to meet their needs. A good balance for us may be to divide our wealth 
between that which we need, savings and sadaqa. 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) would give charity throughout the year but increase his 
sadaqah during Ramadan. Ibn Abbas said, “The Prophet (peace be upon him) was the most 
generous of people, and he was most generous during Ramadan," (Hadith, Bukhari). 

Examples of sadaqah include: 

To administer justice between two people; 

To remove harm from a road/removing thorns, bones and stones from paths; 
A good word; 

Every step taken towards prayer; 

Guiding the blind; 

Supporting the weak with the strength of your arms... 

There are many types of sadaqat. But I think that the function is about the continuously growing 
donation «sadaqa jariya». Sadaqa jariya is an important concept within Islam. The Prophet 
(peace be upon him) said: 

“When a person dies, all their deeds end except three: a continuing charity, beneficial knowledge 

and a child who prays for them," (Hadith, Muslim). 

عَنْ أبي A‏ رضي الله تعالى عنه: Gl‏ رَسُولَ الله ولتم قال: ul Gila My‏ آدم ahii‏ عَنْهُ Y] Alae‏ مِنْ تلاث: صَدَقَة AGS‏ 
أو ail de.‏ به أو dis‏ صَالح «Ad eX‏ رَوَاهُ AU‏ 

Therefore, Muslims are eager to give charity which will continue to have benefit to people after 
their death and continue to earn them reward. 

Any charity which continues to have positive effects on a community in the long-term can be 
considered a sadaqa jariya. Some examples include: 

Building homes, schools and hospitals; 
Installing durable water systems; 
Cultivating crops which provides food for years to come; 

Helping a family start a business which continues generating profit for future generations; 


Essentially, sadaqa jariya is what today's international development sector calls “sustainable 
development.’ Promoted by Islam over 1400 years ago, sadaka jariya encompasses the majority 
of sustainable development programmes carried out by NGOs today. 

You probably notice that bizarrely usury, zakat and donation go through the same growth 
function. Do we still need usury riba to earn money ? Definitely not because we have another 
fruitful dynamical donation and zakat systems. 


Chapter IV 
' Alif Lam Ra الر‎ 

I- The equation 

The letters combination «’ Alif-Lam-Ra» can be transformed to numbers combination (1,23,10). 
Each letter corresponds to its ordinal number in the arabic alphabets. 

The letter combination «’ Alif-Lam-Ra» : 
1. 'Alif = Ordinal number 1 in arabic alphabets; 

2. Làm = Ordinal number 23 in arabic alphabets; 
3. Rà = Ordinal number 10 in arabic alphabets. 

Then we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (1) of the 
combination to the second number (23) then from the second number to the third number (10). 

So ¢ Alif-Lam-Rà» can be written «1/23/10». The arithmetic operations are: 

e 1-722 =23. 
e 23—13- 10. 

The equation will be22 — 13 = 9 
These letters were the opening of 5 surahs as follow: 
1. Yunus 

1-"’ Alif-Lam-Ra. These are the verses of the Book, rich in wisdom." 
(1) «essai اأكتاب‎ cgi «الر “تلك‎ 

2. Hud 
1-" Alif-Lam-Ra. "This is' a Book whose verses are well perfected and then fully explained. ‘It 

is’ from the One “Who is’ All-Wise, All-Aware." 
(1)« حَكِيم خَبِيرٍ‎ SU مِن‎ CALL BAS] Gash) «الر كِتَابٌ‎ 


3. Yusuf 

1-"'Alif-Lam-Ra. These are the verses of the clear Book." 
(1) «geli GSH) Git «الر "تلك‎ 

4. Ibrahim 

1-" Alif-Lam-Ra. "This is’ a Book which We have revealed to you "O Prophet’ so that you may 
lead people out of darkness and into light, by the Will of their Lord, to the Path of the Almighty, 

the Praiseworthy." 
(1) رَبْهِمْ إلى صراط الْعزيز الْحَمِيدِ»‎ ob osi الظْلْمَاتِ إلى‎ bo Gall e jS ay add i Cass hy 

5. Al-Hijr 

1-" Alif-Lam-Ra. These are the verses of the Book; the clear Quran." 

(1) «os $s الكتاب‎ Gil «الر > تلك‎ 
The equation 22 — 13 — 9 can be transformed to 
[4° + 3x] - 13 = 9. Then to 4^ + 3x = 22 then to 4° + 3x - 22 = 0 ( with x = 2). 

The function here will be f(x) = 1x4" + 3x - 22 or we can replace f(x) by "y" to become 
y = 1x4" + 3x - 22 like the form y = ab* + cx -22. 

y = ab* is equivalent to y = ae" P)*, 
My exponential equation : 
y = 1x4 + 3x -22 would become equivalent to f(x) = 1xe""*)* + (3xx) - 22. 

This function, strangely, remind us the previous zakat growth function about the letters 
« Alif-Lam-Mim-Sód» and the sadaqa growth function about the letters » Alif-Lam-Mim-Rà» 
which are both under the form : A= A e" 

in this current chapter « Alif-Lam-Ra» has a function: 

f(x) = 1e 39? + (3x2) 222 under general form ESSERE 


With graph 

* ے‎ y+22 


Then what is the dynamical system that this function is talking about in the 5 surahs? If you read 
these 5 surahs carefully you will notice one notion that keeps being repeated as a common point 
in all of them, it is the notion of provision. 

The verse 6 surah hud is evoking the general idea of all creatures’ provisions: 

(6)« case GUS في‎ DE e Saas ELA الله )55 وَيَعْلَمُ‎ ule في الْأَرْض إلا‎ ld من‎ Uy 
6-«There is no moving creature on earth whose provision is not guaranteed by Allah. And He 
knows where it lives and where it is laid to rest. All is “written” in a perfect Record.» 

The verse 31 surah yunus is evoking the idea of specifically human's provision: 

2833 وَمَن‎ (Pdl مِنَ‎ dall 335 ciall مِنَ‎ dsl وَمَن يُخْرِجُ‎ JUS السّمْعَ‎ dts oá os S مَن ير ركم مّنَ السّمَاءِ‎ Qin 

(31) "5 sis أقلا‎ Dii a فَسَيَقُولُونَ‎ aN) 

31-"Ask "them, O Prophet’, “Who provides for you from heaven and earth? Who owns ‘your’ 

hearing and sight? Who brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? And 

who conducts every affair?" They will ‘surely’ say, “Allah.” Say, “Will you not then fear 

Then comes the verse 37 surah yusuf: 

"قال لا Qi at ds LAG YY tf aao uoo‏ أن uo‏ ڏلِځما مما عَلَمَِي LEA ERA AGI‏ لا يُؤْمِنُونَ dls‏ وَهُم 

(37) بالآخرّة هُمْ كَافِرُونَ"‎ 
37-"Joseph replied, “I can even tell you what kind of meal you will be provided before you 
receive it. This knowledge’ is from what my Lord has taught me. I have shunned the faith ofa 
people who disbelieve in Allah and deny the Hereafter." 


Then verses 31, 32 and 37 surah Ibrahim: 

"قل لَعِبَادِيَ Gl‏ آمنُوا يُقِيمُوا Ua | ply ESL‏ رَرَقنَاهُمْ سِرًا Sane s‏ من Ui‏ أن Ga Y tg qula‏ فيه ولا خِلالٌ"(31) الله 
الذي GIA‏ السّمَاوَاتِ Ga Vg‏ وَأَنرَكَ مِنَ السَمَاءِ مَاءَ MN g AD‏ رِزْقا لَكُمْوَسَخَّرَ Gp A cela ASF‏ في الْبَحْرٍ Fab‏ 
shins‏ لَكُمْ edi‏ )32( 
31-"Tell My believing servants to establish prayer and donate from what We have provided for‏ 
them—openly and secretly—before the arrival of a Day in which there will be no ransom or‏ 
friendly connections."‏ 
32-"It is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth and sends down rain from the sky, causing‏ 
fruits to grow as a provision for you. He has subjected the ships for your service, sailing through‏ 
the sea by His command, and has subjected the rivers for you."‏ 

S"‏ ٽي GS‏ من Ay uui‏ عَيْرِ Re po Gd‏ بَيْتِكَ الْمُحَرّم U5‏ لِيُقِيمُوا الصّلاةَ فَاجُعَل Ge Sash‏ الئاس تَهْوي إِلَيْهمْ 

(37) "6.235 dad cal a وَارْرُفْهُم مّنَ‎ 

37-"Our Lord! I have settled some of my offspring in a barren valley, near Your Sacred House, 

our Lord, so that they may establish prayer. So make the hearts of "believing" people incline 
towards them and provide them with fruits, so perhaps they will be thankful." 

Then comes the verses 19-22 surah AI-Hijr 

"وَالْأَرْض مَدَدْنَاهَا Lead all,‏ رَوَاسِيَ ls‏ فيها من OS‏ شَيْءِ 5555 )19( 5 Glas‏ لَكُمْ فيها Gul‏ وَمَن A BEY‏ برَازقينَ 

)20( وَإن من شَيْءٍ V] ADS Lay A5 Gie Y)‏ َِدَرِ aside‏ )21( وَأَرْسَلْنَا الرّيَاحَ لَوَاقحَ 151 مِنَ stai‏ مَاءَ فَأَسْقَيْتَاكُمُوهُ 
sl as‏ له بِخَازِنِينَ"(22) 

19-"As for the earth, We spread it out and placed upon it firm mountains, and caused everything 

to grow there in perfect balance. 

20-And We made in it means of sustenance for you and others, who you do not provide for. 

21-There is not any means ‘of sustenance' whose reserves We do not hold, only bringing it forth 

in precise measure. 

22-We send fertilizing winds, and bring down rain from the sky for you to drink. It is not you 

who hold its reserves." 

The provision is mentioned in all these surahs. One of the 99 Names of Allah is Ar-Razzaq 
(3155!) meaning The Total Provider / The Sustainer. Allah is the One who provides everything 
we need to live in this world. These are called "Rizq" generally meaning Provisions. 


II- The interpretation 

1- The provision's growth factors 

Here are the 12 ways to increase your provision " Rizq": 
1,- Tawba (repentance) from sins 

In verses 10-12 surah nuh it state: 

ein‏ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَكُمْ GIS A3‏ عَفَارَ ا(10 )يُرْسل pád‏ عَلَيْكُم 191533 )11( وَيُمْدِدْكُم dl gal‏ وَبَنِينَ وَيَجْعَلَ لّكُمْ جَنّاتِ وَيَجْعَل لَكُمْ 
odi‏ )12( 

10-“ Ask forgiveness from your Lord, verily, He is Often Forgiving; 

11-He will send rain to you in abundance. 

12-And give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you 


1, - Taqwa ( God-consciousness, piety) 
The verses 2-3 surah At-Talaq state: 

cya 4g dee gh ا لقم‎ gals يدق‎ he واا كوي‎ T AAU ST yee Gh IA gh اقإذا‎ 
Asis di ail عَلَى‎ OE jo يَحْتَسِبُ" وَمَن‎ Y Gis وَيَرْرْفْهُ من‎ (2) ia اله يَجْعَل لَه‎ Bo الآخِر * وَمَن‎ eli ably يُؤْمِنُ‎ OS 

(3) "DŽ شَيْءٍ‎ OSI 2 جَعَل‎ So yal بَالِعُ‎ ail Éy 
2-"... And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get 
out (from every difficulty). 

3-And He will provide for him from (sources) where he does not expect...” 

1c- Keeping ties of kinship 

عَنْ أبي $38 قاك: قال 525 الله satt‏ «مَنْ Gal‏ أَنْ Led‏ له في رٍزقهء A Uy‏ في Ax Uai e S‏ أَخْرَجَهُ 
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that he heard The Prophet (peace and‏ 
blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever would like his provision to be abundant and his‏ 
lifespan to be extended, let him uphold his ties of kinship." [Bukhari & Muslim]‏ 

lp - Sadaqa (giving charity) 

Verse 39 surah As-Saba states: 


(39) "G8 VM SiS 3 3743135 من شَيْءٍ فهو‎ ell UT sis يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ‎ oal 3 551 LAG رَبّي‎ à Oi" 

39-"Say: “Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and (also) 
restricts (it) for him, and whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allah's Cause), He will 
compensate it. And He is the Best of providers." 

And verse 261 surah Al-Baqarah states 

"مَتَلُ الَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمْ في un‏ الله Sat‏ حَبَّة eia Catal‏ سابل في Cie Loss i aa As s CS‏ لِمَن A EU‏ وَاسِعٌ 
"ale‏ )261( 
261-"The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah, is as the likeness of a‏ 
grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains.And Allah multiplies [His‏ 
reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knower."‏ 

1, - ‘Ibaadah (worship) 

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah Almighty 
said: O son of Adam, busy yourself with my worship and I will fill your heart with riches and 
alleviate your poverty. If you do not do so, I will fill your hands with problems and never 
alleviate your poverty.” 

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2466 
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani. 

a SUE S he alos Sad satin e$ asl يا ابْنَ‎ Di تَعَالَى‎ ai] «: قال‎ aas ade ait uias LAM be عَنْ أبي هْرَيْرَةَ‎ 

1, - Doing hajj and ‘umrah 

iiil joo Lag وَالْعُمْرَة‎ BSN) عن عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: « تَابِعُوا بَيْنَ‎ 
cally رواه الترمذي‎ isl d) Gig المَبرُورَة‎ agai Cutty dads calls الْحَدِيدٍ‎ God الْكِيرُ‎ uie كما‎ cca; 
وصححه ابن خزيمة وابن حبّان» وقال الترمذي: حديث حسن صحيح.‎ 
"Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (may the 
peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Perform Hajj and ‘Umrah consecutively. Verily, 
the succession between the two (rituals) takes away poverty and takes away sins just as the 
bellows takes away the dross of iron and gold and silver. And a Hajj not mingled with a sin has 
no reward except paradise.” 
[Musnad Imam Ahmad, Tirmidhi 810, Nasa’i 2360 & 2361, Ibn Majah 2887. Authenticated in 
As-Saheehah 1200. ] 


1ç - Tawakkul ( reliance upon God alone) 

LS لَرَرَقَكُمْ‎ aK عَلَى الله حَقَّ‎ S ASI قال: «لَوْ‎ alos ae Zu الله صَلَّى‎ 0525 éf عَنْهُ‎ A رَضِي‎ CUBA بن‎ ae عَنْ‎ 
e s spi في‎ ita Sig GANG Gey في الشنتدء‎ iat day 0195) «al £955 Laaa 188 Sth s 
وَرَوَاُ الحَاكِمُ في مُسْتَدْرَكهِ وَصَحَّحَهُ‎ hain في‎ 
‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that he heard the Prophet (may 
the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “If you would trust in Allah as He truly 
should be trusted, He would surely provide for you as He provides for the birds. They set out in 
the morning with empty stomachs and return in the evening with full stomachs." 
[Musnad Imam Ahmad, Ibn Majah 4164, Tirmidhi 2344. Authenticated in As-Saheehah 310.] 

1, - An-nikah (marriage) 
The verse 32 surah An-Noor states: 

"وَأنِكِحُوا الْأَيَامَى مِنكُمْ وَالصَّالِحِينَ مِنْ عِبَادِكُمْ oie s‏ يَكُونُوا فَقرَاءَ Al tss‏ من "le 5 A S ala‏ )32( 

32- "And marry off the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and 

female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is 
all-Encompassing and Knowing." 

1, - Dua (supplication) 

«le 5 dait ule إئي سالك‎ agi, u$ e صَلّى الصُبْحَ‎ 15) D كان‎ aie. Gall Gf عَنْها:‎ ail رَضِي‎ ia gl عَنْ‎ 

ala رَوَاهُ أَحْمَدُء وَابْنُ‎ «DES Sae 5 
Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated that the Prophet (may the peace and 
blessings of Allah be upon him) used to say, when he would pray the Morning Prayer, after 
making the taslim [saying Asalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmahtullah to the right and then to the left] 
he would say, *O Allah, I ask You for knowledge which is beneficial and sustenance which is 
good, and deeds which are acceptable." 

[Ibn Majah 926, 3843] 
1, - Gratitude and praising God 

The verse 7 surah Ibrahim states : 

(7) 59d إن عَذابي‎ BK oily SY A565 ئن‎ ads oi n 
7-“And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you 
[in favour]; but if you show ingratitude, indeed, My punishment is severe.” 


1, - Honesty and fairness in trade and business transactions 

مَهْدِيٌ قالآ Aas Us‏ عَنْ dad‏ عَنْ أبي الَْلِيلِ of ail Me Je‏ الْحَارث» عَنْ حَكِيم Lll E cal 5s Gh‏ صلى الله عليه وسلم 
gú‏ " الْبَيّعَانِ Joao‏ مَا لَمْ (uà lái‏ صدا s‏ بورك لَهُمَا في USES GE G5 Lage‏ مُحِقَّتْ بَرَكَهُ "Lage‏ 
Hakim ibn Hazim (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (may the peace and‏ 
blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “ The two parties of a transaction have the right (to annul‏ 
the contract) as long as they do not separate (from each other). So, if they were truthful (to one‏ 
another), and honest in explaining (the defects of an item), then they will be blessed in their‏ 
transaction. But, if they lied, and hid (the defects of an item) then the blessings of their‏ 
transaction are destroyed."‏ 
[Muslim Book 10:3661]‏ 

1, - Having children 
The verse 31 surah Al-Israa states: 

(31)" Ds Gba گان‎ solid إنَّ‎ aG 228555 GA a] حَشيَة‎ 28595) Lis y n 
31-“And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We (Allah) provide for them and for you. 
Indeed, the killing of them is a great sin." 

The provision is a dynamical system that if one of the above cause 15 realised can make it 
growing according to the growth function: 

2- The money growth time factor 

Now one may ask that according to our experience and observation of our current world, the 
populations’ number of modern society are not decreasing with the same function we deduced 
from the Quran. Despite that modern societies are having their populations growing rate 
decreasing but not as the function describes it and here the table showing the different rates. 
Moreover, the zakat, sadaqa and rizk are all not growing in many islamic societies as the 
function describes it. This has been said, the quranic function seems to be not realistic. 

The function that I deduced from the quran has a theoretical time unit undefined in the Quran. 
The time in the function is represented by the exponent x or we can call it t. Our x in the function 
initially was number 2. It means that the growth has a rate of 1.38 every time we add 1 time unit 
( could be 1 day or 1 week or 1 year. So we write my function as follow : 


e In the first time unit : 

A= Ape"? (3x1)-22 
e Insecond time unit : 

A-—Ae 0397 -(3x2)-22 (This is the original function I deduced from the verses) 
e In third time unit : 


Actually the quran does not precise the time unit what it is, it does not define it. Is it the second 
day, week, month or year or longer or shorter? If we apply the time unit year we will end with 
some large decay quantities in populations, and growth in interest, zakat, sadaqa and rizq. These 
quantities are not realistic. 

My only logical interpretation of the time unit undefined in the quran is that it could be 100 years 
(one century) or 1000 years. It means the growth rate 1.38 15 calculated on the base of 100 or 
1000 years. 

2, - In case of 100 years time unit 

If the time unit expressed in the Quran is 100 years, to have the yearly growth rate we need to 
convert the function to yearly growth rate function by dividing the rate 1.38 (138%)+100 = 
0.0138 (1.38%). So our growth rate becomes 1.38% each year or in decimal 0.0138. 

Function in 100 years is : 
A=A,e 39) .(3xx)—22 
But will be in 1 year 

A-AeQ0P99) £(3xx)-22 
So, the x which means time (t) unit is 1 year. And every time we add 1 time unit it means we add 
1 year. To calculate the growth quantity after 2 years we plot number 2 in x and to calculate the 
quantity after 3 years we plot the number 3 in x follow: 

e In the first year : 



e Insecond year : 
e In third year: 
Let's now take an example to see if my function works realistically: 

Imagine you give 1$ (Aj) as sadaqah or zakat or you spend it to make a project for rizq, what 
will it become after 1 year ? 

(3x1) 22‏ + 0.0138 [ حمر 
A= Le 38) 9.19‏ 
A= 1.01389565952732 — 0,19‏ 
A= 0.82389565952732‏ 

So the quantity after 1 year diminishes from | to 0.82. 
What will it become after 2 years ? 


A= 1.02798440840834 — 0,16 
A = 0.87599052877927 

What will it become after 3 years ? 

A=1e008d4(3 x3)-22 
A= 1.04226892974698 — 0,13 
A = 0.91226892974698$ 
What will it become after 4 years ? 

Ac 1e 005924 (3x4) 22 

A= 1.05675194393065 — 0,10 
A = 0.95675194393065$ 


What will it become after 5 years ? 

A-1e00B95-(355) 22 

A= 1.07143620914835 — 0,07 
A= 1.00143620914835$ 

The quantity increased from the first year 0.82389565952732 to the second year 
0.87599052877927$ then to the third year 0.91226892974698 then in the fourth year to 
0.95675194393065$ and in the fifth year it exceeds the 1$ that you gave away and became 

According to my calculation the 1$ won't make money until the fifth year. This applies also to 
zakat, sadaqa and rizq in the sense that every dollar you spend in these fields will show a 
decrease in the first five years then you start to earn or the benefitted persons or societies starts to 
earn from that money. 

Let's increase the amount of sadaqa, zakat or rizq "A," to 10$ and see at what year the amount 

The first year the outcome will be: 

A= 109001381) _ 0,19 
A= 10.1389565952732 — 0,19 
A= 9.9489565952732$ 

The second year the outcome will be: 

A= 10e-9138*2) En 0,16 
A= 10.2798440840834 — 0,16 
A= 10.1198440840834$ 

The increase is from 10$ to 10.1198440840834$ with 0,1198440840834$ difference realised in 
the second (2) year. 


But if we increase the amount "A," of zakat, sadaqa or rizq to Ay > 14$, and it will start to grow 
from the first year as follow: 

A-]4e(9 0580. (3x1)-22 
A= 140-0138) _ 0,19 
A= 14.1945392333825 — 0,19 
A= 14.0045392333825$ 

The increase is from 14$ to 14.0045392333825$ with 0.0045392333825$ difference that is 
produced at the first (1) year. 

So the conclusion is that the bigger amount you invest for sadaqah or zakat or rizq the faster you 
get the benefit. 

2, - In case of 1000 years time unit, 

If the time unit expressed in the Quran is 1000 years, to have the yearly growth rate we need to 
convert the function to yearly growth rate function by dividing the rate 1.38 (138%)+1000 = 
0.00138 (0.138%). So our growth rate becomes 0.138% each year or in decimal 0.00138. 

Function in 1000 years is : 
A-Aqe 399 .(3xx)-22 
But will be in 1 year 

1 year time unit rate will be: 
ACA e 0099-3») 22 
Let's now try the same example to see if my function works realistically with 1000 years 


Imagine you give 1$ (Aj) as sadaqah or zakat or you spend it to make a project for rizq, what 
will it become after 1 year ? 

A-]e(00038*D. (3x 11-22 
A= 1 e (0.001381) RN 0,019 


A — 1.00138095263816 —0,019 
A — 0.98238095263816 

So the quantity after 1 year diminishes from 1 to 0.98238095263816. 

What will it become after 2 years ? 

A-]e(000382) (3 x2)-22 

A= 1.00276381230652 — 0,016 
A — 0.98676381230652 

What will it become after 3 years ? 

A-]e000383) (3x3) 22 

حم‎ 1.00414858163857 — 0,013 
A= 0.99114858163857 

What will it become after 4 years ? 

A- 1e (6001389. (3x4) 22 

A= 1.0055352632715 — 0,010 

A= 0.9955352632715 

What will it become after 5 years ? 

A- 1e 000385) (3x 5) 22 

حم‎ 1.00692385984608 — 0,007 
A — 0.99992385984608 

What will it become after 6 years ? 

A=1 e(0.00138:6) 3 x 6)—22 
A= 1.00831437400676 — 0,004 
A= 1437400676 


The quantity increased from the first year 0.98238095263816 to the second year 
0.98676381230652 then to the third year 0.99114858163857 then in the fourth year to 
0.9955352632715 and in the fifth year to 0.99992385984608, finally in the sixth year it exceeds 
the 1$ that you gave away and became 1.00431437400676. 

Let's increase the amount of sadaqa, zakat or risq "A," to 2$ and see at what year the amount 

The 1* year the outcome will be: 

A=2e 0.013843 1)-22 

A= 2e(09939*). 89 

A = 2.00276190527633 — 0,019 

A= 1.98376190527633$ 

The 2" year the outcome will be: 

A-2019) (3x2)-22 

A= 29099399)... 0,016 

A = 2.00552762461303 — 0,016 

A= 1.98952762461303$ 

The 3" year the outcome will be: 

A= Je (0.001383) = 0,013 
A= 2.00829716327715 — 0,013 
A= 1.99529716327715$ 

The 4" year the outcome will be: 

A=2e0138)4(3x4)- 22 

A= 21384) _ 9.010 

A= 2.01107052654299 — 0,010 

A= 2.00107052654299$ 


The quantity increased from the 1* year 1.98376190527633 to the 2" year 1.98952762461303 
then to the 34 year 1.99529716327715 , finally in the 4" year it exceeds the 2$ that you gave 
away and became 2.00107052654299$. 

But if we increase the amount "A," of zakat, sadaqa or rizq to Ay > 14$, it will start to grow from 
the first year as follow: 

A- 14e (0903804 (3x ]) 22 

A= 14¢038) _ 0,019 

A= 14.0193333369343 — 0,019 

A= 14.0003333369343$ 

The increase from 14$ to 14.0003333369343$ with 0.0003333369343$ difference is produced at 
the first (1) year. 

We notice in general there is no big difference between yearly growth based on 100 year or based 
on 1000 year. 

3- The usury growth and population decay time factor 

The last issue we have to address is the population growth. In the beginning in chapter II when I 
linked my function to population, I mentioned that my function is about population decay and 
not growth. The population that uses usury in its financial transactions tends to decrease. 

Let's go back to the original function and test it. Remember in chapter II we arrived to these two 

1. Usury growth function with time unit 100 or 1000 years is: 

2. Then the population decay function with time unit 100 or 1000 years is: 


3, - In case of 100 years time unit 

Let's convert them from 100 years growth rate 1.38 to 1 year growth or decay rate as we did with 
the zakat, sadaqah and rizq function previously. 

e Usury growth rate e?*?4[(3x)-22] becomes e°°8")+(3x) -22 
e Population decay rate e !?*?- [(3x)-22] becomes e?" (35) -22 
Let's now take an example. 

If a country uses the usury rate of 1.38% (0.0138 in decimals) +(3x)-22, its population 
will decrease by the rate of - 1.3896 (-0.0138) — (3x)-22. 
Let's use the same apes' example of 1000 apes, if they use in their society an average of usury 
growth of 1.38% after every year how many apes remain. 

1* year 

e Usury growth 

The amount A, lended by the bank is 1000$. After one year the amount obtained A to be paid 
back to the bank is: 
A = A qe O09) L(3 X) -22 

A= 1000e0238*0--(3x 1) -22 

A = 1013.89565952732 + (-0.19) 
A= 1013.70565952732$ 

The 1000$ increased by 171705905052824 the first year وو‎ 

e Population decay 

The number of apes (1000 apes) Ay After one year of using that usury rate in their society, their 
number obtained A is: 
A = Acree _ (3x) 22 



A= 1000699138”! (3x1) 2 

A= 986.29478349498 - (-0.19) 

A — 986.48478349498 apes 

The apes number decreased by -13.61521650502 apes the first year from 1000 apes to 
986.38478349498 apes 

2" year 

e Usury growth 

The amount A, given by the bank is 10003. After 2 years the amount obtained A to be paid back 
A = A ,e0088)4(3x) -22 

A=1000e0%8 +(3x2) -22 

A= 1027.98440840834$ - 0.16 
A= 1027.82440840834$ 

The 1000$ increased the first year to 1013.70565952732 by [3970565959732 then the second 

year to 1027.82440840834$ by 721115725551025 

e Population decay 

The number of apes (1000 apes) A, After one year of using that interest rate in their society, 
their number obtained A is: 
A = Ake _ (3x) 22 

A= 1000e€ 99B82.— (3x2) 2 

A = 972.77739994941 — (—0.16) 
A = 972.9373999494] apes 
The apes' number decreased by -13.44738354557 apes the second year from 986.38478349498 
apes to 972.93739994941 apes. 


3, - In case of 1000 years time unit 

Let's convert them from 1000 years growth rate 1.38 to 1 year growth or decay rate as we did 
with the zakat, sadaqah and rizq function previously. 

e Usury growth rate e?*?4(3x)-22 becomes e09955*) (35) -22 
e Population decay rate e'***-(3x)-22 becomes e(?9959*9 (3x) -22 
Let's use the same apes' example of 1000 apes, if they use in their society an average of usury 
growth of 0.138% (0.00138) after every year how many apes remain if they decrease with a rate 
of -0.138% (- 0.00138)? 

1* year 

e Usury growth 

The amount A, lended by the bank is 1000$. After one year the amount obtained A to be paid 
back to the bank is: 
A = A qe (00013899 E (3x) -22 

A= 1000e09038*-.(3x 1) -22 


A — 1001.38095263816 - 0.019 
A= 1001.36195263816$ 

The 1000$ increased by [361952638165 the first year to 1001.36195263816$. 

e Population decay 

The number of apes A, After one year of using that usury rate in their society, their number 

obtained A is: 
A = A jg 01380 — (3x) —22 
A= 1000e(°.00138*)_ (3x 1) -22 

A — 998.620951762139 — (—0.019) 
A — 998.639951762139 apes 

The apes number decreased by BiESGU04828786d| apes the first year from 1000 apes to 
998.639951762139 apes. 
2" year 

e Usury growth 

The amount A, lended by the bank is 1000$. After 2 years the amount obtained A to be paid back 
to the bank is: 
A = A e000138)4-(3x) -22 

A= 1000001389)4(3x2) -22 


A = 1002.76381230652 - 0.016 
A= 1002.74781230652$ 

The 1000$ increased by 015616526581165 the first year to 1001.36195263816$ then the second 
year increased to 1002.74781230652$ by 885859668363. 

e Population decay 

The number of apes A, After 2 years of using that usury rate in their society, their number 

obtained A is: 
A =A geog (3x) —22 
A= 1000e 0-8) _ (3x2) -22 

A= 997.24380529832 — (—0.016) 
A= 997.25980529832 apes 

The apes' number decreased by -1.360048237861 apes the first year from 1000 apes to 
998.639951762139 apes then the second year decreased to 997.25980529832 apes by 

-1.380146463819 apes. 

Here is the table that summarizes the comparison between the 1000 year base dynamical system 
with the 100 year base dynamical system. 


100 years Vs 1000 years growth or decay 

Usury growth 13,70565952732$/year 1,36195263816$/year 
|.  - 4 14,11874888102$/year 1,38585966836$/year 

-13,61521650502 apes/year | -1,360048237861 apes/year 

1d -13,44738354557 apes/year | -1,380146463819 apes/year‏ — 7 — "ا 

Two verses in surah Al-Baqara can help us determine which one is meant by the Quran, 15 it the 
100 years base or 1000 years base. The first is verse 96 that states: 
* sd بمرخزجة مِنَ آلْعَدَابِ أن‎ gh Us Si الف‎ asd SI aS St LESSE Sal وَمِنَ‎ ss LHe الئاس‎ Gaal gisi" 
)96( يَعْمَلُونَ.‎ Lag San ails 
96-"You will surely find them clinging to life more eagerly than any other people, even more 
than polytheists. Each one of them wishes to live a thousand years. But even if they were to live 
that long, it would not save them from the punishment. And Allah is All-Seeing of what they 

The second one is the verse 259 that states: 

GA Ue a i Sl"‏ وَهِىَ خَاوِيَةٌ ule‏ عُرُوشِهَا GA Ll Dd‏ هذه S Af‏ مَْتِهَا قَأَمَاتَهُ B cle GL AM‏ بَعَنه قال كم بشت“ 
قال cà‏ يَوْمَا أو is Ga‏ قال بل id GAD‏ عَامْ ki‏ إلى طَعَامِكَ وَشَرَابِكَ لَمْ يَتَسَنَه Sisi,‏ إلى حِمَارِكَ وَلِتَجْعَلَكَ file‏ 
5i," i‏ إلى آلْعظام كَيْف Al Gs ub alu LAS SU S23‏ قال "esd Sco OS (ole ail Gj ale)‏ )259( 
«Or “are you not aware of the one who passed by a city which was in ruins. He wondered,‏ -259 
“How could Allah bring this back to life after its destruction?" So Allah caused him to die for a‏ 
hundred years then brought him back to life. Allah asked, “How long have you remained "in this‏ 
state ?" He replied, “Perhaps a day or part of a day.” Allah said, “No! You have remained here‏ 
for a hundred years! Just look at your food and drink—they have not spoiled. “But now’ look at‏ 
“the remains of your donkey! And ‘so’ We have made you into a sign for humanity. And look at‏ 
the bones ‘of the donkey’, how We bring them together then clothe them with flesh!" When this‏ 
was made clear to him, he declared, *Now'" I know that Allah is Most Capable of everything."»‏ 

The reason why I chose surah Al-Baqara to interpret the "t" time unit if it is 100 or 1000 years is 
1. The surah is the first surah in the Quran that started by the letter combination 
' Alif-Làm-Mim ali; 
2. The surah has talked about the usury growth and the population decay as I previously 
The surah has talked about all other cases of: 
e Risq (provision) verses 267-268 


267-"O ye who believe! Give of the good things which ye have (honourably) earned, and of the 
fruits of the earth which We have produced for you, and do not even aim at getting anything 
which is bad, in order that out of it ye may give away something, when ye yourselves would not 
receive it except with closed eyes. And know that Allah is Free of all wants, and worthy of all 

268-"Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you 
forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all- -Encompassing and Knowing. 

Gi YI وَلَسْتُمْ بآخِذِيه‎ o i be Gaul من الأرْض ولا تَيمَمُوا‎ S US SI Vas AAS مَا‎ iia مِنْ‎ | gail الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا‎ teal "يا‎ 
Rol ils Lais Ala مَغْفِرَةَ‎ 2S bag i بِالْفَحْشَاءٍ‎ 28 ^al hall zu حَمِيدٌ (267) الشَيْطَانُ‎ Lid ai Éf تُعْمِضُوا فيه وَاعْلَمُوا‎ 

(268) "ate 
e Sadaqa (donation) verse 271 

271-"To give charity publicly is good, but to give to the poor privately is better for you, and will 

absolve you of your sins. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do." 

Gye‏ تُبْدُوا الصّدقات ed‏ هي وَإِنْ a hy a Aii‏ الْقْقَرَاءَ فَهْوَ uA‏ لَكُمْ * ahi‏ عَنْكُمْ مِنْ SE‏ * وَالَّهُ Ue‏ تَعْمَلُونَ 
Sas‏ ")271( 

e Zakat (alms-tax) verse 277 

277-"Indeed, those who believe, do good, establish prayer, and pay alms-tax will receive their 
reward from their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve." 
.)277( 63593 هُمْ‎ V5 عَلَيْهمْ‎ HIS رَبّهمْ وَلا‎ Sie gh RI gl الزكاة‎ VES الصّالِحَات وَأقامُوا الصّلاة‎ | gles | shal الذِينَ‎ Gy" 

All these reasons make the surah the best candidate to interpret the time unit in my function. But 
notice that these verses in surah Al-Baqara of provision/risq (267-268), donation/sadaqa (271) 
and alms-tax/zakat (277); all of them came after the verse 259 in a frame of a story of the man 
who the Qur'an narrates he passed by a hamlet in ruins, where the people who lived there had 
died generations earlier, and then asked himself how God will be able to resurrect the dead on 
the Day of Judgment. The Qur'an goes on to say that God subsequently caused the man to die for 
a hundred years, and then raised him to life again. God then asked the man how long he felt he 
had "tarried thus", to which the man replied perhaps one day or part of day, at which point he 
was told the truth. 

On the other hand, the food and the drink the man had with him were intact, and both were as 
fresh as it when he had left them, showing that God has power over all things and controls time 
for all things. The man's donkey, however, was not only dead but was reduced to pure skeletal 
form. And then, by God's power, the bones joined right in front of his eyes, and the body clothed 
itself in muscles, flesh and blood, resulting in the donkey coming back to life. 


All scholars think that this parable is used to teach various lessons. Firstly, it represents that time 
is nothing to God, who has power over time. Secondly, it teaches that the keys of life, death and 
resurrection are in God's control only, and that man has no power over the three. Thirdly, like 
most Quranic parables, it illustrates that man's power is nothing, and that his utmost faith should 
rest in God and God only. 

I personally add another lesson which is to make a ruined human city populate again, people 
need three things, first the provision/risq and secondly that provision has to be subject to 
alms-tax paying and thirdly subject to donation giving. These payments will redistribute equally 
that provision between all members of that population. This is the way how to revive a dead city 
that God wanted to teach us in those verses. The verse 259 started by the event of the man who 
was caused to die 100 years then comes the other verses (267-268-271-277) right after the man 
event to answer the man question: how to make a dead hamlet alive again ? The answer is in 
those verses about provision, alms-tax and donation. 

For all these reasons I would use the time unit 100 years for my function and the yearly 
population decay —1.38% per year for the societies that uses usury 1.38% per year will be the 
first year —13.61521650502 humans/1000 humans and the second year —13.44738354557 

humans/1000 humans according to the function: RES pure : 

If the society uses a usury growth function as 

These results sound realistic. Notice that decay does not necessarily mean a decrease from the 
starting number of apes (1000 apes) , it could be a decrease in the growth quantity. For example 
if the 1000 apes increase 100 apes each year and then they start to use usury, next year their 
increase will be 1100—13,89521650502=1086,10478349498. Here they are still increasing from 
1000 to 1086,10478349498 but with smaller quantity which is actually a decrease in growth 

The population decay based on the calculation of 1000 years sounds possible also. The 1000 apes 
decrease the first year at a rate of —0.138% by -1.360048237861 apes/year and the second year 
by -1.380146463819 apes if they use usury that increases at a rate of 0.138%. More studies on 
usury growth rate and population decay rate relation have to be developed by specialists. 


Chapter V 
Ha Mim; ‘Ain Sin 031 ( عسق‎ as) 
I- The verses and the equation 

The letters combination «Ha Mim» can be transformed to numbers combination (6,24). Each 
letter corresponds to its ordinal number in the arabic alphabets. 

The combination«Ha Mim» : 

1. Ha = Ordinal number 6 in arabic alphabets; 
2. Mim = Ordinal number 24 in arabic alphabets; 

Then we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (6) of the 
combination to the second number (24). 

«6/24». The arithmetic operations are: 
e 6-18 - 4 

The number 18 can be written as a function: f(2) = 3° x 2 

This is again an exponential function which expresses a dynamical system of a mechanism. So 
what would be the mechanism in the Quran that this function models ? 

The graph of this equation is : 



The letters combination «Ha Mim» are the opening of a seven successive surahs called 
"Al-Hawamim" (In arabic,e4! 523! and it is the plural of word a»). These surahs are ordered as 

There are some common subjects that were treated in these seven surahs but the most important 
one that I think is a dynamical system is the hellfire. I think that the letters combination sets the 
function of the hellfire mechanism. It is a function that models the temperature rise. 

Let's go step by step. All the seven surahs that start by combination letters "Há-Mim"/es talks 
about the hellfire. 

1- Surah Ghafir: 

2-The revelation of the Book [ie. the Qur'an] is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the 

49-"And those in the Fire will cry out to the keepers of Hellfire, “Pray to your Lord to lighten the 
torment for us ‘even’ for one day!" 
آلْعَدَابِ(49)‎ Ga Legs Ue Cia) 2855) دوأ‎ igs لِخَرَنَةِ‎ UT في‎ GM وَقال‎ 

7-"Those ‘angels’ who carry the Throne and those around it glorify the praises of their Lord, 
have faith in Him, and seek forgiveness for the believers, 'praying:' “Our Lord! You encompass 
everything in "Your' mercy and knowledge. So forgive those who repent and follow Your Way, 
and protect them from the torment of the Hellfire." 
Ule 5 شَيْءٍ رَحْمَة‎ OE آمَنُوا رَبَنَا وَسِعْتَ‎ oll وَيُؤْمِنُونَ به وَيَسْتَغفِرُونَ‎ £i) 2383 حَوْلَهُ يُسَبْحُونَ‎ Gay iAd يَخمِلُونَ‎ call 
(7) esl سيك وَقِهِمْ عَدَابَ‎ | cll s تابُوا‎ Gall sid 
60-"Your Lord has proclaimed, “Call upon Me, I will respond to you. Surely those who are too 
proud to worship Me will enter Hellfire, fully humbled."" 

atl aue M eS Jú;‏ لَكُمْ ]5 الذينَ يَسْتَكْبرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدْخُلُونَ eig.‏ داخرِينَ(60) 

76-"Enter the gates of Hellfire, to stay there forever. What an evil home for the arrogant!" 
مَنْوَى الْمْتَكَبّرِينَ(76).‎ Oulu فيها‎ Gaal Sigs Gl Gl اذخُلوا‎ 

2- Surah Fussilat 

2-A Revelation from (Allah), Most Gracious, Most Merciful" 


19-"And [mention, O Muhammad], the Day when the enemies of Allah will be gathered to the 
Fire while they are [driven], assembled in rows" 
يُورَعْونَ(19)‎ Ze أله إِلى آلنار‎ ele! uisi وَيَوْمَ‎ 

28-"That is the recompense of the enemies of Allah - the Fire. For them therein is the home of 
eternity as recompense for what they, of Our verses, were rejecting." E 
(28)5 55535 Uis كَانُوأ‎ Ly 158 aS فيها دَارْ‎ Bed انار‎ aif جَرَآءُ أَعَدَآءٍ‎ alls 

3- Surah Ash-Shura 


2- ‘Ain Sin Qaf 

3-Thus has He revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and to those before you - Allah, the Exalted in 
Might, the Wise. 

7-"And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’an that you may warn the Mother of Cities 
[i.e., Makkah] and those around itl and warn of the Day of Assembly, about which there is no 
doubt. A party will be in Paradise and a party in the Blaze." . 

(7) وَهَرِيقَ في السّعير‎ Mall فيه“ فريقٌ في‎ Gy يَوْمَ الْجَمْع لا‎ sais Glos وَمَنْ‎ dli أمَ‎ ald ape GI ati is yl ai; 
4- Surah Az-Zukhruf 

2- By the clear Book," 

74-"Indeed, the criminals will be in the punishment of Hell, abiding eternally." 
(74) خَالِدُونَ‎ aes المُجْرِمِينَ في عَذاب‎ C 
5- Surah Ad-Dukhan 

2-By the clear Book," 

43-"Indeed, the tree of zaqqum 

44-"Is food for the sinful. 

45-"Like murky oil, it boils within bellies 

46-"Like the boiling of scalding water. 

47-"[It will be commanded], "Seize him and drag him into the midst of the Hellfire" 
48-"Then pour over his head from the torment of scalding water." 

49-"[It will be said], "Taste! Indeed, you are the honored, the noble!" 


إن Jedi (44) ex ads (43) asi eos‏ يَغْلي في tes )45( o old‏ الْحَمِيم )46( خُدُوهُ età‏ 5 إلى سَوَاءِ الْجَحِيم 
c cale pili GA | ste £5 (47)‏ الْحَمِيم )48( A Xi odi esi ac aa‏ )49( 
Surah Al-Jathiya‏ -6 

2-The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise." 

10-"Before them is Hell, and what they had earned will not avail them at all nor what they had 
taken besides Allah as allies. And they will have a great punishment." 
(10) عَظِيمٌ‎ Gide وَلَهُمْ‎ eal انَحَذُوا مِنْ دون الله‎ La YS LE | gS وَلا يُغْنِي عَنْهُمْ ما‎ des مِنْ وَرَائِهِمْ‎ 

7- Surah Al-Ahqaf 

2-The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise." 

18-"Those are the ones upon whom the word [i.e., decree] has come into effect, [who will be] 
among nations which had passed on before them of jinn and men. Indeed, they [all] were losers. 
19-"And for all there are degrees [of reward and punishment] for what they have done, and [it is] 
so that He may fully compensate them for their deeds, and they will not be wronged. 
20-"And the Day those who disbelieved are exposed to the Fire [it will be said], "You exhausted 
your pleasures during your worldly life and enjoyed them, so this Day you will be awarded the 
punishment of [extreme] humiliation ooi you were arrogant upon the earth without right and 
because you were defiantly disobedient.' 
عَمِلُوا‎ Lae 54.53 GEN (18) خَاسِرِينَ‎ LAS gal) uds Gall مِن‎ iplb Ge GE ud في‎ O'all agile Gs أولئك الّذِينَ‎ 
بها‎ RAUS WAM) طَيّبَاتِكُمْ في حَيَاَكُمُ‎ sad) Jn QR qo Ny ass (19) وَهُمْ لا يُظْلَمُونَ‎ xii aer 
(20) 6 285 S وَبِمَا‎ GAN o تَسْتَكْبِرُونَ في الْأَرْض‎ BS الْهُونِ بِمَا‎ Ge 55535 فَالَيَوْمَ‎ 
II- The hell system 

1- The characteristics 

From all the previous verses we can deduce that the fire is an enclosed space with different 7 
levels or we can say 7 different spaces announced in verse 33-44 surah Al-Hijr 

43-" And indeed, Hell is the promised place for them all. 
44-"It has seven gates; for every gate is of them [i.e., Satan's followers] a portion designated." 
(43) أَجْمَعِينَ‎ dese yal See Gls 
(44) موم‎ 258 gl باب‎ OS gl a 


Here I can understand clearly that Jahannam 15 the general name of the 7 spaces. Each space 
(called gate in the verse) is most likely to be a heated planet with a different degree Celsius of 
temperature. They are planets because those who are in hellfire are having an eternal life where 
they walk, talk, eat and wear clothes as we do on the earth planet but with wordly temperature. 

What support my idea of 7 different heated planets is the hadith that says: 

Allah's Apostle said, "Your (ordinary) fire is one of 70 parts of the (Hell) Fire." Someone asked, 

"O Allah's Apostle This (ordinary) fire would have been sufficient (to torture the unbelievers)," 

Allah's Apostle said, "The (Hell) Fire has 69 parts more than the ordinary (worldly) fire, each 

part is as hot as this (worldly) fire." 

Volume 4, Book 54, Number 487 

Narrated Abu Huraira: 

AN 25 f Ai أبي $5398 رَضبي اله‎ E c RS Ge IEG عَنْ ابي‎ ca GSS قال‎ al بن ابي‎ Use tad) fis 

beie Eins : قال‎ RAT GAS ِن‎ d رَسُولَ‎ G Qi » Sed JU قال : « نَارْكُمْ 258 مِنْ سَبْعِينَ جُڙءَا مِنْ‎ » phy ade d iia 
حَرّهَا».‎ She جُڙءَا كُلهْنَّ‎ Sas A 

The fire temperature could be coming from the planet core. The planetary core consists of the 
innermost layer(s) of a planet. Cores of specific planets may be entirely solid or entirely liquid, 
or may be a mixture of solid and liquid layers as is the case in the Earth. In the Solar System, 
core size can range from about 20% (Moon) to 85% of a planet's radius (Mercury). 

A planetary core acts as a heat source for the outer layers of a planet. In the Earth, the heat flux 
over the core mantle boundary is 12 terawatts. This value is calculated from a variety of factors: 
secular cooling, differentiation of light elements, Coriolis forces, radioactive decay, and latent 
heat of crystallization. All planetary bodies have a primordial heat value, or the amount of energy 
from accretion. Cooling from this initial temperature is called secular cooling, and in the Earth 
the secular cooling of the core transfers heat into an insulating silicate mantle. As the inner core 
grows, the latent heat of crystallization adds to the heat flux into the mantle. 

Small planetary cores may experience catastrophic energy release associated with phase changes 
within their cores. Ramsey, 1950 found that the total energy released by such a phase change 
would be on the order of 1029 joules; equivalent to the total energy release due to earthquakes 
through geologic time. Such an event could explain the asteroid belt. Such phase changes would 
only occur at specific mass to volume ratios, and an example of such a phase change would be 
the rapid formation or dissolution of a solid core component. 

The fire temperature could also be coming from a gigantic planet as the sun that survives by 
burning hydrogen atoms into helium atoms in its core. In fact, it burns through 600 million tons 


of hydrogen every second. The distance between these 7 planets (7 jahannam) and the gigantic 
planet determines the temperature on these planets. The farther the planet is the lower the 
temperature is on it. That explains the different degrees Celsius of temperature in 7 jahannam 
and that is why some of them are not hot, on the contrary they are cold because they are far from 
the heating gigantic planet and that could be the "zamharir" (the extremely cold section of 
Jahannam). That was expressed in the following hadith. 

Abu Hurayrah reported that the messenger said: “Jahannam complained to its Lord saying: ‘Oh 
my Lord, parts within me have devoured each other." So Allah allowed it two breaths: one in the 
summer and the other in the winter. Therefore the extreme heat that you experience (on earth) is 
caused by the heat of Jahannam, and the severe cold too is due to the zamharir. (the extremely 
cold section of Jahannam)." (Sahih Bukhari 537, Sahth Muslim 617) 
اشتكت‎ y ping ae صَلّى الله‎ di 0,25 قال: قال‎ » AE AN روى البخاري )3260( « ومسلم )617( عن أبي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِي‎ 
مَا تَجِدُونَ مِنَ‎ XE في الصيف ؛‎ Cul c نفس في الشتَاءِ‎ soia لَهَا‎ 38 eras بَعْضِي‎ OS C : Cd a SH 
.» BRADI Ge وَأَشَدُ مَا تَجِدُونَ‎ Sal 

The idea of a gigantic planet like the sun to be the source of heating on these «planets-jahannam» 
is not supported by physical evidences because the existence of such a gigantic "sun" needs the 
small «planets-jahannam» to orbit around it to heat all parts of them otherwise when the east is 
heated the west will be cold and inorder to heat all parts of each planet at the same time the orbit 
is needed and the orbit rotation creates time running which is contradictory with eternal timeless 
hellfire as verse 74 surah Az-Zukhruf states : "Indeed, the criminals will be in the punishment of 
Hell, abiding eternally." 

(74) خَالِدُونَ‎ Sigs IE في‎ Sue yall Ó 

Then it seems that the most logical idea is that the core of each planet is a source of the heat. The 
7 jahannam are described in verse 145 surah An-Nisaa to be superposed vertically which it 
means that the 7 planets are placed vertically as the verse 145 of surah An-Nissa mentioned: 
"Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire - and never will you find for them 
a helper" 

(145) تَجِدَ لَهُمْ تصيرًا‎ os JU Ge DELI الُْنَافِقِينَ في الدّرْكِ‎ óy 

This position implies the existence of Altitude and the temperature changes in a function with the 
altitude; vertical temperature variation is the variation in temperature as a function of elevation. 
My function was : 

f(x) 2-3 x x , this function has a base "b" equal to 3 and has to be transformed to base "e" 
according to the rule : 

Y = ab” is equivalent to y = ae 7 *, 


My exponential equation is : 

Y = 1x3* x x becomes equivalent to 

Y = ]xe^?)* = 2,71828182845905' 9? 
Y = 2.71828182845905! 9» 

I can replace letter "Y" by letter "T" for Temperature and my function becomes: 
Ta عت‎ Tome 

-T, = the temperature of the planet (jahannam) at height h, 

-To= the temperature at reference point 0 (can be referring to the first jahannam planet level). 
- 1.099 rate of temperature change in decimal as altitude increases ( in percentage is 109,995) 
- x is the altitude unit that can be in m or km or more. 

Let's try to decrypt these data. First let's assume that the distance altitude between each 
jahannam-planet is 70 earthy years. There is a hadith graded «very strange» that announces the 
distance between each part of the 7 parts of jahannam to be 70 earthy years. 

A gharib (—£, Gharib) hadith is one conveyed by only one narrator. Al-Tirmidhi's 
understanding of a gharib hadith, concurs to a certain extent with that of the other traditionalists. 
According to him a hadith may be classified as gharib for one of the following three reasons: 

Firstly, a hadith may be classified as gharib since it is narrated from one chain only. Al-Tirmidhi 
mentions as an example a tradition from Hammad ibn Salamah from Abu 'Usharai on the 
authority of his father who enquired from the Prophet whether the slaughtering of an animal is 
confined to the gullet and throat. The Prophet replied that stabbing the thigh will also suffice. 
Secondly, a tradition can be classified as gharib due to an addition in the text, though it will be 
considered a sound tradition, if that addition is reported by a reliable reporter. The example cited 
by al-Tirmidhi is a tradition narrated through the chain of Malik (died 179 AH) from Nafi' (died 
117 AH) on the authority of Ibn 'Umar (died 73 AH) who stated that the Prophet declared 
alms-giving at the end of Ramadan obligatory upon every Muslim, male or female, whether a 
free person or slave from the Muslims. However, this tradition has also been narrated by Ayyub 
Sakhtiyani and 'Ubaid Allah ibn 'Umar, without the addition "from the Muslims", hence the 
above-mentioned example due to the addition of "from the Muslims" in the text is classified as 
gharib.Thirdly, a tradition may be declared gharib since it is narrated through various chains of 
transmitters but having within one of its chains an addition in the isnad. 


The hadith of distance between each of the 7 hellfire in arabic language the following: 
gll HB «Sadi بْنُ‎ ail Me "قال‎ 1595] giii yale بْنِ‎ leal ull أبي رَزينٍ‎ dues Giidi Xa مسند أحمد ابن حنبل‎ 
La عَلَى‎ ikan piita بهذا الْحَدِيث « وَقَدْ‎ t] ui » الزُبِيرِيٌ‎ URSI بن‎ aed of $a oh مُحَمّدِ‎ od حَمْرَةَ‎ di Al 
(pna Uie. بْنُ‎ gas I Se قَالَ : حَدَنَنِي‎ » Gal jal all عَبْدُ الرّحْمَنِ بْنُ‎ is : Jú c Ae als es ¢ til) به‎ usi 
sel Ge « gui isa ان‎ i dé بن عبد اله ِن ڪاجب بن‎ LG بَِي عرو بن عزف » عن تلم‎ oec uli الأنصارِي‎ 
EEROR i id : قال لقيط‎ » ila oh Ma oh palé ويك يِن‎ : 4 ads ai Decus, dia d 
e aaki حِينَ انْصَرَف مِنْ صَلاة‎ SU das عليه‎ d رَسُول اله صَلّى‎ sl any eur وَسَلمَ‎ dle اله‎ uia الله‎ Jy 
عله‎ Gs yl مِن‎ Dei ألا‎ , SLY ألا‎ Gl iain] S ite لَكُم‎ sa ألا ئي قذ‎ Catt GA: QU Gh Quill فَقَامَ في‎ 
Agli صَاجبه » أؤ‎ ass أو‎ cedi Eas i Ed »ألا ثم‎ cing de di رَسُول اله صَلّى‎ Dus لتا ما‎ gen : PERE 
وَصَاحِبِي‎ Ul oi » الاس‎ Gules JÉ ألا اجُلِسُوا » ألا اجُلِسُوا‎ e ؟ ألا اسْمَعُوا تعيشوا‎ Gah هَل‎ › Bele إِنّي‎ ESTO 
اي‎ des culos وهر‎ e M rad aca € ciii من لم‎ aie ها ونون الل »عا‎ Gl A Bh) ul 
e : وَمَا هي ؟ قال‎ : Ë » وَأَشَارَ بيده‎ c Y) ls Y » الْعَيْبِ‎ Ge وَجَلَ بمَفاتيح حَمْسٍ‎ e i, oca : فَقَلَ‎ abd uat 
x مَا في‎ le SCA AS عَلِمَهُ » وَلَا‎ M يَكُونُ في الرَّحِم‎ Gas all iles (AS AES Yg c أَحَدِكُمْ‎ Aa uta ale M » dnl 
coll غَيْرَكُمْ‎ Éj ale S Antes عَلَيْكُمْ آزْلِينَ آدِلِينَ مُشْفقِينَ » فَيَظَلُ‎ a us cesi يَوْمَ‎ dle s » تَعْلَمُهُ‎ Yg » IAS ie us انت‎ u de 
ICE EE َا رَسُول‎ : riu اعرد لزه‎ and t : éd laf قُرْب قال‎ 
$i : قال‎ » Ki التي نَحْنُ‎ ute 5 cri م التي‎ ess cle C55 ul gaia مِنْ‎ Ss تصديقتا‎ GLAS قبيلٍ لا‎ Ge ie 
si مها تدخ غل رها من‎ aul ت الات لر‎ at gu oZ. ees e d glia is uio كُمَّ د‎ » IL 
رثك عل‎ afk » Si ele وخلث‎ aM يوك في‎ Dea De فأمنتخ رك‎ Des مع رك عر‎ ce والملايكة‎ caa إلا‎ 
AS gli cat | coda oiia وَلَا‎ ah g olaa ظَهْرِهَا مِنْ‎ ule ما تدغ‎ gl) adi » IUE EINE 
saih exl « exl أمس ء‎ (o5 يا‎ : Us) » فيه‎ GS Lal a: ab^ Qi > Walls g indi » رَأْسِهِ‎ e ġa تَجْعَلَهُ‎ uis 
ذلك في‎ Jis alis : ؟ » قال‎ EENG « ly الرَيَاح‎ bai يَجْمَعْنَا بَعْدَ مَا‎ GK cA يا رَسُولَ‎ : lb a ns » يَحْسَبُهُ‎ 
عَلَيْكَ‎ Cl d » sull عَلَيْهَا‎ Ja 5e aio duj d » Vl GAS فقت : لا‎ At iga وهي‎ c Geile C al الأرْضُ‎ «ail آلاءِ‎ 
oai الْمَاءِ عَلَى أن يَجْمَعَ تبات‎ Ge عَلى أن يَجْمعَهُمْ‎ Dii sel gl) ual, al شَرْبَة‎ gag « ladle Cisl fs ut إلا‎ 
Ua ede وَنَحْنُ‎ GES » قال : 58 :6 رَسُولَ الله‎ HS. Sess » َتَنْظْرُونَ إِلَيْهِ‎ Mosca الأصوَاءِ » وَمِنْ‎ Ge oS A 
صَغِيرَةٌ تَرَوْنَهُمَا‎ Aia AS] addi Sai » وَجَلَّ‎ 5e ail في آلاء‎ aS s alli : ؟ قال‎ Ui ss ail) SLE Lal, Sali gs 
Y تَرَوْنَهُمَا » وَيَرَيَانِكُمْ‎ GI يَرَاكُمْ » وَتَرَوْنَهُ مِنْ‎ GI ule 538] إِلَهِكَ لَهْوَ‎ ads » لا نُضَارُونَ فِي رُؤْيَتِهِمَا‎ Saal S Mele c وَيَرَيَاِكُمْ‎ 
Ts « صَفَحَاتكُمْ‎ Al is alle ؟ قال : تُعْرَضُونَ‎ dal IS Dag 5e 55 G يَفْعَلُ‎ Gb › قلت : يا رَسُولَ الله‎ Gg ثُضَارُونَ في‎ 
Gis أحَدِكُمْ‎ 5 eii ما‎ del as (e Sb acsi sull Go 4452 بِيَدِهِ‎ Jag Je رَبك‎ Ml » hau Sie ade uii 
الله‎ iia o ca cal م‎ T » agi الحميم‎ a ais S ls « cca 5 die is Es gra ufi » boh 
: 085 5e رَبك‎ Do Gs: الْجَمْرَ » » فقول‎ S85) قيطأ‎ » an جرا مِنَ‎ SEL › o A عَلَى إِثْرِهِ‎ Gy eos «die 
يده إلا‎ Sie alg ciu dull yi GEIS قط » ما‎ die xs dts « Gl ule حَوْض الرَّسُولٍ‎ ule ألا فتطَلِعُونَ‎ » ai 
05556 : & : مِنْهُمَا وَاحِدَا قال‎ 5555 Ya  ُرَمَقْلاَو‎ Gall Cathy c وَالْأَنَى‎ « Silly c ca Sell يُطَهرُهُ مِنَ‎ CS uie ai; 
: قال‎ Jail به‎ S « Gea Sl في يَوْمِ‎ at ¢ a قبْلَ‎ Ay « بَصرك سَاعَتَكَ هذه‎ is: Q ؟‎ a Lad » AM 
إلا أنْ يَعْفْوَ قال : قُلْتُ : يَا‎ cu ES Aa » أَمتَالِهَا‎ use وَحَسَنَاتنَا ؟ قال : الْحَسَنَةُ‎ LL تُجْرَى مِنْ‎ ud CAL يَا رَسُولَ‎ : Gl 
سَبْعِينَ عَاماء‎ Las CIN يَسِيرُ‎ Ý) UG dla مَا‎ ecl Aad ÁU Sy gt) Sal : Q GN Us » BSH cd رَسُولَ‎ 
: ؟ قال‎ Ai مِنَ‎ Albis فَعَلَى‎ » ail يَا رَسُولَ‎ : Cd سَبْعِينَ عَامَا‎ Labs SION Saad إلا‎ GG Lage Us cal pl ut isl Gy, 
cgl ne eas Aaa مِن لبن لم َير‎ ils Aa مِنْ كأس ما بها مِنْ صاع » ولا‎ Js » uias She مِنْ‎ Jl ule 
Bebe فيها أَرْوَاجٌ » أو‎ il » يا رَسُولَ اله‎ : Gb oes وَأَرْوَاجٌ‎ «Axa alia مِنْ‎ Rg » إِلَهِكَ ما تَعْلَمُونَ‎ Saal desl, 

eal: Cis Lil قال‎ dig أن لا‎ eS odis فِي اليا‎ dta he as A لل احق‎ Cattell + قطتلكات ¢ كال‎ 
صَلّى‎ SA aca : قال‎ GT ما‎ » il يا رَسُولَ‎ : S dos ade اله‎ uia الي‎ Asi ؟ فلم‎ ad ias » OA GA ما‎ 
tai 50s. E 13 (Ol io a ai ds « a O « gan ui على‎ dis « £5 das le لله‎ 
Gia dai: Gb: مقطينية فان‎ Y Ut lina ui Sky cis hing ate dn اللي لى‎ out Ga shall cu stall as 
: قال‎ acis Jj ate. ولا يَجْنِي‎ «cs Ais Des وَقَالَ : ذلك لك‎ e يد‎ lid « audi إلا عَلَى‎ ya شتا » ولا يجني‎ eds 
بني بكر بن‎ tel I ابن‎ ca له‎ Oi aS c الاس في الأولى‎ le a aad i VERO » عَنْهُ‎ iyii 
da 289 هَل‎ » ail يا رَسُولَ‎ : Sl age biis « Ub ci : قال‎ as Dal csi jn; ؟ قال‎ AI كلاب : مِنْ هُمْ يا رَسُولَ‎ 
UE قال‎ i في‎ gia ai 5) dus : قال كالول ون خرص اران‎ € elata مَضَى مِنْ خَيْرٍ في‎ 
: ed asl الأخرى‎ e usa ds + أن أفول‎ i t oll رُمُوس‎ le وَوَجْهِي وَلَحْمِي مما قال لبي‎ gale 
(az alil uio: Di » مِنْ مُشرك‎ Gh قبْرِ عَامِرِيّ » أوْ‎ Ge alle eril ما‎ Ál ^aa uus: dá ؟‎ atis » يا رَسُولَ لله‎ 
Y Jue uie كَانُوا‎ s ah بهم‎ dad يا رَسُول اله » ما‎ : S : قال‎ UA وَبَطْنِكَ في‎ casis ule Sei ca s Gs ala 
فَمَنْ‎ CAL يَعْنِي‎ - pal eia OS في آخر‎ Gad وَجَلَ‎ Se ai GY as: مُصْلِحُونَ ؟ قَالَ‎ gil إِيَّاهُ ؟ وَكَانُوا يَحْسِبُونَ‎ Y] Glad 

"Gall مِنَ‎ GIS ABS eel الضَالَّينَ » وَمَنْ‎ Ge YS S عَصَى‎ 

الراوي : أبو رزين العقيلي لقيط بن عامر | المحدث : ابن كثير | المصدر : البداية والنهاية 
الصفحة أو الرقم: 5/72 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : غريب جدا وألفاظه في بعضها نكارة 

So let's convert 70 lunar years (the arab used lunar calculation in the past) to distance in km. 
Lunar year is only 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 34 seconds (354.367056 days). If we observe 
the moon from outside the solar system , we can see the moon is revolving a complete round 
around earth every 27.3 day , but because earth revolves around itself so we see the moon is 
completing the round every 29.5 day . 

The moon revolves around earth a complete round every month, but because earth is also 
revolving around itself and in the same direction so that we see the month is 29.5 day but in fact 
it only takes 27.3 days for the moon to complete the round. The question is what is the traveled 
distance by the moon around earth in 70 years? 

The determination of months and years is based on the movement of the moon. so the month for 
us is a one complete round for the moon around the earth. We know that the moon revolves one 
round every month around earth, so it will be 12 rounds in the year. God says in verse 36 of 
Surah at-Taubah- :«Verily, the number of months with Allah is twelve months» 

In a simple calculation based on the real month, the moon travels 2152612.27 km around earth in 
a complete round. This distance represents the length of the orbit that the moon takes while a 

complete round during one month. 

So the distance per year is: 2152612.27 x 12 = 25831347 km 


And in 70 years are : 25831347 km x 70 = 1808194290 km. This is the altitude distance between 
each planet-jahannam which is the exponent x. 

Let's now try 

T, = pgs xx 

-T, = the temperature of the planet (jahannam) at height h, 

-To= the temperature at reference point 0 (can be referring to the first jahannam planet level). 

- 1.099 rate of temperature change in decimal as the distance increases (in percentage is 109,994) 
- x is the distance unit that can be in m or km or more. 

Let's note here that x distance is the same as "h" height. 

2 - The temperature 

The temperature at reference point 0 could be considered as the combination letter « Ain- 
Sin-Qaf»/ e in surah Ash-Shura. The equation of those letters is derived as follow: 

The combination« Ain-Sin-Qaf» : 
1. ‘Ain = Ordinal number 18 in arabic alphabets; 
2. Sin = Ordinal number 12 in arabic alphabets; 

3. Qaf- Ordinal number 21 in arabic alphabets. 

Then we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (18) of the 
combination to the second number (12) then from that second number to the third number (21). 

«18/12/21». The arithmetic operations are: 

e 18-6 —12. 
e 1219-21. 

Then, — 6 + 9 = 3. The 3 can be written as a function: f(1) = 3 x 1 which gives us the same 
result of letters combination «Há-Mim» function f(2) = 3° x 2. In general it is the function: 
Î Î Which can be converted to base e: T, = Tye! x x. 


So this function EST models the exponential temperature rise from the Jahannam-planet 
1 to Hawiya-planet 7. The following table will give you all levels functions. 

Generally the flame temperature on earth varied between the cool flame 100 °C to the common 
highest temperature 5730 °C. The prophet mentioned in his narration that our earthy fire is 1/70 
of hellfire temperature. So 100°C x 70 = 7000°C. 

If we consider 7000°C the temperature at Tj qlanet-jahannam) & then it will increase exponentially 
according to my function every increase of distance. 

I. 1.099xx 
T (planet) E Tye xX 

We know from the Quran that the highest temperature is in the lowest planet vertically named 
"Hawiya" and the coolest one is the vertically toppest one named "Jahannam". It means the 
exponential increase of the temperature will be from T, to T}. 

The distance x from the 1“ planet-jahannam to the 274 one planet-Ladha is 1808194290 km and 
the same distance from the 2" planet-Ladha to the 3" planet-Saqar, etc. The distance 1808194290 
km is considered as unit 1. 


1808194290 km = unit 1 (x) 
1808194290 km x 2 = 3616388580 Km = unit 2 (x) 
1808194290 km x 3 — 5424582870 Km - unit 3 (x) 
1808194290 km x 4 = 21698331480 Km = unit 4 (x) 
1808194290 km x 5 = 9040971450 Km = unit 5 (x) 
1808194290 km x 6 = 10849165740 Km = unit 6 (x) 
1808194290 km x 7 — 12657360030 Km unit 7 (x) 

The hell system function : F(x) = 3* x x 

X F(x)or y Exponential function 
T planed) = ie xX 

« Ain-Sin-Qàf»/.$«e = 3 

1 € T 1(planet-j ahannam)s¢> T 1(planet-Jahannam) 

70009 C- T, e EP x 1 
Ty = 2332.429128*C 

Jahannam - Hell - because of the depth of its pit. 


T; (planet-ladha) = Toe x 2 
= 42016.2920605916 °C 

T, (planet-saqar) — Tye x3 
= 189146.634351758 °C 

1.099x4‏ ع 
T, (planet-hutamah ) Toe x4‏ 

= 756879.931453564 °C 

= 1.099x5 
Ts (planet-jaheem ) Toe x 5 

= 2839400.3972788 °C 

= 1.099x6 
Te (planet-sa'eer) — Toe x 6 

= 10225805.3223323 °C 

= 1.099x7 
T; (planet-hawiya) - Toe ^ 7 

= 35804197.6306164 °C 

Hà-Mim/es = 8 

2 2 T ocplanet-ladha) o 

Ladha - blazing fire - because of its flames. 

3 . Teint gom 

Saqar - because of the intensity of its heat 

4 . Tioiahetehitatma) dahil 
Hutama - broken pieces or debris - because it 
breaks and crushes everything that is thrown into 


3. T sipianetjaheen الْجَحِيمَ‎ 

Jaheem - fire - because of its blazing fire. 

6. T atas go 

Sa'eer - blazing flame - because it is kindled and 


7. T7 planet-hawiyah) هَاويَةٌ‎ 

Hawiyah - chasm or abyss - because the one who 

( three times hotter than the core of 
the sun's temperature 15 million 
degrees Celsius, 27 million degrees 


is thrown into it is thrown from top to bottom 

The different 7 hellfire planets are supposed to be "antimatter-terrestrial planets" since I said in 
my book "Mathematical interpretation of the holy Quran volumel" that the after death phase is 
an antimatter universe and also because the punishment includes drinking very hot water and 
there are scorpions, serpents and tree of "zakum" that its fruit boil the stomach. All these 
elements can not exist on the gaseous planet. 

Since the Quran tells us that hellfire will be full of humans and jinns (created from fire), the first 
most probable possibility is that every planet could be having hot areas to burn humans and cold 
areas to cool jinns as cold poles on earth. The second possibility is that some planets are entirely 
cold and some are entirely hot which is not probable because all hellfire gates' names refer to the 
hot and no one refers to the cold. The zamharir (the extremely cold section of Jahannam) 15 the 
cold area of each planet. 


The existence of cold and hot areas on the same time on each planet means that the source of 
heat is not only the core of the planet but also an external source on different distances from each 
planet like the sun in our solar system and these planet are rotating and orbiting the heat source 
which make alternative phases from extreme heat to extreme cold and each planet has a different 
atmosphere that affect the surface temperature. This leads us to the existence of time running that 
is supported by the verse 49 surah Ghafir: 

49-«And those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Hell, "Supplicate your Lord to lighten for us 
a day from the punishment."» 
(49) ail يَوْمَا مّنَ‎ e Caii 2855 اذعُوا‎ pig لِخَرَنَة‎ JÓI في‎ Gell "وَقَالَ‎ 

The day for God is like 1000 earthy years in verse 47 surah Al-Hajj: 

47-" And they urge you to hasten the punishment. But Allah will never fail in His promise. And 

indeed, à day with your Lord is like a thousand years of those which you count." 
تَعْدُونَ"(47)‎ s Li AIS hy) يَوْمَا عند‎ E) 5^ 836 A CARS وََن‎ caldo "وَيَسْتَعْجِلُونَكَ‎ 

But the time running for hellfire punishment will be so long that would be as eternity. That is the 
notion of eternity, it is not the non existence of time but the endless time running for the planets 
but not for humans. Humans or jinns in hellfire or paradise don't grow up but time keeps running 
for the planets. The planet orbiting suggests that humans and jinns are subject to different kinds 
of punishment during one day, freezing punishment or burning punishment. The jinns can be 
punished by a fire hotter than them or by a freezing cold and the same double punishment is 
valid also for humans. The human that enters hell can burn during the day and freeze during the 
night. So my final idea supports the existence of a burning star like the sun to be one of the 
sources of heat on these 7 planets-jahannam. 

Therefore, the surface temperature of a «hellfire-terrestrial-planet» is determined by how much 
energy the hellfire-planet receives from the heat source planet (like the sun) and how quickly it 
radiates that energy back to space. A terrestrial planet's interior temperature is determined by its 
size. The crust is a very poor conductor of any heat from the interior so the surface heat 1s all 
from the heat source planet. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune have extra heat energy coming from 
their interiors but they are gaseous and not terrestrial and hellfire planets can not be gaseous 
because no human can step on gas. 

In our solar system recall about seasons, in order to keep the temperature the same, there must be 
a balance between the solar energy flowing onto the planet and the energy radiated back out to 


On global scales, three things can affect this energy flow and therefore, the average global 
surface temperature. These three things are the same factor that play together to make the 7 
hell-planets in different temperatures. As shown in the figure below, they are the planet's distance 
from the Sun, the planet's surface reflectivity (albedo), and the planet's atmosphere (through a 
process called the greenhouse effect). 

١ = —- 

Distance from the Sun: closer => hotter 

M = 
١ =r 3 " 

Surface reflectivity (albedo): greater 
reflectivity (albedo closer to 1) — cooler 

Planet's atmosphere (greenhouse effect): 

more greenhouse => ho 

2,-The distance from the sun 

Planets closer to the Sun receive more solar energy by an amount that depends on their distance 
squared. Also recall that hotter dense things produce more energy (they are brighter). With more 
solar energy flowing to the closer planets, they must be hotter to re-radiate that energy back out 
to space. The amount of solar energy reflected immediately out to space is determined by the 
material on the planet's surface or clouds in the atmosphere. The fraction of sunlight that is 
reflected from an object is the albedo. If the albedo is closer to 1 (100% reflectivity), the planet 
does not need to be as hot to have its outflow of energy balance the inflow of solar energy. 
Darker objects absorb more solar energy and, therefore, they need to heat up more to re-radiate 
that energy back out to balance the inflow of solar energy. For example, you probably notice the 
difference between wearing a white T-shirt vs. wearing a black T-shirt outside on a sunny, 
summer day. Another example is the liquid water in our oceans absorbs more solar energy than 
the ice areas at our poles. 

Let's pause here and find out what the surface temperature should be for some of the planets. The 
rate of energy absorbed by the planet equals (the absorbing area of the planet) x (brightness of 
sunlight at the planet's distance from the Sun) x (fraction of sunlight absorbed). The rate of 
energy radiated by the planet equals (the surface area of the planet) x (energy radiated by each 
square meter every second, which changes as temperature to the fourth power). Setting the rate 
of solar energy absorbed equal to the rate of energy radiated by the planet, you find using the 
values for the distances and albedo, that Mercury should have an average temperature of 160 deg 


C, Venus should be -42 deg C, Earth should be -19 deg C, and Mars should be -63 deg C. Their 
actual temperatures are: Mercury = 425 deg C (day)/ -175 deg C (night) = midway value of 125 
deg C; Venus = 464 deg C; Earth = 15 deg C; and Mars = -31 deg C (day)/-89 deg C (night) = 
midway value of -60 deg C. Mercury has such a large variation between day and night as well as 
a large variation between the daytime polar temperature of 317 deg C and daytime equatorial 
temperature of 452 deg C that the rather arbitrarily chosen midway value of 125 deg 15 close 
enough to the calculated value of 160 deg C. 

The difference between actual temperature values and the calculated values for the other three 
planets are a bit more interesting because of the effect of their atmospheres. A planet's 
atmosphere can hinder the rate that energy flows outward to space from the warm ground so the 
ground must heat up to increase the energy leaking out enough to balance the inflow of solar 
energy. This blanket effect of the atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. A planet's 
atmosphere can also hinder the rate that energy flows inward from space to the ground. The 
Moon and the Earth are at the same distance from the Sun but the Moon has a very large change 
in temperature from day to night due to the Moon's lack of an atmosphere. The Moon's surface 
temperature at its equator ranges from about 100 K (-173 deg C) at night to almost 400 K (127 
deg C) during the day! 

All these factors can explain the difference of temperature between the 7 hellfire-planets. So we 
can understand that the planet Pqawiya, is the closest one to the source-planet of heat and Pa 

is the farthest one. 

2,-Greenhouse Effect 

Incoming visible light from the Sun (short wavelength) is either reflected back to space by 
clouds of liquid droplets or solid particles or makes it to the ground to heat it up. Visible 
light passes easily through HO and CO, gases. Since the ground is much cooler than the 
hot Sun's surface, it reradiates the energy in the form of infrared light (long wavelength) 
instead of visible light. Greenhouse gases (like HO and CO} and clouds reflect some of the 
infrared light back to the ground trapping the heat close to the surface. Some infrared light 
does escape back to space—otherwise the surface would continually get hotter and hotter. 

The greenhouse effect is named after the glass houses used to keep plants warm during cold 
weather. Energy in the form of visible light from the Sun passes through the glass walls and glass 
roofs of a greenhouse and heats up the plants and soil inside the greenhouse. The air in contact 
with the plants and soil gets warmed up. The glass walls and roofs prevent the hot air from 
escaping to the outside. The same sort of thing happens to the interior of your car when you 
leave it out in the Sun with the windows rolled up. 


On a planet, certain gases like carbon dioxide or water vapor in the atmosphere prevent heat 
energy in the form of infrared light from leaking out to space. These so-called "greenhouse 
gases" allow visible light from the Sun to pass through and heat up the surface. A planet's surface 
is warm enough to emit infrared light. Some of the infrared light is absorbed by the greenhouse 
gases and radiated back toward the surface, warming the surface even more. Some of the energy 
is radiated back toward space. The surface warms enough so that the amount that does leak back 
out to space balances the solar energy flow inward. Note that if the greenhouse was a perfect 
blanket, then the surface would continue to get hotter and hotter. This could also explain why 
P nawiya) 18 the hottest one because it might have too much carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. 

The primary greenhouse gases found in the atmospheres of our solar system's planets are given 
in the figure below. Not shown are chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's) 
that are synthesized by humans. On the Earth the relative amounts these molecules contribute to 
the total greenhouse effect occurring are approximately: 60% for water, 26% for carbon dioxide, 
5% for methane, 4% for ozone, 4% for the CFC's/HFC, and 2% for nitrous oxide (rounding of 
the numbers to integer values means they will not add up to exactly 100%). 

Now back to our three planets. Venus' actual temperature is over three times more than if there 
was no greenhouse effect at work. Earth has a natural greenhouse effect mostly caused by water 
vapor to raise the temperature by about 34 deg C so the oceans do not freeze. Mars has only a 
very slight warming because of its thin atmosphere. 

2--Atmosphere Structure 

Planet atmospheres have a layered structure based on how the temperature changes with 
increasing altitude. The greenhouse effect plays a major role for the lowest layer of a terrestrial 
planet's atmosphere and other heating agents can raise the temperature of the upper layers. In this 
section we will take a look at the Earth's atmosphere layers, then compare it to the other 
terrestrial planet atmospheres, and finally finish with the structures of the jovian planets 



273 K=0°C 
Layers of 
Earth's atmosphere | 

"X-rays limit 

Thermosphere X-rays, ultraviolet light heat and 
ionize gases, Aurorae found here. 1 
Extends up to 500+ km. 

Mesosphere no ozone to absorb ultraviolet light 


Altitude (km) 
anum An 

Stratosphere ozone absorbs ultraviolet light; 
no convection 

Troposphere greenhouse + convection important 
1 1 n n 1 L f 

0 د‎ L = J 
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 
Temperature (K) 

The figure above shows the bottom four layers of the Earth's atmosphere. (Standard model 
atmosphere from Steven Pietrobon at Small World Communications.) Here are short descriptions 
of each layer. 

Troposphere: lowest layer (closest to the ground). The greenhouse effect is present in some 
amount. The temperature drops with increasing altitude because of more greenhouse heating 
lower down. Convection is important. In fact, without convection the temperature difference 
between the mountain tops and sea level would be even greater. The churning of the air by 
convection makes our storms. Ultimately, solar energy is what powers our storms. Clouds of 
water droplets and ice crystals are found here. Other planets will have clouds made of other 
molecules in here. 

Stratosphere: where the temperature begins rising with increasing altitude above the troposphere. 
Ultraviolet light is absorbed by the ozone molecules in this layer. Ozone is the molecule made up 
of three oxygen atoms you came across in the greenhouse section above. It is beneficial to life 
when it is up in the stratosphere. Upon absorbing the ultraviolet light the fragile ozone molecules 
break apart then they re-form later when an oxygen atom combines with an oxygen molecule to 
complete the cycle. The absorption of the ultraviolet light is why the temperature increases. 
Ozone in the stratosphere is considered "good ozone" because of its shielding effect. Ozone in 
the troposphere is considered "bad ozone" because it causes respiratory problems and other 
negative health effects as well as being destructive to organic materials such as plastics. 
Mesosphere: where the temperature begins falling again with increasing altitude above the 
stratosphere because there is no ozone to absorb the ultraviolet light. 

Thermosphere: where the temperature begins rising again with increasing altitude as the gases 
absorb X-rays and some ultraviolet light and heat up. No X-rays reach below the thermosphere. 
The X-rays have enough energy to knock electrons out of atoms making the atoms charged, a 
process called ionization. Where the ionization happens the most is called the ionosphere, a layer 
important for radio communication because the radio waves reflect off this layer and enable them 
to travel beyond the line-of-sight horizon. Aurorae occur in this layer (described in a later 


Exosphere: the uppermost layer where the gases escape to space at about 500 kilometers or so 
from the Earth's surface. Very low density gases heated by X-rays and ultraviolet light. Mercury 
and the Moon technically also have exospheres but their exospheres begin right at their surfaces. 

How temperature changes 
with altitude. Only Earth has 4 
the temperature "bump" for 

a stratosphere. 

Altitude (km) 


0 n i i 1L L 
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 
Temperature (K) 

Both Mars and Venus have tropospheres of greater extent than the Earth, though for different 
reasons. Mars' atmosphere is much thinner than Earth's and there is less compression because of 
Mars' weaker gravity. Although Venus has weaker gravity than Earth, it has over ninety times the 
amount of atmosphere because of a runaway greenhouse effect that occurred at least hundreds of 
millions of years ago. That does provide a warning to us that drastic global climate change is 
possible. Because their tropospheres extend over a greater distance than the Earth's troposphere, 
Mars' and Venus' clouds are found at higher altitudes. Mars and Venus also have thermospheres. 
What is missing is the temperature bump of a stratosphere (and mesosphere) because they do not 
have an ozone layer to absorb the ultraviolet light. 

Jupiter's troposphere extends much further down merging smoothly into its interior. Mixed in 
with the abundant molecular hydrogen and helium are trace amounts of ammonia, water, and 
methane. Even smaller amounts of hydrogen sulfide (the stinky stuff of rotten eggs), other 
hydrogen polysulfides, and phosphorus are also present. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide will mix 
together in water to make ammonium sulfide. Molecules of ammonia, ammonium hydrosulfide, 
and water will form droplets (condense) when the temperature is low enough. They will 
condense (and freeze) at different temperatures, though, so clouds of these molecules will form 
at different depths in the troposphere. There are three main cloud decks on Jupiter. Water 
condenses at a higher temperature than the other two, so water clouds are thought to exist at the 
deepest cloud layer. Higher up the temperature is low enough for the ammonium hydrosulfide to 
condense. Finally, just below the upper bound of the troposphere, the temperature is cold enough 
for ammonia to condense. Note that the cloud layers mark the upper bound of that type of 
molecule in the hydrogen/helium atmosphere. 

The Galileo spacecraft dropped a probe into Jupiter's atmosphere when it arrived at Jupiter in 
December 1995. The probe got down to a depth of 161 km below the cloud tops before the probe 
stopped functioning because of high pressures and temperatures. At that depth the pressure was 
22 bars and the temperature about 425 K. The Galileo probe should have penetrated to where the 


water vapor is but it did not find the water. Unfortunately, the probe entered one of the clear, dry 
areas produced by downdrafts. Despite that the probe got over 160 km below the cloud tops, it 
was still in the troposphere and its deepest point represents just 0.3% of Jupiter's radius. Above 
the troposphere of Jupiter, ultraviolet heating makes a stratosphere but other molecules instead of 
ozone absorb the ultraviolet light. At the highest levels are the thermosphere and the exosphere. 

i td 273K=0C Jupiter 
stratospher Oc Jupiter —— 
Uranus =~ 
Neptune ——-— 

Same three cloud decks 
at Saturn form at deeper 
levels than at Jupiter 
because of Saturn's 
lower temperature 


NH4SH. troposphere 

Altitude (km) 

Saturn's weaker 
gravity than 
Jupiter leads to less 
compression of its cloud 

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 
Temperature (K) 

PERO دوه‎ 
-200 N 


Saturn has the same three main cloud decks, though they are found at lower altitudes than on 
Jupiter because of Saturn's lower temperature (it is further from the Sun). Also, Saturn's cloud 
decks are further apart from each other because of Saturn's lower gravity, there is less 
compression of the gases. Because Saturn's clouds form at deeper positions in its troposphere, its 
cloud patterns appear more muted than on Jupiter. It is thought that the three cloud decks (of 
ammonia, ammonium hydrosulfide, and water) would be found much too deep in the 
tropospheres of Uranus and Neptune for us to see. Instead, Uranus and Neptune being even 
further from the Sun have cold enough tropospheres for methane to condense and freeze to form 
clouds (Jupiter and Saturn are too warm for methane clouds). Neptune has extra heat energy 
from its interior so its atmosphere temperature is warmer than Uranus. 

All these solar system characteristics can be found in the hellfire antimatter system but with 
different measurements. The Quran does not precise these measurements but we can understand 
that hellfire is not a mystical imaginative notion but it could be a system like the solar system in 
an antimatter universe. What is the planet-source of heat ? We don't know. What are the speed of 
the 7 hellfire-planets orbits and rotation ? We don't know how the three factors of heat [the 
hellfire-planet's distance from the planet-source of heat, the hellfire-planet's surface reflectivity 
(albedo), and the hellfire-planet's atmosphere( through a process called the greenhouse effect)] 
interact between each other to make the temperature change exponentially from one to another 
and the freeze drops exponentially from one to another. But we can say that it is very probable 
that the hellfire talked about in the Quran and prophet's narrations is a hell system composed of 
planets that looks like our solar system and not a mysticism as professor Christian Lange thinks in 
his book Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions. 


The last question I estimate important to be answered is : Why did I set To= 7000? (100° x70) ? 
The prophet said that the hell temperature is 70 times the worldly fire temperature 100?. But in 
my analysis I set a different temperature of each of the 7 planets and all these temperatures are > 

I think that the T, is the temperature of the planet-source of the heat 7000? (as the sun in the solar 
system). You will say how is it possible for a planet-source of heat to be 7000? and heat up the 
planet T7 qlanethawiya) = Toe T x 7 = 35804197.6306164 °C ? 

The answer is that the 7000°C may be just the temperature of the photosphere or chromosphere 
of that star but the corona of the star-source of heat (I call it "firestar" : star of fire) can be much 
hotter exactly as for the sun. 

The temperature of the sun varies tremendously, and not in ways you might realize. So, how hot 
is the sun? 

There is a nuclear fusion in the core. At the core of the sun, gravitational attraction produces 
immense pressure and temperature, which can reach more than 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 
million degrees Celsius). Hydrogen atoms get compressed and fuse together, creating helium. 
This process is called nuclear fusion. 

Nuclear fusion produces huge amounts of energy. The energy radiates outward to the sun's 
surface, atmosphere and beyond. From the core, energy moves to the radiative zone, where it 
bounces around for up to 1 million years before moving up to the convective zone, the upper 
layer of the sun's interior. The temperature here drops below 3.5 million degrees F (2 million 
degrees C). Large bubbles of hot plasma form a soup of ionized atoms and move upward to the 

Then the temperature in the photosphere 15 about 10,000 degrees F (5,500 degrees C). It is here 
that the sun's radiation is detected as visible light. Sunspots on the photosphere are cooler and 


darker than the surrounding area. At the center of big sunspots the temperature can be as low as 
7,300 degrees F (4,000 degrees C). 

The chromosphere, the next layer of the sun's atmosphere is a bit cooler — about 7,800 degrees 
F (4,320 degrees C). According to the National Solar Observatory (NSO), chromosphere literally 
means "sphere of color." Visible light from the chromosphere is usually too weak to be seen 
against the brighter photosphere, but during total solar eclipses, when the moon covers the 
photosphere, the chromosphere can be seen as a red rim around the sun. 

"The chromosphere appears red because of the large amount of hydrogen present," the NSO says 
on its website. 

Temperatures rise dramatically in the corona, which can also only be seen during an eclipse as 
plasma streams outward like points on a crown. The corona can get surprisingly hot, comparable 
to the body of the sun. Temperatures range from 1.7 million degrees F (1 million degrees C) to 
more than 17 million F (10 million degree C), according to the NSO. 

"The corona is incredibly hot, hundreds of times hotter than the layers below," Bernhard Fleck, a 
European Space Agency project scientist for NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory 
(SOHO) said in a statement. "Since the sun's source of energy is at the center, on a simple level, 
we would expect the corona — the outermost layer — to be the coolest." SOHO is just one of 
several solar missions exploring this and other mysteries. 


Chapter VI 
Ta Ha (44) 
Ta’ Sin (ob) 
Ta Sin Mim (e) 

Part I 
Ta Ha (44) 
I- The equation 

The letters combination «Ta Ha» can be transformed to numbers combination (16,26). Each 
letter corresponds to its ordinal number in the arabic alphabets. 

The combination «Ta Ha» : 
1. Ta = Ordinal number 16 in arabic alphabets; 

2. Hà = Ordinal number 26 in arabic alphabets. 

Then we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (16) of the 
combination to the second number (26). 

The combination «Ta Ha» can be written «16/26». 
«16/26». The arithmetic operation is: 
e 16+10 =26. 

The equations that can equal to 10 are many but which one is the model wanted by the surah ? To 
find it we need a lot of trial and reflection. 

10 can be written 10'= 10 which is the equation: x'= x. The function is f(x) = x! 
These letters were the opening of surah named Ta Ha. 

(2), 8281 GI all عَلَيْكَ‎ t il طه )1( ما‎ 
1-Ta, Ha. 

2-We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be wretched. 

This surah in verses 102-104 says : 


3 Gish i Lay del 535 (103) Ite YI E إن‎ Re يَتَحَاقَنُونَ‎ )102( ÚS) Xia i Ge Rall 555") Sall في‎ cá يَوْمَ‎ 
(104) 2's إلا‎ ed طرِيقَة إن‎ aed J as 

102-"The Day the Horn will be blown. And We will gather the criminals; that Day blue-eyed." 
103-"They will murmur among themselves, "You remained not but ten [days in the world]." 
104-"We are most knowing of what they say when the best of them in manner [i.e., wisdom or 
speech] will say, "You remained not but one day." 

These verses 102-104 set an inequation that is 1 > 10 (1 # 10) which can be transformed to 
x T 
x > (10) and its function is the function g(x) = ( 10). Recall our first equation which is 10'= 10 
[f(x) = x']. Now we can set our inequality to x'> 10. 

The verses 102-104 that announcing the inequation x'> 10 were given different interpretations by 

scholars. Some said that the 10 days and 1 day estimation that the criminals calculated was about 
the time they remained living on earth and some other scholars interpreted it as the time duration 
spent in the tomb underground after death. 

I will prove to you readers, that these verses are about time spent in the tomb after death. We 
arrived to the result that the verses 102-104 with the verse 1 set an inequality x'> 10. Inequality 

can be interpreted according to the context. The context is that this group of criminals after 
resurrection calculated their remaining before resurrection 10 days and the best of them to 
calculate estimated that time duration was 1 day. The translation of their physical description 
«lj» was given « blue-eyed». 

My understanding is that the bluish color is the color of their skin. All of them were blue like 
color. Why did God give us this detail about them before he informed us about their calculation 
of time they remained before their resurrection ? And why this inequality in their two 

From the context of the verses we can understand that the 10 days was given by the group as a 
maximum limit of time duration they may have spent before they get resurrected and then the 
best of them in mathematics (4% ob selial/the best of them in manner) added another minimum 
limit to that time period. 

x x 
This converts my inequality x'> 10 to an interval [ 10, x]. You may ask: an interval for what ? 


If you study the postmortem (after death) stages of the body decomposition changes you will 
notice the importance of these calculations of 1 day (24 hours) and the 10 days and their relation 
to bluish color of the body skin after death. 

Decomposition of an exposed cadaver is a continuous process, beginning at the moment of death 
and ending when the body is reduced to a dried skeleton. Traditional estimates of the period of 
time since death or post-mortem interval have been based on a series of grossly observable 
changes to the body, including livor mortis, algor mortis, rigor mortis and similar phenomena. 
More recently, insects, mites and other arthropods have been increasingly used by law 
enforcement to provide an estimate of the post-mortem interval. Although the process of 
decomposition is continuous, it is useful to divide this into a series of five stages: Fresh, Bloated, 
Decay, Postdecay and Skeletal. Here these stages are characterized by physical parameters and 
related assemblages of arthropods, to provide a framework for consideration of the 
decomposition process and acarine relationships to the body. 

There are many factors that can delay decomposition. Apart from the various organisms involved 
in the process of decomposition, there are also several types of factors that serve to stop or retard 
the rate at which the process continues. These barriers to decomposition fall into three broad 
categories. The first is the physical barriers to decomposition that are those that prevent access of 
the body by physical means. A body buried in the soil does not decompose as quickly as one 
exposed on the surface. In a similar manner, a body enclosed in a sealed casket or placed into 
some form of sealed container will also exhibit a delayed decomposition. The second is the 
chemical barriers, the embalming process is specifically designed to prevent the decomposition 
of the body, with natural body fluids being drained and replaced with various preservative fluids. 
As the body is then typically placed into a casket, the process should, if done properly, delay 
decomposition for an extended period of time. The presence of insecticides on, in or near the 
body may also serve to delay the onset of insect activity for a period of time. It should be noted 
that insecticides will not permanently delay the colonization of the body by insects. In many 
cases, immature insects are able to survive on a body with concentrations of an insecticide that 
would prove fatal to the adults of the same species. The third factor is the climatic factors, 
temperature can serve as a major factor delaying decomposition. At lower temperatures, bacterial 
growth and insect activity can be retarded or even arrested. At temperatures below 6?C most 
insect activity ceases but may resume once temperatures rise above this threshold. In a similar 
manner, high temperatures will also result in cessation of insect activity, and, if in a dry habitat, 
result in mummification of the body. Wind also serves to inhibit insect flight and thus 
colonization of the body. Many texts will indicate a wind speed in excess of 16 km/h will inhibit 
insect flight. This should not be accepted as a firm wind speed as in many tropical and island 
areas, tradewinds typically blow at a speed greater than this and there is significant insect 


activity. Rainfall may also serve as a temporary barrier but, once the rain ceases, the insects 
again become quite active. 

Il- The end of the world: The human life length on earth 

The body decomposition timeline is like follows: 

After death there are five stages of decomposition that human and animal remains go through as 
the materials they are made of return to the earth. 

Stage 1: Fresh - 0 to 3 days after death 

The first stage of human decomposition is called autolysis, or self-digestion, and begins 
immediately after death. As soon as blood circulation and respiration stop, the body has no way 
of getting oxygen or removing wastes. Excess carbon dioxide causes an acidic environment, 
causing membranes in cells to rupture. The membranes release enzymes that begin eating the 
cells from the inside out. 

Rigor mortis causes muscle stiffening. Small blisters filled with nutrient-rich fluid begin 
appearing on internal organs and the skin’s surface. The body will appear to have a sheen due to 
ruptured blisters, and the skin’s top layer will begin to loosen. 

As soon as death occurs, the body temperature starts cooling to match the surrounding 
temperature around it. Without blood and oxygen flow, muscular tissues become rigid and the 
blood pools into the lower extremities. Then, as the bacteria in the intestines devour the intestinal 
walls, cells lose their structural integrity and cellular enzymes are released to begin breaking 
down the cells themselves and surrounding tissues. Microbes also start breaking down 
carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Most of this breakdown occurs inside the body and is not 
visible from the outside. At the end of this stage, blowflies and flesh flies arrive to lay eggs. 


Livor mortis, or lividity, refers to the point at which a deceased person's body becomes very 

pale, or ashen, soon after death. This is due to the loss of blood circulation as the heart stops 

The blood begins to settle, by gravity, to the lowest portions of the body," causing MOSK to 
:come discolored. This process may begin after about an hour following death and can continue 

to oi develon until the 9-12 hour mark postmortem. 

The Livor mortis is a post mortem discoloration of the skin, resulting from blood pooling into the 
interstitial tissues under the force of gravity. It occurs at least 30 minutes to 2 hours after onset of 
death and maximum observed at 6-12 hours. The intensity of color depends on the amount of 
hemoglobin in the blood: 

e Bluish-purple ($55): normal lividity; 

e Greenish-red: hydrogen sulfide (produced in decaying organic matter); 

e Dark brown: phosphorus poisoning; 

e Brownish-red: poisoning with methemoglobin-forming substances (such as nitrite or 


Pale pink (barely pronounced): blood loss, severe anemia, severe hemorrhage; 
Cherry red: carbon monoxide poisoning; 
Bright red: cyanide poisoning. 

Stage 2: Putrefaction - 4 to 10 days after death 

2,- Bloating 

4-5 days after death — the body starts to bloat and blood-containing foam leaks from the mouth 
and nose. 

Leaked enzymes from the first stage begin producing many gases. The sulfur-containing 
compounds that the bacteria release also cause skin discoloration. Due to the gases, the human 
body can double in size. In addition, insect activity can be present. 


The microorganisms and bacteria produce extremely unpleasant odors called putrefaction. These 
odors often alert others that a person has died, and can linger long after a body has been 

As bacteria multiply and process bodily materials, they produce gasses such as methane, carbon 
dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrogen sulfide which bloat the body. These gasses build up pressure in 
the body and push fluids out through natural openings including the mouth, nose, and anus. If 
insects are present, maggots begin to hatch and feed on body tissues causing the skin to slip, the 
hair to detach, and the surface to rupture. These additional openings provide even more surface 
area for insects and bacteria, thereby quickening the decaying process. This emitting of gasses 
and fluids is what causes the greatest amount of odor during the decaying process. 

The purple-greenish tint @ ( looks like the bluish tint/&5) that the body may assume after 
death is due to the fact that gases accumulate within its cavities, a significant component of 
which is a substance known as hydrogen sulfide. With the hemoglobin in blood to form 
sulfhemoglobin, or the greenish pigment that gives dead bodies their uncanny color. 

Notice that the purple-greenish (or bluish) of the skin does not occur from hour 1 to hour 24 
(1 day) after death. The bluish color of the skin appears only after 24 hours of the death. 

25 — Active Decay 

8-10 days after death — the body turns from green to red as the blood decomposes and the 
organs in the abdomen accumulate gas. 

Fluids released through orifices indicate the beginning of active decay. Organs, muscles, and skin 
become liquefied. When all of the body’s soft tissue decomposes, hair, bones, cartilage, and other 
byproducts of decay remain. The cadaver loses the most mass during this stage. 

It’s during the active decaying process the most body mass is lost due to bacteria and insects 
processing the body material along with liquids being released into the surrounding environment. 
During this stage, the area of decomposition expands into the surroundings and the most insects 
are present while they feed on bodily fluids. This stage ends when the maggots leave the body. 

A phenomenon known as “marbling” occurs when certain types of bacteria found in the 
abdomen “migrate” to the blood vessels, causing them to assume a purple-greenish tint 9 
(looks like the bluish tint/455). This effect gives the skin on some body parts — usually the 
trunk, legs, and arms — the appearance of marble (hence its name). 

Stage 3: Black putrefaction - 10 to 20 days after death 

The bloated body eventually collapses, leaving a flattened body whose flesh has a creamy 
consistency. The exposed parts of the body are black in colour and there is a very strong smell of 

A large volume of body fluids drain from the body at this stage and seep into the surrounding 
soil. Other insects and mites feed on this material. 

The insects consume the bulk of the flesh and the body temperature increases with their activity. 
Bacterial decay is still very important, and bacteria will eventually consume the body if insects 
are excluded. 

We can notice from this stage that 10 days are the limit after which the skin color is no more 
bluish but becomes black. The skin bluish color occurs from hour 24 after death and can last 
until day 10 maximum. And that is why the criminals in the verse thought they remained dead 
for 10 days because they noticed that their skin color was still bluish and that color is not 
possible 10 days after death. The other member of the criminals who had better calculation 
method made a smart remark that they could have remained dead only 1 day (24 hours) because 

their skin bluish color could occur in a time interval from 1 to 10 days [1,10] which I wrote it 
interval [ 10, x]. 

It's true that those criminals may have remained underground for thousands of years or may be 
less or more but when they are resurrected they see their body still intact, they think that their 
body never decayed after death because the decay starts generally after 10 days of death. 
Actually the criminals were talking on the tongue of all human species and not only about 

themselves. This means that for all humans from adam the first created to the last human the time 
they remained buried underground is between [ 10 ,x]. When the criminals were talking they were 

in the God's time reference. The 1 day and 10 days interval they mentioned was God's time. We 
know from verse 47 surah Al-Hajj that 1 day in God's calculation — 1000 years of earth time 


calculation. This makes the 10 days of God's calculation = 10000 years of our earth calculation. 
Then the 10= 1000 earth years and the x = 10000 earth years. 
The interval left small limit 10 is in concordance with adam age which is 1000 years. When 

Adam died at the age of 1000 years —we suppose he is the first human to die and be buried 
before his son abel— he was buried at year 1000 ( 10) which is 1 day in God's calculation and 

he will remain buried underground until the year 10000, when he will be resurrected he will say 
"1 remained 9 days (9000 years) pronouncing by that the largest number possible inside the 
interval of remaining underground. The last human to die would be a single or a group that will 
say " we remained 1 hour" in the verse 45 surah yunus: 

45-"And on the Day when He will gather them, [it will be] as 1f they had not remained [in the 
world] but an hour of the day, [and] they will know each other. Those will have lost who denied 
the meeting with Allah and were not guided." ] 

(45) Gi كَانُوا‎ Lag ail e 1 SS الَذِينَ‎ Gud قذ‎ seo يتَعَارفُونَ‎ Jail gaiet Y) | sab gl يَحْشُرُهُمْ كن‎ es 

This 1 hour of course it is said in the God time reference in the hereafter. To know how much 
time equals that 1 hour on earth time we use the rule of verse 47 surah Al-Hajj that says 1 day in 
God's calculation = 1000 years of earth time calculation. We obtain 1000 years + 24 hours = 
41.6 years in earth time reference. This last human to die represents the smallest number possible 
inside the interval of remaining underground. 

So now we have : 

1. Interval date [0 years, 999 years] no one had died yet and all humans are still living; 
2. Adam died at year 1000 and will remain buried for a duration of 9000 years until year 
10000. Here duration been buried 9000 € to the general underground interval date 

[1000,10000] under the form [ 10, x]; 
3. The last group of humans died in the year 9958.4 (41.6 years before the year 10000). 
Here they will remain buried for a duration of 46.1 years or 1 hour in God's time and the 

duration been buried 46.1 © to the interval date [9958.4,10000] which C the general 
underground date interval [ 10, x]; 
4. All humans that died after adam ( after year 1000) and before the last human to die 
(before year 9958.4) will remain buried in a date interval [1001, 10000], the duration 

been buried vary from person to person but it € to the duration interval [41.7 years ,8999 
years] C the general underground interval date [1000,10000] under the form [ 10, x]; 


5. In the year 10001 all humans will be resurrected out of underground burial. The interval 
time is [10001,%][. 

These 5 elements graphed on timeline show how human species remained underground in an 

interval date time [1000,10000] that is the interval form I deduced from the Quran [10, x]. 

Definitely scientists were talking about earth time when they set the interval [1 earth day, 10 
earth days] for the cadaver to turn into bluish color but we can change the time unit to god time 
[1 god's day, 10 god's days] for the skin discoloration because the people who were resurrected in 
the verse were bluish color and were talking within the God time reference. By changing the 
time reference we arrive at an amazing result about human time on earth and we can predict the 
end of human life length on earth. Remember that scholars tried to sum all the times durations 
between the first prophet Adam up until today 2021 and they got an imprecise approximate 

number for the human life length on earth +10000. I reject duration > 10000 because my interval 

time is < 10000 in [ 10 , x]. And I admit the duration < 10000. 

The 10000 years are the duration time that is running from prophet Adam, the first «modern 
human » until the day of resurrection of all humans. Modern humans are the species of humans 
that have the Geedon soul particle in its physical composition. All creatures that their existence 
was discovered and proved before 10.000 years that might have relation with humans had no 
Geedon particle in their composition. 

The final conclusion: life on earth for all humans will last 10 days in God time calculation, 
10000 years in earth calculation. 

If humans can not exceed on earth from Adam until 2021 a duration of 10000 years, then if we 
take into account the date of the death of the last group in year 9958.4 we can confirm that 
modern human beings have lived on earth a duration < 9958,4 years. Other scholars researchers 
state that humans have lived until 2021 between [6000,10000], I would take the half of that 


interval as a best approximation 8000 years. If the 8000 years is true then humans will live 
another 1958,4 years from 2021 and their end will be by the latest in year 3979,4. 

Stage 4: Butyric fermentation - 20 to 50 days after death 

This stage is when all byproducts of decomposition have dried up and only the skeleton and 
perhaps some hair are left. Beetles and flies eat anything softer that remains, and mites and moth 
larvae digest the hair. Exposed to the elements, the bones lighten in color and are eventually 
reclaimed by the earth. 

All the remaining flesh is removed over this period and the body dries out. It has a cheesy smell, 
caused by butyric acid, and this smell attracts a new suite of corpse organisms. 

The surface of the body that is in contact with the ground becomes covered with mould as the 
body ferments. 

Stage 5: Dry decay - 50-365 days after death 

The body is now dry and decays very slowly. Eventually all the hair disappears leaving the bones 


Part II 
Ta’ Sin (ob) 

I- The equation 

The letters combination «Ta Sin» can be transformed to numbers combination (16,12). Each 
letter corresponds to its ordinal number in the arabic alphabets. 

The combination «Ta Sin» : 
3. Ta = Ordinal number 16 in arabic alphabets; 
4. Sin = Ordinal number 12 in arabic alphabets. 

Then we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (16) of the 
combination to the second number (12). 

The combination «Ta Sin» can be written «16/12». 
«16/12». The arithmetic operation is: 
e 16-4 =12. 

The combination letters «Ta Sin» is the opening of the surah An-Naml : 
(1) gaye HESS آيَاتُ الْقْرْآنِ‎ atis طس‎ 
1-"Ta, Sin. These are the verses of the Qur'an [i.e., recitation] and a clear Book" 

—4 is a negative number that can be written in an equation: x? = —4. 

To solve for x, we say x = ./-4 
o is equal to y4 - —1 
o which is equal to y4 - /—1 
o which is equal to 2١ 4/—1 
o which is equal to 2i 

So what 15 the square root of -4? 


There are actually two such square roots, 
— one simpler (21) 
— the other slightly more complex (-21). 

But since the question was “What is the square root of —4?" most people would just give one 
answer (21). 

(21) 15 what we call the «principal» square root of —4. In this particular case, (-21) is a second 
square root. Square roots have two roots. 

Recall that by definition 

a number "x" is a square root of the number "a" if 

Now, what are the numbers whose square is -4 ? 

Of course there are no real numbers which satisfy the equation x? = -4, as the square of a real 
number is never negative. In this sense, the square root of -4 does not exist. 

However, in the realm of complex numbers the equation indeed is solvable. In this case, by 


definition "i" is a complex number with the property that 

How many solutions are there? 

It is easy to check that one also has 
(-21)x(-21) = 4 x 2= - 

so -21 is also a square root of -4. 


Are there other solutions? One way to prove that there are no other solutions is to factor the 
polynomial: by using that a? - b? = (a*b)x(a-b) one gets 

x? + 4 = (x - 21)(x+21) 

hence if x? + 4 = 0 then either x + 2i = 0 or x -2i = 0. Thus, there are precisely two square roots, 
namely 2i and -21. 


What do the imaginary number "i" have to do with our surah An-Naml 7 

The link is very smart. In verse 10 it says : 

(10) الْمُرْسَلُونَ‎ gai GS Y ui 85 Y مُوسَى‎ G Lake) alg مُذبرًا‎ Gy s S sul Uli عَصاك‎ ally 
10-"And [he was told], "Throw down your staff." But when he saw it writhing as if it were a 
snake, he turned in flight and did not return. [Allah said], "O Moses, fear not. Indeed, in My 
presence the messengers do not fear." 

In this verse the stick was transformed to a snake that was actually vibrating as a wave. Was the 
snake a mechanical (transverse or longitudinal) wave or an electromagnetic wave ? Mechanical 
waves require a substance to travel through whereas electromagnetic waves like light don't. 
Examples of transverse and longitudinal waves are things like water waves, sound waves, or 
waves that travel along a spring or rope. 

In a transverse wave the substance or *medium' moves perpendicular to the direction of the 
motion of the wave. Transverse waves cannot propagate in a gas or a liquid because there is no 
mechanism for driving motion perpendicular to the propagation of the wave. Was the snake of 
the prophet moses propagating on the ground ‘medium’ and that propagation made the prophet to 
fear it and turn in flight? 

The issue of this transformation of the stick to a snake vibrating can not be resolved with 
classical physics, but has to be addressed with quantum physics. 

II- The quantum Geedon-photon wave 

1- What is the amplitude of a quantum wave 

The amplitude of a water wave is just the height of the water level above or below the mean 
water level. The amplitude of a light wave is just the strength of the electric and magnetic fields 
that comprise it. 


But what is the amplitude of a wave in quantum theory that represents a particle? 

The amplitude of a quantum wave is a complex number. Such a number is a sum of two parts: an 
ordinary real number and an "imaginary number." An imaginary number is some multiple of i, 
the square root of minus one. 

So the amplitude of the wave can be things like 1, i, -1, -1 and their multiples and sums, such as 
1+1, l-i, 37-231, and so on. The snake wave is not my focus because it is a mechanical wave. 
The stick transformation into a snake was caused by a quantum Geedon-photon wave which is 
my focus. 

Imaginary Numbers? 

If you have not seen it before, it will seem perverse to take the square root of minus one 
seriously. Don't we all learn that : 

"(plus) x (plus) = (plus)" and 
"(minus) x (minus) = (plus)" ? 

So how can there be a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives us -1 ? If the number is 
negative, it will give us a positive number when multiplied by itself. If it is positive, the same 
will happen. 


The simple answer is that all these worries are well placed for ordinary "real" numbers like 2, 7, 


-4.3, and so on. But is a different sort of number. It is not a real number. It is an extension to 

the real number system. 

Can we add to the number system? Yes, we do it all the time. It is fine as long as we are clear 
about the properties of the extension. 

Negative numbers are a familiar example of how we extend our number systems. If we think of 
natural numbers as just a way of counting things like apples in a basket, then we can make sense 
of the number 3: there are just 3 apples in the basket. 


But what about -3 ? How can we make sense of -3 apples in the basket ? We can and do manage 
by thinking of "-3 apples" as an intermediate in calculation, such as in the sample problem 

All we need to know is that the "-3" apples number has the key property that -3+7 = 4. That is, -3 
when added to another number, cancels out 3 positive units. 

-3 +3 =0 

The situation is the same with the imaginary number i. We will never have an imaginary distance 


in space or an imaginary time elapsed. However "i" will be very useful to us as an intermediate. 

What we need to know is that its defining formal property is just this: 

We can mostly treat "i" as we would any other number. We can add up i's. i + i +i = 3i. We can 
multiply them by real numbers. 5 x 3i = 151. 

We can create complex numbers by adding real and imaginary numbers: 3 + 7i. 

However there are some manipulations that do not go as you'd expect and these are used to 
generate recreational paradoxes. 

2- Change in time of a classical system 

It will turn out that "i" is very useful for us when we want to represent how waves propagate in 
space according to quantum theory. And then will know that the Geedon-photon wave was not 
vibrating as a classical mechanical wave but as a quantum wave. 

To see how that comes about, we will first look at a very simple classical system. Imagine a 
classical particle moving at unit speed in some fixed direction. Say it starts at some position we 
label x=0. We can keep track of its position at subsequent times merely by adding one unit of 
distance to the position for each unit of time elapsed. 

1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 
ود و هد ^e‏ هد 

The rule of evolution in time is a simple "add one for each unit of time." 

Later particle position = distance moved (one for each unit of time)+Initial particle position. 

3- Change in time of a quantum wave 
When a wave of constant wavelength propagates, it maintains its shape but just shifts its 

location. Would it be possible to have a comparably simple rule for the time evolution of this 

OG lll 

Simply adding to the wave's amplitude does not work. It merely shifts the wave amplitude up. It 
doesn't move the wave in the direction of its motion. The wave peaks and troughs stay where 
they are. 

What about multiplying the wave by some factor? That seems to work no better. Each time we 
multiply the wave amplitude by a number, we just increase the height of the peaks and the depth 
of the troughs without moving them in space. 

It turns out that multiplying by a factor is very close to what we need to move the wave forward 
in time. Where it goes wrong is that we are (tacitly) using real numbers as amplitudes. Keep 
multiplying a positive real number by the same factor and the positive numbers keep getting 
bigger and the negative ones keep getting smaller. The wave doesn't move. 

If however, the wave has a complex amplitude, then multiplication can have exactly the right 
effect. This comes from the peculiar properties of i. Let's start with 1 and keep multiplying it by 
i. We get 

-l xi=ixixi=-i 


That is, repeatedly multiplying by i leads us to cycle from 1 to i to -1 to -i and then finally back 
to 1. 


We now have cyclic behavior that would not be possible just by multiplying a real number 
amplitude by the same real number over and over. This cyclic behavior is exactly what we need 
for waves that cycle periodically through their states. 

If the wave amplitude is multiplied by 1 repeatedly, then the wave amplitude will cycle through 
these values 1, i, -1, -1 and 1. After four multiplications by i, the amplitude returns to its original 
amplitude. Here is an amplitude, cycling through the space of complex numbers under these 
repeated multiplications. 

4- A wave of fixed wavelength 

The amplitude of a wave is a measure of the displacement of the wave from its rest position. The 
amplitude is shown on the graph below. 



Amplitude is generally calculated by looking on a graph of a wave and measuring the height of 
the wave from the resting position. The amplitude is a measure of the strength or intensity of the 
wave. For example, when looking at a sound wave, the amplitude will measure the loudness of 
the sound. The energy of the wave also varies in direct proportion to the amplitude of the wave. 

We form a wave by distributing these wave amplitudes through space. In distributing the 
amplitudes, we can adjust two properties of the amplitudes: 

٠ Magnitude: this is, informally speaking, the length of the arrow in the pictures given 
here. It is computed formally as the "norm" of the complex number amplitude. For 
amplitude 1, the magnitude is one; for amplitude i, it is one; for amplitude 3i, it is 3; and 
so on. 

The amplitude of the Geedon-photon wave as I said previously 21 or 21. The magnitude of the 
wave I derived from the verse then must be 2 or 2. 


* Phase: this is, informally speaking, the direction in complex number space of the 
amplitude. Differences of phase produce interference phenomena. If a wave of amplitude 
i meets another of i, they interfere constructively to produce an increased amplitude of 21: 
i+ i = 2i If, however, the second wave is of amplitude -i, then they interfere 
destructively and produce a zero amplitude: i - i = 0. 

In the snake example the Geedon-photon wave phase is 21 which is 2 waves of amplitude "i" 
(Geedon wave amplitude i + photon wave amplitude 1) constructively interfered to form a third 
wave with an increased amplitude of 2i: 1 + 1 — 21. This wave is moving up of amplitude 21 and 
moving down of amplitude —21. 

Now consider a wave of everywhere constant wavelength that, in quantum theory, represents a 
particle of definite momentum. We consider just one dimension of space in the figure below: left 
to right represents the spatial extension of the wave. We use the remaining dimensions for the 
representation of the complex amplitudes. Up-down represents the imaginary +i and -i directions. 
Out-in represents the real +1 and -1 directions. In my snake example the Out-in is represented by 
the real +2 and —2 directions in the complex plane shown below. 

For this special case, the magnitude is constant. In the figure this is represented by the constant 
length of the amplitude arrow. The phase, however, advances uniformly with distance. That 1s, as 
we advance along the wave, the amplitude cycles through the values 1, i, -1, -i, 1 and, of course, 
all the infinitely many values in between. What results is a wave that is represented by the helical 
("corkscrew") shape shown. This is the same shape and movement of the snake of the prophet 
Jesus which means it was not a real animal snake but I suggest from the previous analysis that it 
was an electromagnetic wave of the corkscrew shape. 

5- Evolution in time of a wave of constant wavelength. 

Recall that the attraction of a complex number amplitude was that it might enable a very simple 
multiplication rule for the time evolution of the wave. We can now see how that simple rule will 
evolve the wave in time. Multiplying the whole curve by i repeatedly will relocate the amplitudes 
in a way that gives us propagation of the wave. This is the basic rule of time evolution of 
quantum theory. 

How this multiplication results in a wave propagation is shown in the figure below, for a small 
section of the wave. At each point along the wave, the amplitude is multiplied by 1. The effect is 
to rotate each amplitude by one quarter turn around the space of values employed. Even though 
each multiplication affects only the amplitude at one point, the combination of these effects 
results in the wave advancing as shown. For example, if the wave had amplitude 1 at some 
position in space, that amplitude i will be relocated to a new position that turns out to be 
displaced by one quarter of the wavelength of the wave in the direction of its propagation. 

Since multiplying by i takes the amplitude just one quarter the way through its space of values, 
four multiplications by i takes it through one full period. That is, we multiply byixixixi-14 
= 1. So the rule in its simplest form is just 

"multiply by 1 for each quarter period" 

Multiplication by different numbers advances the wave through a time that is any desired 
fraction of its full period. We just need to scale the factor by that fraction. 

The scaling is a little complicated, however, since the factor must have unit magnitude, so that 
the magnitude of the wave amplitude is unchanged. Multiplying by i advances the wave by a 
quarter period. Multiplying by 1 leaves the wave unchanged. So, following the scaling rule 
above, to advance it by 1/8" period, we expect to use a complex number that is midway between 
1 and i. You might expect this number just to be their average: [(1+1)+2]. It is close, but not quite 
the right one, since this number does not have unit magnitude. Instead we need to use 
[(1+1)+sqrt(2)], where "sqrt(2)" is the square root of two. 



The factor by which we multiply affects only the phase of the wave amplitudes. Hence it is 
known as a "phase factor." We can now state the simple multiplication rule for time evolution of 
a wave of constant wavelength. This is what results when Schroedinger's wave equation is 
applied to the wave and it yields the rule of Schroedinger evolution for a wave of constant 

Later wave state = phase factor (scaled to i for each quarter wave period) x Initial wave 

A distinctive characteristic of waves is that we can take two waves, the Geedon wave of 
amplitude i and the photon wave of amplitude i and add them up to form a new wave of 
amplitude 2i. That adding of waves is the essence of the phenomenon of the interference of 
waves. The theory of matter waves tells us that particles like electrons are also waves. So we 
should be able to add several of them together, just as we could add several light waves together. 

The snake was vibrating but it was a mechanical wave as the water wave. That type of oscillation 
has of course an amplitude but if we have like in my equation a complex amplitude wave, we 
have to think straight forward of a quantum wave. The quantum wave is about particles. The 
particles involved in the verse 10 surah An-Naml are the photon particle (angel created from 
light) and the Geedon human soul particle that I deducted from the Quran in my first book « 
Mathematical interpretation of the holy Quran Volyme 1». 

I would think that the snake of prophet moses was vibrating as a mechanical wave that is not my 
point of focus. The amplitude 21 that we deducted from the verse 10 surah An-Naml 15 the 
fundamental Geedon soul particle of prophet Moses that was vibrating with the angel photon 
particle with amplitude 2i. It could be the angel photon wave amplitude 1 interfered with the 
prophet soul particle Geedon amplitude i to form a new wave of amplitude 2i. This third wave 
Geedon-photon could have transferred energy to the stick and changed its particle identity to a 
new particle of a snake. 

Photo SK 
fede i 

RSE = 


np ode 


This is known as weak interactions that manifest themselves as reactions, or decays, in which 
some particles may disappear, while others appear. There is no structure that is bound together by 
a ‘weak force’, but weak interactions are vital for understanding the world around us. 

Weak interactions were involved in most of the reactions in the very early Universe by which 
particles changed from one sort to another. They are therefore largely responsible for the overall 
mixture of particles from which the current Universe is made. 

Example of the weak interaction when a neutrino interacts with a neutron, a W' can be 
exchanged, transforming the neutron into a proton and producing an electron. 


Neutrino interacts 
with neutron 

n+ v — p +e” 

Part III: 

«Ta -Sin -Mim» (طسم)‎ 
I- The equation 

The letters combination «Ta Sin Mim» can be transformed to numbers combination (16,12,24). 
Each letter corresponds to its ordinal number in the arabic alphabets. 

The combination «Ta Sin Mim» : 
1. Ta = Ordinal number 16 in arabic alphabets; 
2. Sin = Ordinal number 12 in arabic alphabets; 
3. Mim = Ordinal number 24 in arabic alphabets. 

First we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (16) of the 
combination to the second number (12). 

16-4 =12. 

Second we calculate the operation that was done to move from the second number (12) of the 
combination to the third number (24). 

12+12 =24 
The arithmetic operation is: 16 — 4 + 12 = 24. 

The combination «Ta Sin Mim» is the opening of the surah Ash-shu'ara that precedes the surah 
An-Naml of «Ta Sin» related to the snake wave. 

The surah Ash-shu'ara begins : 
1-"Ta Sin Mim" 
2-"These are the verses of the clear Book." 

(2) oad) اكاب‎ eai ati (1) طسم‎ 

And bizarrely this surah talks again about the contest between the prophet moses and the 
sorcerers of the pharaoh. 

In verse 32-33 and 44-45 of surah Ash-shu'ara state: 


32-"So [Moses] threw his staff, and suddenly it was a serpent manifest." 

33-"And he drew out his hand; thereupon it was white for the observers." 

44-"So they threw their ropes and their staffs and said, "By the might of Pharaoh, indeed it is we 

who are predominant." 

45-"Then Moses threw his staff, and at once it devoured what they falsified." 

(uil‏ عَصَاه 1 هي IMG 83 & 5:5 (32) Oud Orid‏ هي Valla, (33) Sy UL cL‏ حِبَالهُمْ Khac g‏ وَكَالُوا بعر فِرْعَوْنَ 
cili (44) 5 sli A d‏ مُوسَئ عَصَاة MS‏ هي Cals‏ ما 6.5 )45( 

Here it states clearly that his stick turned into a snake waving but in this episode the verses are 
adding another element in the contest which is the prophet moses's hand that was shining white 
which is more likely to be the Geedon-photon interaction. But how can we link this to the 
previous 21 wave amplitude ? 

We already said that the prophet soul particle Geedon interacted with the photon angel particle 
wave creating a third wave with amplitude 21 in the snake event. The interference of 2 waves of 
amplitude "i" each, one of the Geedon amplitude 1 and one of the angel photon amplitude 1. 
Notice now in this case of Part III of the chapter about the verse 33 surah Ash-shu'ara that the 
prophet's hand was "white" or may be shining white as the light photon which reinforce my idea 

of Geedon-photon interaction. 

Again I think that the first wave of amplitude "i" was a photon wave coming from the angel and 
the second wave was coming from the Geedon soul particle of the prophet moses's. The 
interference constructed a third wave of amplitude 21. Then the third wave amplitude was 
squared to give —4 when it interacted with the stick atoms. 

Let's rewrite the equation: The x? = —4 means x = 2i or 2i. 

And then now we have another new number added +12. The equation becomes -4 + 12 = 8 or 
(+21) + 12 =8. 

This equation (+2i)° + 12 = 8 can be converted to have the same result 8. It can be written using 
only 2i and not (22i): The operation will be 2i + z = 8. This 2i + z = 8 can also be written as 8 — 
2i = z. 

Surprisingly 8 — 21 = z is a complex number 8+(—2i) = z that has a position in the complex plane 
in this figure: 


Complex number z with real part a and imaginary part b. Shown is the length z and the angle @ between z and the “real number scale,” too. 

Now we have some more data about our wave: 
- Amplitude: 8 —2i 
- Radius: 8.24621 
- Angle 9:— 14.0362? 

A complex number is defined as z = a + bi [z = 8 *(—21). Here a and b are real numbers, where a 
is the real part and b the imaginary part of z and 


being the imaginary unit. 

It follows from standard trigonometry that : 8 =r cos o and 2i = r sin 0 hence z= (r cos ¢) + (ir 
sin @). 

Complex numbers are often used to represent wavefunctions. All such representations depend 
ultimately on a fundamental mathematical identity, known as Euler’s theorem , that takes the 

ei? = cosp +i sing, 
It follows from Euler's theorem that any complex number, z,can be written: 


II- The moses sea splitting 

The verse 63 of surah Ash-shu'ara states that the same stick was used again to split the sea water. 

63-"Then We inspired Moses, "Strike with your staff the sea," and it parted, and each portion was 
like a great towering mountain." ] 
(63) الْعَظيم‎ 351415 358 OS قَانقلقَ فَكَانَ‎ A اضرب بَعَصَاك‎ ol مُوسَئ‎ uli s s 


Here we can notice that the same stick in the hand of the prophet moses is used. The 
Geedon-photon wave of amplitude of 21 in the snake event is having now a different amplitude 
of a complex number 8 *(—21). 

Representation of an oscillation ọ = ot. 

A wave is a periodic function in time and space. The time dependence is discussed, first. If in the 
above figure the point z spins clockwise round the center of the circle M with a constant velocity, 
then the projection of point z, zy describes a harmonic oscillation as shown. 

This oscillation is given by : y = A > sin ọ [ y = (82i) x sin 14.0362?)], where A is the 
amplitude and @ is the angle of rotation. @ can be expressed as a function of time t and the 
angular frequency of the rotation o. It is ọ = 0:1, with o = 27:1 and f = 1/T; f is the frequency 
and T is the time for one rotation. The frequency v is defined as v =1/T. 

and the angular frequency as œ = 21: v. It is y = A ° sin (at). 

As I mentioned above, a wave is also a function of space coordinates. Here one space coordinate, 
x, is considered, only. For t = const. The periodicity of the function is determined by A, the 
wavelength. is the distance between two maxima or minima of the given wave y. It follows 

y= A-sin (222) 

À being the wavelength. With the abbreviation 

mic 5 

. 5 y — A-sin (27>) : 
This equation with my data becomes 

il = (82i) . sin (2pix8) 


sin (21x8) = 


sin (50.2654824574) = 

—0.24253488902947- 2.94117647058824x10 '* 

The Geedon-photon wavelength A = 

Input interpretation 


sin( ) = —0.24253488902947 — 2.94117647058824 × 10 !^' 


sin ^A J = —2.16647810187411 — 2.22462615845695 i 

Alternate forms 

16x 16x 
2.81474976710656 x 1014 sin(—* E 0.x10 i cos ~ J= 

-6.0980937326916 x 10'^ — 6.2617659614159 x 10! i 
1 na 1 Gina 
e ER zi e = ~2.16647810187411 — 2.22462615845695 i 
m 4n nx 2m mom m on 2- m 
128 sin(7 - Y دل - )دو 2 - امور‎ + 5 )sin( 1 * 1) 

5 Jsin( 7.) cos( 5) = -2.16647810187411 — 2.22462615845695 i 

sin[ KE + 

1 50.26548245743669 
ˆ 6.283185307179586 n — (0.7463497251017476 + 1.8279269220008166 i) `° 


1 50.26548245743669 
“ˆ 6.283185307179586 n + (3.887942378691541 + 1.8279269220008166 i) ` 

With this very complex wavelength it is going to be impossible for me to graph this wave with 
my mathematical modest tools. 

Chapter VII 

Ya Sin (يس)‎ 
I- The equations 

The letters combination «Ya Sin» can be transformed to numbers combination (28,12). Each 
letter corresponds to its ordinal number in the arabic alphabets. 

The combination «Ya Stn» : 
1. Ya= Ordinal number 28 in arabic alphabets; 

2. Sin = Ordinal number 12 in arabic alphabets. 

Then we calculate the operation that was done to move from the first number (28) of the 
combination to the second number (12). 

The arithmetic operation will be : 
28 —16=12 

The combination letters «Ya Stn» is the opening of the surah named also «Ya Sin» : 
(4) ph عَلَى صرَاط‎ (3) Glin yall Gal ài (2) asii Tall (1) يس‎ 
2- By the wisel Qur'àn, 
3-Indeed you, [O Muhammad], are from among the messengers, 

4-On a straight path." 

Actually the ways to write the number —16 are multiple. But let's just link it to the result we got 
from the previous chapter about the 4. 

Let's rewrite the equation. The x? = —4 means x = 2i or 2i. 

We know that we can obtain the number -16 by squaring 21 to get the —4 then multiplying by 4. 
The number —4 is x? (with x =2i or 21). 

So we have -16 = (x?) x 4 with x = 2i or 2i. 

The final equation becomes like this : 
-16 = (2i) x 4 or we can also write simply 

-16 = (Z2iy x 4 It means (22i)? + (421) + (22i)? (22i) 
(4) + (4 + (4 +A) - 6 

Again this equation is about quantum waves. Remember when we said previously that the 
amplitude of the Geedon-photon wave is 2i or 21 and the magnitude of the wave I derived from 
the verse was 2 or 2. 

Also In the snake example the wave phase can be 21 which is 2 waves of amplitude "i" 
constructively interfered to form an increased amplitude of 2i: photon wave of amplitude i + 
Geedon wave of amplitude i = 2i. 

So we still have in the present chapter two waves interfered. The new formed wave 15 of 
amplitude (22i) of Geedon-photon. When we squared it (22i)? we obtained —4 in the snake case. 

The squaring of an amplitude gives the probability of locating the Geedon-photon particles in a 

definite spacetime (x,t). Then when we multiply it 4 times it again (£2i x 4 we obtain —16. 
Actually the number — 16 has a possible explanation that I will address later. 

To square the amplitude of a quantum wave has a meaning. Let's explain it. 

The amplitude of a wave is its height, that is, half the distance from trough to crest. Amplitude 
can be measured for water waves, sound waves traveling through air, or for any other type of 
wave traveling through a gas or liquid. Even waves traveling through a solid have an amplitude, 
as in waves shaking the Earth due to an earthquake. 


"" y x > 
7 trough 


Wave properties. The power of a water wave depends on its height (amplitude).The horizontal axis is time. 

For waves that require a material medium, like water waves or sound waves, the amplitude 
determines the amount of energy of the wave. More precisely, the energy with which a wave hits 
is equal to the amplitude squared. So, if you were standing on the beach and were hit by a water 
wave one foot tall, little would happen. But if it were two feet tall, the wave would have four 



times the impact (2 squared — 4). If it were four feet tall, it would have 16 times the impact (4 
squared = 16). If the wave were as tall as a tsunami... well, you know what would happen then. 

This relationship between amplitude and energy holds true for any wave that requires a material 
medium. These are classical waves; they can be described by Newton's Laws of Motion. 
However, the relationship between amplitude and energy does not hold true for quantum waves. 
Quantum waves do not require a material medium and do not follow Newton's Laws of Motion. 
Rather, they follow the laws of the quantum world like our snake wave. 

Quantum particles including Geedon and photon have properties of both waves and particles. 
When considered as waves, they have amplitude. However, the amplitude of a quantum wave 
does not determine the wave's energy. The energy of a quantum wave is proportional to its 
frequency rather than to its amplitude. 

The properties of quantum entities are less straightforward than the properties of everyday 
objects like tables and chairs. Quantum waves have amplitude in the sense that their amplitude 
can be calculated. No one has ever seen a quantum wave, nor has seen if they actually have 
height. According to the original interpretation, that is, the Copenhagen Interpretation of 
quantum physics, it makes no sense to even try to visualize the height of a quantum wave. While 
the amplitude of a quantum wave can be calculated, it is granted no physical reality. 

Instead of determining energy level, the amplitude of a quantum wave determines probabilities. 
For example, where wave amplitudes are calculated as higher, the associated particle is more 
likely to be detected. Specifically, the likelihood of detecting the particle in a particular position 
is equal to the square of the amplitude in that location. 

The amplitude of a quantum wave is also called the “probability amplitude." When the 
probability amplitude is squared in order to calculate actual probabilities, it is called the 
"probability density.” A probability density is different from a probability distribution. 
Probability densities are calculated using calculus. Probability distributions are analogous in 
concept but can be calculated using algebra. 

A key feature of the quantum world is that the behavior of quantum particles is not deterministic 
as in the everyday world of tables and chairs. The behavior of quantum particles is, instead, 


Radial probability dip? | 

— + ا 
Sao 10a, 75a,‏ 

Probability density of the distance of the electron from the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. Vertical axis is probability; horizontal axis is distance from the nucleus. 

The output of the key equation of quantum mechanics, the Schrodinger Equation, is probability 
densities. The equation can be used to calculate the probabilities associated not only with the 
position of a particle, but also with other properties like particle momentum, energy, and spin. 

It may seem surprising that the amplitude of quantum waves has a different physical implication 
than the amplitude of classical waves that create ripples in matter. However, the term “wave” is 
used in quantum physics only in analogy with the classical waves that we see in everyday life; 
quantum waves are not at all the same beast as everyday waves. 

Often quantum waves have amplitudes that must be expressed with imaginary numbers. As our 
Geedon-photon wave amplitude was (+21) and when we square it [(+2i)]? we obtain the 2 

particles probability to be located in any spacetime (x, t). 

Again multiplying the amplitude 4 times may give any information about the meaning of surah 

«Ya Sim». 

When the amplitude is used to calculate the probability of detecting an electron or other particle 
in a particular position, the amplitude is squared. 

Most interpretations of quantum mechanics do not give physical meaning to the imaginary 
numbers that characterize quantum wave amplitudes. The appearance of imaginary numbers 
arising from the Schrodinger Equation is considered just one more unaccountably odd aspect of 
quantum mechanics. However, the Transactional Interpretation assigns special physical meaning 
to the imaginary numbers in quantum wave amplitudes. Quantum wave amplitudes are 
considered to exist in a physical reality outside of spacetime but which determines behavior of 
particles in spacetime. 

II- From electromagnetic to sound wave 

The only verses that mention the wave in surah «Ya Stn» are the following verses: 

...)29( هُمْ خَامِدُونَ‎ KÉ Shay isis V] Gils y 

29-"It was not but one shout, and immediately they were extinguished." 

ubi‏ مَتى هذا الْوَعْدُ إِنْ gla AE‏ )48( ما يَنْظرُونَ p‏ صَيْحَة ALE ial‏ وَهُمْ Gyalai‏ )49( فلا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ 

thes‏ وَلَا ull‏ أَهْلِهِمْ يَرْجِعُونَ (50) als‏ في الصور SÉ‏ هُمْ مِنَ SISSY‏ إِلَى رَبّهمْ يَنْسِلُونَ (51) قَالُوا s G‏ مَنْ Uns‏ مِنْ 

مَرْقَدِنَا هَدَا مَا وَعَدَ Gites a II‏ الْمُرْسَلُونَ (52) إِنْ كَانَتْ Y]‏ صَيْحَة Sly‏ فَإِدَا هُمْ جَمِيعٌ لَدَيْنَا 5-232 $5 )53( فَالْيَوْمَ Y‏ 
c‏ تفن شنا ولا ُجْرَونَ f]‏ ما o ass cid‏ )54( 

48-" And they say, "When is this promise, if you should be truthful? 

49-They do not await except one blast which will seize them while they are disputing. 

50-And they will not be able [to give] any instruction, nor to their people can they return. 

51-And the Horn will be blown; and at once from the graves to their Lord they will hasten. 

52-They will say, "O woe to us! Who has raised us up from our sleeping place?" [The reply will 

be], "This is what the Most Merciful had promised, and the messengers told the truth." 

53-It will not be but one blast, and at once they are all brought present before Us. 

54-50 today [i.e., the Day of Judgement] no soul will be wronged at all, and you will not be 

recompensed except for what you used to do." 

All these verses are talking about the angel shout which is in physics the sound wave. Sound 
waves are longitudinal waves that travel through a medium like air or water. 

When we think about sound, we often think about how loud it is (amplitude, or intensity) and its 
pitch (frequency). Sound is produced when an object vibrates, creating a pressure wave. This 
pressure wave causes particles in the surrounding medium (air, water, or solid) to have 
vibrational motion. As the particles vibrate, they move nearby particles, transmitting the sound 
further through the medium. The human ear detects sound waves when vibrating air particles 
vibrate small parts within the ear. 

In many ways, sound waves are similar to light waves. They both originate from a definite 
source and can be distributed or scattered using various means. Unlike light, sound waves can 
only travel through a medium, such as air, glass, or metal. This means there's no sound in space! 

Before we discuss how sound travels, it's important to understand what a medium 15 and how it 
affects sound. We know that sound can travel through gases, liquids, and solids. But how do 
these affect its movement? Sound moves most quickly through solids, because its molecules are 
densely packed together. This enables sound waves to rapidly transfer vibrations from one 
molecule to another. Sound moves similarly through water, but its velocity is over four times 
faster than it is in air. The velocity of sound waves moving through air can be further reduced by 
high wind speeds that dissipate the sound wave's energy. 


The speed of sound is dependent on the type of medium the sound waves travel through. In dry 
air at 20?C, the speed of sound is 343 m/s! In room temperature seawater, sound waves travel at 
about 1531 m/s! When physicists observe a disturbance that expands faster than the local speed 
of sound, it's called a shockwave. When supersonic aircraft fly overhead, a local shockwave can 
be observed! Generally, sound waves travel faster in warmer conditions. As the ocean warms 
from global climate, how do you think this will affect the speed of sound waves in the ocean? 

When an object vibrates, it creates kinetic energy that is transmitted by molecules in the medium. 
As the vibrating sound wave comes in contact with air particles passes its kinetic energy to 
nearby molecules. As these energized molecules begin to move, they energize other molecules 
that repeat the process. Imagine a slinky moving down a staircase. When falling down a stair, the 
slinky's motion begins by expanding. As the first ring expands forward, it pulls the rings behind 
it forward, causing a compression wave. This push and pull chain reaction causes each ring of 
the slinky's coil to be displaced from its original position, gradually transporting the original 
energy from the first coil to the last. The compressions and rarefactions of sound waves are 
similar to the slinky's pushing and pulling of its coils. 

A longitudinal wave is a wave in which the motion of the medium's particles is parallel to the 
direction of the energy transport. Sound waves in air and fluids are longitudinal waves, because 
the particles that transport the sound vibrate parallel to the direction of the sound wave's travel. 
If you push a slinky back and forth, the coils move in a parallel fashion (back and forth). 
Similarly, when a tuning fork is struck, the direction of the sound wave is parallel to the motion 
of the air particles. 

Most remote controls, especially ones for household electronics, use infrared light to 
communicate with the devices that they control (a few types of remotes use radio frequencies, 
like garage door openers). Though our eyes can't pick anything up, that little LED at the end of 
the remote is sending a signal to the device, telling it to do something! Some remotes have a 
visible light that blinks when you use it — this is just acknowledging that you pressed a button. 
The real communication happens in the infrared. 

Want to pick up that infrared signal, and find out what sort of patterns are being sent? There's a 
very simple circuit you can build to do that! There are two major components — a solar cell that 
detects light and turns it into electrical impulses, and an amplifier/speaker that turns those 
impulses into sound — plus some cables to connect them. 

Here are the specifics of the materials that you'll need: 
— A solar cell with two wire leads, around 0.5 V and 300-400mA 
— An audio cable with a 1/8" jack on one end and wire leads on the other 


— Two test leads with jumper clips on each end 

It's very straightforward to assemble these pieces into a circuit! So, what can you do with it when 
you've built it? A bunch of different things, actually, but start with checking out what your 
remote control is sending via infrared light. You'll want to turn on the amplifier/speaker and 
point the remote control at the solar cell. What happens? 

You should hear a pattern of sounds when you push a button on the remote! Try different buttons 
and see what you hear. Grab some other remotes and see how their patterns differ! If you've got 
a multi-function remote control that works with a variety of devices, see how many different 
sounds you can make with one remote. This gives you a peek at why your television remote 
doesn't automatically control your car stereo — they each send different patterns of infrared light! 

There's an even quicker way to see the signal from a remote control, using a digital camera (or 
cellphone camera). Most older or lower-end digital cameras will pick up a bit of infrared light 
along with the visible light you're trying to capture, so you'll see the remote's LED glow when 
you push buttons, point it at the camera, and watch what happens on the camera's LCD screen. 
But while this technique will tell you that the remote is working, it won't reveal the remote's 
unique pattern of light! 

Since there exist many new researches converting the photon to electricity or sound waves of 
phonons like the Light Theremin device, I would think that it may have been the angel photon 
particle of amplitude i interfered with the Geedon particle with amplitude 1 and the interaction 
caused a strong sound wave. That could have caused humans death in verse 29 surah «Ya Sin». 

And then it may have been that another interaction of the same wave amplitude 2i that revived 
them in verse 53. The photon-Geedon wave can make a sound wave as theorists and experiments 
have shown and the strong sound could be interpreted as the blast expressed (4544) and this 
Geedon-photon wave has an amplitude of 2i but when squared (22i)? we obtained —4 which is 

the snake case then in the case of sea splitting the amplitude becomes 5-21. But the reason why 

(X2i was multiplied by 4 times in surah «Ya Sin» that's what I am going to explain in the next 


Chapter VII 
Sód ص‎ 
Qaf ق‎ 

Part I 
Sód v2/Qaf ق‎ 

I- The equations 

The letter «Sód» is not combined with any other letter, it is just mentioned as a single letter. This 
letter can be transformed to a number corresponding to its ordinal number in the arabic 
alphabets. This letter is largely linked to the letter «Qaf» as we will see in the next analysis but 
each one of them is mentioned in a different surah and they don't form a combination. 

1. Sód- Ordinal number 14 in arabic alphabets; 
2. «Qaf»- Ordinal number 21 in arabic alphabets; 

So what can these two numbers represent in the mathematical language +14 and +21? 

The letter «Sód» is the opening of the surah also named «Sód». 
MÉI ذِي‎ odis ص‎ 
1-"Sód.By the Qur'an containing reminder" 

When you read the whole surah you notice that there a mention of the blast (i) again in verse 

12-"The people of Noah denied before them, and [the tribe of] ‘Aad and Pharaoh, the owner of 

13-"And [the tribe of] Thamüd and the people of Lot and the companions of the thicket [i.e., 
people of Madyan]. Those are the companies." 

14-"Each of them denied the messengers, so My penalty was justified." 

15-"And these [disbelievers] await not but one blast [of the Horn]; for it there will be no delay." 


(15) 35 لَهَا من‎ G وَاحِدَةَ‎ ie Y] ea Shu وَمَا‎ 


Then the blast will be mentioned again in surah «Qaf» in verse 20: 
20-"And the Horn will be blown. That is the Day of [carrying out] the threat." 
21-"And every soul will come, with it a driver and a witness." . 

(20) في الصُور "ذلك يَوْمُ الْوَعِيدٍ‎ a's 
The difference is that the blast expressed (444) in surah «Sód» +14 is about the wave that stroke 
these disobedient populations and caused their death — The death in my book volume | is 
defined as " the soul particle Geedon tunnels the body barrier and gets out of the body space"— 
The blast in surah «Qaf» +21 was a wave to make the soul particle move back into the body 

space and revive them again after death. 

These two types of waves are actually not the only one. A deeper look on the Quran will show 
you that from all these verses we learn that there are four (4) types of blast: 

1. The horn will be blown: The first of the blows announces the beginning of the end of the 

The verse 49 surah «Ya Sin»: 

48-"And they say, "When is this promise, if you should be truthful? 
49-They do not await except one blast which will seize them while they are disputing. 

This type of blast is mentioned also in surah An-Naml verse 87: 

(87) دَاخِرِينَ‎ i DAS ÁI UB من‎ I مَن في السَمَاوَات ومن في الأرْض‎ POR في الصُور‎ SiO 
87-"And [warn of] the Day the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever 
is on the earth will be terrified except whom Allah wills. And all will come to Him humbled." 

Let's recall the equation. The x? = —4 means x = 2i or 2i. 

We know that we can obtain the number —16 by multiplying the —4 by 4. The number -4 is x? 
(with x —21 or —21). 

So we have -16 =(x’) x 4 with x = 2i or 22i. 

The final equation becomes like this : 

-16 = (Z2iY x 4 or we can also write simply 
—16 = (2i) X 4 It means (22iy + (421) + (£21)? + (z2i). 



This equation is about quantum waves. Remember when we said previously that the amplitude of 
the Geedon-photon wave in the snake event is 2i or —2i and the magnitude of the wave I derived 
from the verse was 2 or 2. 

Also In the snake example the wave phase can be 21 which is 2 waves of amplitude "i" 
constructively interfered to form an increased amplitude of 21: i + 1 = 21 (Geedon wave and 
photon wave). 

So in the case of surah «Ya Sin» two waves interfered. So the new formed wave is of amplitude 

(+21). When we squared it (+2i} we obtained —4 in the snake case. Then when we multiplied by 
4: (+2i) x 4 we obtained —16. Here we understand that the repetition of the (22i)? four times 
has a meaning that there may be 4 types of blasts and waves. 

2. The second blast is about the death of all humans on earth 
Surah Az-Zumar verse 68 states 
68-"The Trumpet will be blown and all those in the heavens and all those on the earth will fall 
dead, except those Allah wills "to spare’. Then it will be blown again and they will rise up at 
once, looking on “in anticipation '." 
(68) يَنظْرُونَ‎ zi gà I تفخ فيه أخرَى‎ SA مَن في السَّمَاوَات وَمَن في الأرْض إلا مَن شاء‎ Gaia) gall في‎ eis 
3. The third blow announces the beginning of the resurrection of the people; 

Surah «Qaf» verse 20-"And the Horn will be blown. That is the Day of [carrying out] the threat." 

This resurrection was mentioned also right after the wave of destruction of verse 49 in surah «Ya 
Sin» in verse 53: 

53-It will not be but one blast, and at once they are all brought present before Us. 

The equation is (2i)' - 1 
Log;;(21) =? 


r = 1.77323 , = -66.1895 

Exact form 

Position in the complex plane: 

4. The fourth blow is when God wanted to finish a complete designated population that 
denied the messengers. 

Surah «Sód» verse 15-"And these [disbelievers] await not but one blast [of the Horn]; for it there 
will be no delay." 

This type also was mentioned in surah «Ya Sin» in verse 29-"It was not but one shout, and 
immediately they were extinguished." 

The equation is (2i) = 14 
Log, (14) =? 

al approximatior 

585 158655954466 

More digits 

Polar coordinates 

r = 1.53708 , 682 -66.1895' 

Exact form 

Position in the complex plane: 


II- The electromagnetic energy 
Then we can say: 

1- Wave announcing the end of human life on earth: amplitude —4; 
2- Wave causing all humans destruction: amplitude —16; 

3- Wave causing a precise population destruction: amplitude 14; 
4- Wave causing resurrection: amplitude 21. 

These four types of waves' amplitudes are generated by the Geedon-photon wave of amplitude 

We know that the light/angel (photon particle) is an electromagnetic wave but we know nothing 
about the Geedon particle (human soul) and we know nothing about the fields and energy 
generated by their interaction Geedon-photon. But here is a brief explanation of how light energy 
as an electromagnetic wave behaves. 

Anyone who has used a microwave oven knows there is energy in electromagnetic waves. 
Sometimes this energy is obvious, such as in the warmth of the summer Sun. Other times, it is 
subtle, such as the unfelt energy of gamma rays, which can destroy living cells. 

Electromagnetic waves bring energy into a system by virtue of their electric and magnetic fields. 
These fields can exert forces and move charges in the system and, thus, do work on them. 
However, there is energy in an electromagnetic wave itself, whether it is absorbed or not. Once 
created, the fields carry energy away from a source. If some energy is later absorbed, the field 
strengths are diminished and anything left travels on. 

Clearly, the larger the strength of the electric and magnetic fields, the more work they can do and 
the greater the energy the electromagnetic wave carries. In electromagnetic waves, the amplitude 
is the maximum field strength of the electric and magnetic fields (Figure below). The wave 
energy is determined by the wave amplitude. 

Energy carried by a wave depends on its amplitude. With electromagnetic waves, doubling the E 
fields and B fields quadruples the energy density u and the energy flux uc. 


For a plane wave traveling in the direction of the positive x-axis with the phase of the wave 
chosen so that the wave maximum is at the origin at t=0, the electric and magnetic fields obey 
the equations 

E, (x,t) = Eo cos (ka — wt) 
B, (x,t) = Bo cos (kx — wt) 

The energy in any part of the electromagnetic wave is the sum of the energies of the electric and 
magnetic fields. This energy per unit volume, or energy density u, is the sum of the energy 
density from the electric field and the energy density from the magnetic field. Expressions for 
both field energy densities (u, in Capacitance and ug in Inductance). Combining these the 
contributions, we obtain 

2 ٤ 
u(x,t) = ورلا‎ + ug = je E" T p; B' 

, E=cB = 3B 
The expression voo then shows that the magnetic energy density U, and 

electric energy density u, are equal, despite the fact that changing electric fields generally 
produce only small magnetic fields. The equality of the electric and magnetic energy densities 

4 m = 2 = Ba 
leads to “ int] eB Ho , 

The energy density moves with the electric and magnetic fields in a similar manner to the waves 

We can find the rate of transport of energy by considering a small time interval t. As shown in 
(Figure), the energy contained in a cylinder of length ct and cross-sectional area A passes 
through the cross-sectional plane in the interval t. 


The energy uAct contained in the electric and magnetic fields of the electromagnetic wave in the 
volume Act passes through the area A in time f. 

to the direction 

AreaA |-— cât — of wave 

—: f~ 

= 1 FS re 

— السب 

The energy passing through area A in time 5 E aM 

The energy per unit area per unit time passing through a plane perpendicular to the wave, called 
the energy flux and denoted by S, can be calculated by dividing the energy by the area A and the 
time interval f. 

, Energy passing area A in time t +) ` 
S = SY P T : = 10> ECE" = Dr EB. 
S J 

More generally, the flux of energy through any surface also depends on the orientation of the 

surface. To take the direction into account, we introduce a vector 5 , called the Poynting vector, 
=> 1 Z => 
S= Ho E B 


with the following definition: 

The cross-product of E and 8 points in the direction perpendicular to both vectors. To confirm 
that the direction of s is that of wave propagation, and not its negative, return to (Figure). Note 
that Lenz's and Faraday's laws imply that when the magnetic field shown is increasing in time, 
the electric field is greater at x than at 2+2. The electric field is decreasing with increasing x at 
the given time and location. The proportionality between electric and magnetic fields requires the 
electric field to increase in time along with the magnetic field. This is possible only if the wave is 
propagating to the right in the diagram, in which case, the relative orientations show that 
SmE B ig specifically in the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave. 

The energy flux at any place also varies in time, as can be seen by substituting u from (Figure) 
into (Figure). 3(9 c«Edcos (ka — wt) 

Because the frequency of visible light is very high, of the order of 10'* Hz, the energy flux for 
visible light through any area is an extremely rapidly varying quantity. Most measuring devices, 
including our eyes, detect only an average over many cycles. The time average of the energy flux 
is the intensity I of the electromagnetic wave and is the power per unit area. It can be expressed 

by averaging the cosine function in (Figure) over one complete cycle, which is the same as 


time-averaging over many cycles (here, T is one period): 

I = Save = لوت‎ + feos? (27 T ) dt. 
We can either evaluate the integral, or else note that because the sine and cosine differ merely in 

phase, the average over a complete cycle for «'(Ü is the same as for sin’(€),to obtain 

cos’ = 5 [cos  sin'£] = 531 = 5. where the angle brackets stand for the time-averaging operation. The 


intensity of light moving at speed c in vacuum is then found to be / Ss = 2*5 in terms of the 

maximum electric field strength Ey, which is also the electric field amplitude. Algebraic 

manipulation produces the relationship 
where B, is the magnetic field amplitude, which is the same as the maximum magnetic field 

strength. One more expression for Zwe in terms of both electric and magnetic field strengths is 


— EgBo 
1 = So. We can use 

useful. Substituting the fact that cB, = E,, the previous expression becomes 
whichever of the three preceding equations is most convenient, because the three equations are 
really just different versions of the same result: The energy in a wave is related to amplitude 
squared. Furthermore, because these equations are based on the assumption that the 
electromagnetic waves are sinusoidal, the peak intensity is twice the average intensity; that is, Io 



Part Il 
Nun & 

I- The equations 

The letter «Nün» is not combined with any other letter, it is just mentioned as a single letter. This 
letter can be transformed to a number corresponding to its ordinal number in the arabic 

1. Nün- Ordinal number 25 in arabic alphabets; 
So what can this number represent in the mathematical language ? 

The letter «Nün» is the opening of the surah named Al-Qalam: 
يَسْطْرُونَ(1)‎ 55 alll ن‎ 
]-"Nün. By the pen and what they inscribe," 

The verse 51 of the same surah states : 

(52) لَلْعَالَمِينَ‎ 553 Y) 3 لَمَجْنُونٌ )51( وَمَا‎ 43) Gol shy SSM سَمِعُوا‎ Lal ia Lei كَقَرُوا 53 تك‎ yall 5 وَإن‎ 
51-"And indeed, those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes [1.e., looks] 
when they hear the message, and they say, "Indeed, he is mad." 

The explanation of this verse is that those who disbelieve in Allah and reject his Messengers 
could almost bring you to the ground with their eyes due to their extremely sharp glances 
towards you when they hear this Qur'an that was revealed to you. While following their desires 
and turning away from the truth, they say, "Indeed, the Messenger who has brought it is a 

The verse was also translated to this version: "And the unbelievers who are bent on denying the 
truth, would all but kill you with their eyes whenever they hear this message. And they say, 


‘Surely, he [Mohammad] is a man possessed 

This meaning is about the evil eye. The term “evil eye” usually refers to harm that comes to a 
person because of someone else’s jealousy or envy towards them. Many Muslims believe it to be 
real, and some incorporate specific practices in order to protect themselves or their loved ones 
from its effects. Others reject it as superstition or an “old wives’ tale." What does Islam teach 
about the powers of the evil eye? 


The evil eye (al-ayn in Arabic) is a term used to describe misfortune that is transmitted from one 
person to another out of jealousy or envy. The misfortune of the victim may manifest as sickness, 
loss of wealth or family, or a streak of general bad luck. The person inflicting the evil eye may 
do so with or without intention. 

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, spoke about the reality of the evil eye, and advised 
his followers to recite certain verses of the Quran to protect themselves. The Prophet also 
rebuked followers who admired someone or something without praising Allah: 

“Why would one of you kill his brother? If you see something that you like, then pray for 
blessing for him." 

Unfortunately, some Muslims blame every little thing that goes “wrong” in their lives to the evil 
eye. People are accused of “giving an eye" to someone without any basis. There may even be 
instances when a biological cause, such as mental illness, is attributed to the evil eye and thus 
sound medical treatment is not pursued. One must be careful to recognize that there are 
biological disorders that may cause certain symptoms, and it is incumbent upon us to seek 
medical attention for such illnesses. We must also recognize that when things “go wrong" in our 
lives, we may be facing a test from Allah, and need to respond with reflection and repentance, 
not blame. 

Whether it is the evil eye or another cause, nothing will touch our lives without the will of God 
behind it. We must have faith that things happen in our lives for a reason, and not become overly 
obsessed with the possible effects of the evil eye. Obsessing or becoming paranoid about the evil 
eye is itself a sickness, as it prevents us from thinking positively about Allah's plans for us. 
While we may take measures to help strengthen our faith and protect ourselves from this evil, we 
cannot allow ourselves to be taken over with the whisperings of Satan. God alone can relieve our 
distress, and we must seek protection only from Him. 

The best protection against the evil eye is those that bring one closer to God through 
remembrance, prayer, and reading of the Quran. These remedies can be found in the authentic 
sources of Islamic law, not from rumors, hearsay, or un-Islamic traditions. 

Pray for blessings on another: Muslims do often say “masha’ Allah" when praising or admiring 
someone or something, as a reminder to themselves and others that all good things come from 
God. Jealousy and envy should not enter the heart of a person who believes that God-Allah has 
bestowed blessings on people according to His will. 


Ruqyah: This refers to the use of words from the Quran which are recited as a way of curing an 
afflicted person. Reciting ruqyah, as advised by the Prophet Muhammad, has the effect of 
strengthening the faith of a believer, and reminding him or her of God's power. This strength of 
mind and renewed faith may help one to resist or fight against any evil or ilIness directed his or 
her way. God says in the Quran, *We send down stage by stage in the Quran, that which is a 
healing and a mercy to those who believe..." (verse 82 surah Al-Israa). 

(82) Voted | يَزِيدُ الظَلِمِينَ‎ Yy aial iaag zl h مَا‎ coill Go 533; 

The recommended verses to read include: 

e Surah Al-Fatiha ; 
e The last two surahs of the Quran (Al-Falaq and An-Nas); 
e The verse Al-Kursi. 

Now that you understand the concept of evil eye, does that have any mathematical or physics 
interpretation using the number 25 ? 

II- The evil eye wave energy 

I already in my first book "Mathematical interpretation of the holy Quran volume 1" introduced 
and explained my idea that the human being's soul is the smallest fundamental particle with 
relative mass and I gave it the name Geedon. I chose this name because each letter stands for the 
most important characteristics of the human soul. 

is for glisten, a sparkle in your eye. 

is for extraordinary, those little things you do! 
is for eternal, your spirit will live. 

is for dream, your beacon ahead. 

is for outlook, pleasing to all. 

is for nifty, how neat! 

20 | |1150 O 

Is the Geedon a wave, or is it a particle? This seems like a very simple question. Waves are very 
distinct phenomena in our universe, as are particles. And we have different sets of mathematics 
to describe each of them. So, if we want to go about describing the entire universe, this appears 
to be a very handy classification scheme — except when it isn't. And it isn't in one of the most 
important aspects of our universe: the subatomic world. 


When it comes to things like photons and electrons, the answer to the question "Do they behave 
like waves or particles?" is ... yes. 

At first glance—and even at deeper glances—, waves and particles are very different. A particle 
is, as best as I can put it, a thing. It's a small, single, finite object. You can hold a particle in your 
hand. You can throw a particle at someone else and watch it bounce off of them. It's localized. 
You can point to a particle and say, "Look, the particle 15 right there, exactly where I'm pointing." 

Particles have momentum and positions. Particles will move in straight lines until something 
changes their direction. Particles can bounce off of other particles, and they can change 
trajectories. Think of bullets or speeding cars. They're not literally small, subatomic particles, 
but they act like particles when they hit other things.. Many physical interactions can be 
described simply as particles bouncing off of one another. 

On the other hand, waves are almost completely different. They're not localized. If you want to 
indicate where a wave is, you have to move your hands around vaguely gesturing, saying, "It's all 
over there." You can't hold the wave in your hand. Instead, the wave passes over, around or even 
through your hand. 

Waves are oscillations, meaning they wiggle. They transport energy from one place to another. 
Waves don't really bounce off of, but instead interfere with, one another. Sometimes, when the 
waves come together just right, crests meet crests, and you get double waves. This is called 
"constructive interference." But sometimes, the waves cancel each other out, and you get nothing 
at all — an interaction known as "destructive interference." Waves can turn corners, and when 
they pass through narrow openings, they can fan out, or diffract. There are many types of waves 
in our universe, like ocean waves and waves on a Slinky. 

Both waves and particles are described by very, very different sets of mathematical equations. 
So, if you want to describe something scientifically, first you have to decide if it's a wave or a 
particle; then you can pull out the correct mathematical tools to make predictions about how it 
will behave and act. And for a couple hundred years, this line of thinking was a fine approach to 
solving all the physics problems in the world. 

The problems with this approach started with light itself. In the early 1800s, the English scientist 
Thomas Young played some games with light by shining some beams through two narrow 
openings onto a screen behind them. What he found was a classic interference pattern with 
stripes of varying intensity on the screen. This is exactly what water waves would do when 
passing through two narrow channels. Some of the light waves would add together, and some of 


the waves would cancel out, leaving a striped pattern on the back screen. This is pretty solid 
evidence that light acts like a wave, because this is exactly what waves do. 

This idea was bolstered a few decades later when Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell 
figured out that electricity and magnetism were actually two sides of the same electromagnetic 
coin and, in the process, realized that light is waves of electricity and magnetism. That gave a 
conclusive picture as to what's doing the waving when it comes to light: its electricity and 
magnetism. Light is a wave. 

Then, in the late 1800s, German theoretical physicist Max Planck threw a monkey wrench into 
everything when he studied blackbody radiation. To explain his observations, he proposed that 
light can be emitted only in discrete little chunks. A few years later, Albert Einstein threw his 
weight into the matter by studying the photoelectric effect, and proposed that not only is light 
emitted in little chunks, but light itself is made of little packets of energy called photons. In other 
words, light was behaving as a particle in these experiments. 

So, different kinds of physics experiments were revealing different kinds of properties of light. 
Sometimes, light acted like a wave, and sometimes, light acted like a particle. Which was it? The 
answer is that it's both. And it gets even worse. 

In the 1920s, a young physicist named Louis de Broglie made a radical suggestion: Since light 
has energy, momentum and a wavelength, and matter has energy and momentum, maybe matter 
has a wavelength, too. That's something that's easy to say but hard to wrap your head around. 
What does it mean for matter to have a wavelength? Or was de Broglie just terribly mistaken? 

It turns out that de Broglie nailed it. At first blush, you may wonder how electrons could be 
anything but particles, because you can literally hold them in your hand, and they do a lot of 
bouncing. When you shoot electrons through two slits, you end up with the exact same 
interference pattern that you do with lights: alternating vertical stripes of more and fewer 

What's going on? Electrons are acting like waves when they don't look anything like waves. 
What's doing the waving? 

The answer comes through quantum mechanics, and describing that answer involves interpreting 
some of the deep mathematics. The most common picture, called the Copenhagen interpretation, 
says that the wave that we associate with matter is a wave of probability representing all the 
possible places where a particle might be the next time we go looking for it. This range of 
probability is described by an equation that has the same mathematical bones as that of any other 


wave equation. In this picture, that's what's doing the waving: the possible places the particle 
could be. 

So, as the electrons pass through the slits in de Broglie's experiment, they can't exactly decide 
where they want to be. Those waves of uncertainty crash into each other and interfere, merging 
and canceling each other out just like any other waves. Then, when an electron's wave hits the 
back screen, the particle finally has to decide where to land. Slowly, electron by electron, the 
wave pattern builds up. 

Just like light, sometimes matter acts like a particle, and sometimes, it acts like a wave. So, are 
light and matter made of waves or particles? The answer is both, sort of. 

The Geedon particle has as all particles a wave behaviour. Since the evil eye is a human soul's 
envy towards another human soul, then it could be a Geedon-Geedon interaction through the 
wave behaviour. 1 Geedon of amplitude 1 + 1 Geedon of amplitude i — 21. 

The envious person has his Geedon soul particle that vibrates creating waves that propagates and 
transfers energy to the person envied soul particle. 

The wave energy transfer theory can help us understand this evil eye phenomenon. 

In energy wave theory, a photon is generated by the vibration of particles, traveling 
perpendicular to the direction of vibration. 

Photon Geedon vibrating Photon energy 


to other Geedons 

According to this theory particles are described as waves of energy, creating standing waves 
from in-waves and out-waves. The out-waves of these particles are longitudinal waves, but when 
a particle vibrates, it also creates a secondary, transverse wave. A faster vibration causes a 
photon with a shorter wavelength and greater energy and a slower vibration causes a photon with 
a longer wavelength and lower energy. This results in the different types of waves seen in the 
electromagnetic spectrum (e.g. x-rays versus radio waves). 


The photon 15 typically described as an electromagnetic (EM) wave, such as the image below. 
These are the two components of the wave (longitudinal and transverse). Longitudinal waves 
constantly flow from particles, causing an electric field even when a particle is not in motion. 
When a particle spins or vibrates, a transverse wave also forms and is recognized as the magnetic 


Electric field 

® Jf 
| TOO 

Magnetic field 

EM wave of the photon 

There are a handful of different ways that photons are both created by particles and absorbed by 
particles. But in all cases, it is a change of wave forms between longitudinal wave energy and 
transverse energy and vice versa. Unlike a particle which has wave centers that create standing, 
longitudinal waves measured as mass, the photon is a packet of traveling waves. Therefore, it 
has energy but not mass. 

Waves may change forms, but they will be in full compliance with the conservation of energy: 

Longitudinal to Transverse — photon creation seen in emission from atoms (spontaneous and 
stimulated) and from particle annihilation 

Transverse to Longitudinal — photon absorption seen in electrons changing orbitals in an atom, 
being ionized from an atom, or the creation of a particle and antiparticle in the pair production 

Photon wavelengths and energies were calculated using the transverse equations. The equations 
for wavelength and energy were derived from the same energy wave equation as longitudinal 
energy for particles, which connects particles and photons and how they can transfer energy from 
one form to another (transverse to longitudinal and vice versa). 

The Geedon is a standing, stationary wave, remaining in a constant position. An example might 
be an ocean wave that has a peak that is constantly five feet from the shoreline, never traveling to 
the shore. The wave moves up and down, peaking at a few feet above sea level and then 
dropping a few feet below sea level, always in the same place. A standing wave can form when 
two waves of equal amplitude and frequency are traveling in opposite directions. 


In energy wave theory, particles are standing, longitudinal waves of energy. Standing waves 
form from the combination of two waves traveling in opposite directions, as a result of wave 
reflection from a combination of one or more wave centers. From Laws #1 and #2 of the theory 
laws, energy travels as longitudinal waves in spacetime and travels in the direction of motion 
transferring energy from one granule to the next. From Law #3, when this energy reaches a wave 
center, it reflects energy backward. This creates a standing wave, which is stored energy. 

The spherical, reflected out-wave creates a standing wave that is declining in amplitude as it 
moves further from the source of reflection. When the amplitude of the out-wave declines to an 
amplitude that is less than in-wave amplitude, standing waves transition back to traveling waves. 
This creates a spherical radius for the particle in which the volume it contains is standing wave 
energy. Beyond the radius, waves continue to travel as traveling waves and will be the cause of 
electrical forces. The energy reflected by a single wave center, with one standing wave 
wavelength as its perimeter, matches the properties of the neutrino. 

*—- amplitude (A) 


Single Wave Center - Fundamental Particle 

(spherical longitudinal waves represented by 

sine wave icons) 

From Law #4 of the theory laws, wave centers may combine if they are in stable positions at 
nodes in a standing wave. This is the point of minimal amplitude in a standing wave. There are 
two nodes per wavelength in a standing wave. Each position is the opposite wave phase from the 
other, creating destructive waves. A combination of wave centers at these nodes and their phase 
on the waves determines particles and antiparticles. From Law #5 of the theory laws, particle 
energy and mass are calculated as the volume of wave energy. In the case of particles, it is 
standing wave (stored) energy that has increased in both amplitude and volume as a result of 
multiple wave centers reflecting waves. The energy significantly increases as more wave centers 
are added to the formation. 


two nodes per 

particle antiparticle 

Multiple Wave Centers — Formation of Nevv 

According to this theory the neutrino is possibly the wave center. The neutrino, also referred to 
as the electron neutrino, is the lightest and smallest of any elementary particle that has been 
discovered thus far. It was first proposed by Wolfgang Pauli in 1930 and then detected in 
experiments in 1956. It is an electrically neutral particle that is found in the weak force, nuclear 
reactions (such as the process in stars) and some particle collisions. The majority of neutrinos 
found on Earth originate from the Sun, referred to as solar neutrinos. In fact, billions of neutrinos 
pass through an area the size of a human fingernail each second. Neutrinos are incredibly small, 
and because they are neutral and not attracted to particles, they rarely hit another particle in an 
atom. They can pass through the entire Earth without any collision. 

A strange property of the neutrino (v,) is the ability to oscillate to become larger and increase 
mass like the Geedon that I studied in the volume 1 of my book. It can become a muon neutrino 
(v) or a tau neutrino (v,). Both of these larger particles are still neutral and belong to the neutrino 
family. The three neutrinos are also a part of the lepton family of particles, which include the 
electrically charged electrons (electron, muon electron and tau electron). 

© -- © 

Neutrino oscillation between three generations. 

In energy wave theory, the neutrino is the likely candidate for a single wave center, which makes 
it the fundamental particle that creates other particles. Other particles are made from a collection 
of wave centers (K) in a particle, similar to how atomic elements are formed from a collection of 
protons in a nucleus. A single wave center reflecting spherical, longitudinal waves to create 
standing waves would look like this: 


Radius (r) 


Neutrino - Standing Waves of Energy from a 
Single Wave Center 

I would propose the existence of a smaller fundamental elementary particle than the neutrino 
with relative mass which is the Geedon soul particle able to oscillate and increase its mass from 
negative mass to positive mass, when it becomes larger mass it interacts with other particles and 
can make a Geedon-Geedon interaction in evil eye case. The Geedon also can be the origin of all 
creation of other particles in the human body. 

In the Energy Wave Theory Laws, there are five laws that describe the behavior of matter and 
forces in the universe. They are summarized as follows: 

1. Waves travel throughout the aether at a defined wave speed and wavelength as wavelets 
to form a wavefront according to Huygen's principle; 

2. Aether granules are the medium that respond to wave energy such each one transfers its 
momentum to the next granule, in the direction of motion; 

3. Aether wave centers reflect wave energy, and the combination of in-waves and out-waves 
creates standing waves; 

4. Aether wave centers move to minimize amplitude on the wave, preferring the node 
position within a standing wave; 

5. Wave energy is proportional to amplitude, wavelength, wave speed and density of a 
defined volume. 

The amplitude of the Geedon-Geedon wave as I explained previously is 21. In the case of surah 
«Nün», the number 25 is the new amplitude obtained after that interaction that causes the evil 
eye wave, we can not know if it is 25 nanometer or picometer or what unit measurement could 
be. Let's explain the evil eye as a wave of amplitude 25 resulting from the first Geedon 
(amplitude i) vibration that transfers energy to another person Geedon particle (amplitude 1) 
causing a third wave of Geedon-Geedon (amplitude 21). The energy transferred can cause the 
decay of some other particles in the body of the second Geedon and the decay might be the body 


damage as the sickness. The number 25 could be interpreted as a new Geedon-Geedon wave 
amplitude resulting later. 

Now we know that reading some surahs could protect from evil eye's wave and the explanation 
for that 1s that these surahs also create vibration and waves that interfere with the evil eye wave 
and that causes the destruction of the wave which scientists call destructive interference between 

Waves may combine, increasing or decreasing their amplitude. This is known as wave 
interference. The interference of two or more waves of equal frequency and phase, resulting in 
their mutual reinforcement and producing a single amplitude equal to the sum of the amplitudes 
of the individual waves. 

Particle 1 Combined Particle 

Particle 2 و‎ 

The interference of two or more waves of equal frequency and opposite phase, resulting in their 
cancellation where negative displacement of one coincides with positive displacement of the 
other. This is a particle and its antiparticle. 

Particte 1 Combined Particle 

Particie 2 ^ 

The amplitude is the maximum disturbance of the medium from its equilibrium. In the case of a 
wave in a horizontal string, this value is identical with half of the vertical distance between the 
wave's crest and its trough. 

The distance between the crest and the equilibrium position is equal to the distance between the 
trough and the equilibrium position. This distance is known as the amplitude of the wave, and is 
the characteristic height of the wave, above or below the equilibrium position. Normally the 
symbol A is used to represent the amplitude of a wave (in picture below amplitude is letters 
a,b,c,d,e,f) . The SI unit of amplitude is the metre (m). 




In our surah «Nün» the number 25 is the result of the equation (2i)’= 25. The solution to this 
equation is Log); (25) =? 



Exact result: 


log(2) + Ea 

Decimal approximation: 

0.75687419259979906017316451367324030588146452174254379473681 1607... 

1.71521321 145848403586180790978773485407521 155983781 170536652105 Li 

More digits 

Polar coordinates: 

r — 1.87478 >» @ = —66.1895? 



Now that this third volume comes to an end, I would like the reader to pay attention that all I 
exposed in it is not the absolute truth about the meaning of the verses that I studied. All my 
mathematical analysis are scientific trials to uncover the mystery of this holy book "the words of 
God". I don't have the intention to convince you of my results as much as I have the intention to 
make you stop and think. 

All muslims scholars' trials to explain the mysterious letters "Mugqatta at " were not a convincing 
final understanding of their meaning or the reason for their existence in the opening of some 
surah. My mathematical and physics method is a new revolutionary way to look on them that 
conducted me to a new meaning never achieved before and opening the horizon to vast fields of 
studies like the link between the increase of using interest in a given society and their population 
decrease, the creation of a better mathematical model for sadaqah and zakat in a society. 

The more we use any type of science to study the Quran , the more we get amazed by the 
richness and the endless capacity for this book to give solutions to all humans at any time. 

I have no doubt that I might have made mistakes in my interpretations but I still remain 
comfortably confident from too much evidence that these letters are equations and functions that 
model many life realities and need more attention and deeper analysis in other books. 

Many muslims expressed their feeling to wonder who is going to demystify these letters. For me, 
after all my research, I found out that it's not important who is going to reveal the meanings of 
these letters as much as how we are going to use those meanings and take advantage of them 
after we succeed to uncover them. 

The meanings that I deduced from these letters is just the first stone in a mathematical and 
physical theory tower that is not built yet. 

A mathematical theory is a mathematical model that is based on axioms. It can also 
simultaneously be a body of knowledge (e.g., based on known axioms and definitions), and so in 
this sense can refer to an area of mathematical research within the established framework. 

Explanatory depth is one of the most significant theoretical virtues in mathematics. For example, 
set theory has the ability to systematize and explain number theory and geometry/analysis. 
Despite the widely logical necessity (and self-evidence) of arithmetic truths such as 1<3, 242-4, 
6-1—5, and so on, a theory that just postulates an infinite blizzard of such truths would be 
inadequate. Rather an adequate theory is one in which such truths are derived from explanatorily 


prior axioms, such as the Peano Axioms or set theoretic axioms, which lie at the foundation of 
ZFC axiomatic set theory. The singular accomplishment of axiomatic set theory is its ability to 
give a foundation for the derivation of the entirety of classical mathematics from a handful of 
axioms. The reason set theory is so prized is because of its explanatory depth. So a mathematical 
theory which just postulates an infinity of arithmetic truths without explanatory depth would not 
be a serious competitor to Peano arithmetic or Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. 

Example is Chaos theory that is a branch of mathematics focusing on the study of chaos — 
dynamical systems whose apparently random states of disorder and irregularities are actually 
governed by underlying patterns and deterministic laws that are highly sensitive to initial 
conditions. Chaos theory is an interdisciplinary theory stating that, within the apparent 
randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, 
constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization. The butterfly 
effect, an underlying principle of chaos, describes how a small change in one state of a 
deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state (meaning that there 
is sensitive dependence on initial conditions). A metaphor for this behavior is that a butterfly 
flapping its wings in Texas can cause a hurricane in China. 

Another example is Game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategic interaction 
among rational decision-makers It has applications in all fields of social science, as well as in 
logic, systems science and computer science. Originally, it addressed zero-sum games, in which 
each participant's gains or losses are exactly balanced by those of the other participants. In the 
21* century, game theory applies to a wide range of behavioral relations, and is now an umbrella 
term for the science of logical decision making in humans, animals, and computers. 

Modern game theory began with the idea of mixed-strategy equilibria in two-person zero-sum 
games and its proof by John von Neumann. Von Neumann's original proof used the Brouwer 
fixed-point theorem on continuous mappings into compact convex sets, which became a standard 
method in game theory and mathematical economics. His paper was followed by the 1944 book 
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, co-written with Oskar Morgenstern, which 
considered cooperative games of several players. The second edition of this book provided an 
axiomatic theory of expected utility, which allowed mathematical statisticians and economists to 
treat decision-making under uncertainty. 

Game theory was developed extensively in the 1950s by many scholars. It was explicitly applied 
to evolution in the 1970s, although similar developments go back at least as far as the 1930s. 
Game theory has been widely recognized as an important tool in many fields. As of 2014, with 
the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences going to game theorist Jean Tirole, eleven game 


theorists have won the economics Nobel Prize. John Maynard Smith was awarded the Crafoord 
Prize for his application of evolutionary game theory. 

My last remark is that I want you to notice the phonetic similarity of the pronunciation of the 
english word «equation» or the french word «équation» and the pronunciation of the arabic word 
«Mugqatta' at». They have 4 letters in common: q, u, a and t which is an absolute randomness but 
worth to note. 

Finally I would suggest to muslim scholars to change the term «Muqatta at» to a new term that is 
«Muadalet» an arabic word meaning equations. 

I am deeply convinced from all these equations we can develop a mathematical theory with a 
name «Geedon theory» that studies all the equations that model the Geedon human soul particle 
in its different states and stages of creation, interactions, developments through life, end of life , 
resurrection and spacetime after resurrection. this theory can open doors in our muslim and 
international societies for social, economic and many other science branches to spectacular 


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